Kevin Pietersen Resigns As England Captain And Peter Moores sacked as Coach

Maybe he wanted to concentrate on his batting.
Strauss as captain please. The man who should have got it in August.
No he shouldn't. ECB wanted to get rid of the split captaincy, so it had to be Pietersen.
But why did they want to do that? The Vaughan/Collingwood thing was working, until we became crap in tests and Vaughan resigned. It should have been Strauss as Test captain with Colly staying on as ODI captain.
It serves England right for appointing such a volatile, unpredictable character as captain, one who has major problems with authority and expressing his views in the correct manner. He could have aired his views to the ECB behind closed doors but he had to air them in public and blow the whole issue out of proportion. The appointment of Pietersen, and I know this is easy in hindsight, was diabolical as he was not the best man for the job but merely a convinience because he plays in all three forms of the game. I believe it was Mushtaq Ahmed (speaking of Imran Khan) who remarked that captaincy is about uniting the team rather than fielding positions and bowling changes and with this, he has created one of the greatest divisions seen in recent time.

As to who I think should be Head Coach, I think Andy Flower should be given the permanent role. I think this will decrease the importances of the Head Coach, a role which has little meaning with the introduction of batting coaches, bowling coaches, etc. The reduction of prestige for the position of Head Coach may cause fewer clash of titan powers within the same unit. Athers seems to agree with me...

cricinfo said:
"I question whether there should actually be a head coach. There is already a batting coach, a bowling coach, one for fielding and one for tactics so perhaps what is needed is an overall manager to coordinate the roles. I'd like to see the importance of the head coach downgraded. The ECB will probably look for a stand-in to go on the tour of the Caribbean and make their decision on the permanent successor to Moores after that."
Former England captain and now Times correspondent, Michael Atherton
That statement told us nothing that we didn't already know then.

Pietersen resigned. Moores was sacked. Strauss the skipper for the Windies Test series.

Shame he didn't accept questions really.
damn I thought WICB had problems. nothing compared to ECB, hope this keeps up during the England tour of WI so that we have a better chance.
After watching that statement then, I am still no wiser to what acutally happened, it says KP resigned, however, I have a feeling he was sacked with Moores if im honest, the ECB will have to deal with them both in the same way, so if they sacked Moores and KP resigned, that means that the ECB are on KP's side, however, I think that is all nonsense.
What else is there to say? It's funny, England cricket always has something going on. They can't stick to a single keeper, they can't stick to a spinner, they STICK to a failing middle order, and they can't stick with a captain either it seems. There's too much crap going on over there tbh, and its funny.
I'm beginning to think this could actually have been a good thing. All the ex-players on the radio have been saying that Pietersen wasn't suited to captaincy. He was too spontaneous in his decisions, his ego got in the way and he caused a lot of divisions in the team. Strauss to be our Brearly and bring home the Ashes.
What else is there to say? It's funny, England cricket always has something going on. They can't stick to a single keeper, they can't stick to a spinner, they STICK to a failing middle order, and they can't stick with a captain either it seems. There's too much crap going on over there tbh, and its funny.

Its not that they Stick to it, its just they can't find the Perfect team, and if im honest, the team of 2005 should be the one to stick too, however, retirements play there part, so the ECB have to search for the replacemnets...
I reckon we should split the captaincy further.

Test captain at home: Marcus Trescothick
Test captain away: Andrew Strauss
Trescothick's said he's not coming back to international cricket under any circumstances. So that's not going to happen.

How about bringing Rob Key into the ODi side and give him the captaincy? He's handled one day captaincy brilliantly with Kent, leading them to victories in the FP Trophy and Twenty20 Cup, he'd be a great choice I feel. We need an OD opener as well. He could do a great job I reckon.

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