Kevin Pietersen Resigns As England Captain And Peter Moores sacked as Coach

So yeah, England will now be captained by a guy whose nickname is Muppet, lol...

joking aside, he seems like an alright option, but he's got his hands full given Englands recent outcomes and I reckon that may mess his batting up
The more I read about this, the more I'm convinced that the ECB actually got it spot on. Obviously we have to ignore the fact that they should have sorted this problem out months ago and it should never have been made public but the action they have now taken in effectively dismissing the coach and the captain is the right one. Moores because he is from the Kevin Keegan, management by soundbite school of coaching and Pietersen because, by all accounts, he was a lousy captain.
The best player does not make the best captain. Someone as talented and with as big an ego as KP needs to focus on their game 100% and not have to bother with lesser mortals. Strauss has the experience needed to do the job although I have concerns about his form. True he scored big in India but that was by really restricting his shots. Can he continue to show that discipline especially with the pressure of captaincy on his shoulders?
I really don't give a damn who the ODI captain is; the most important question for me is who the new coach is. Not the thread for it I know but I don't think Flower has enough experience, Moody would be ok but I'd love to see a Bracewell or a Whatmore or a Chappel get the job.
Believe me, from what I've heard from both the South African public and from what Graeme Smith has said in the Press, he wont be wanted in South Africa.
and I'm pretty certain, from reading his Autobiography that he won't be wanting to go back to South Africa. He'll remain an England player, there's no doubting that, and he clearly wasn't the right man for the job, it was worth a go, as he's the only man capable of skippering all 3 forms of the game, but it hasn't worked out. Now to go back to Mr Dependable Andrew Strauss. As Bumble said on Sky Sports News, the best players don't make the best captains, Ian Botham, Andrew Flintoff, Kevin Pietersen, sure he mentioned a few others as well. I think it's good for the England team that Strauss is in charge, it's just a shame that the whole saga has left a bitter taste in the mouth, and left us in abit of a mess frankly. I'm sure that'll all be sorted by the time they come back from the Carribbean anyway.
Actually Sky was showing stats that shows in the 6 games (?) he has done as a captain, he averages around 55. He test average when playing as non captain is something like 42?
Aye, he had a brilliant series as captain against Pakistan in 2006, the series before the Ashes where Flintoff was out injured. IIRC, he got a couple of hundreds, one at Lords, and then another at Old Trafford.
I just remember feeling totally pissed that the ECB gave Flintoff rather than Strauss the Ashes gig in 2006. We were all screaming that Strauss was the right man for the job then.
Windies at the moment is a good place to cut your teeth and get some confidence-boosting wins (we hope) but I'd actually like to see a tough series to prepare England better for the summer.
I've got a feeling that Strauss is going to be one inspirational leader for some reason. Just looked really really confident in those photos, even in such harsh times.
If 2006 is anything to go by, Strauss bats better with the armband. He'll be great.
i don't think England team is getting in the right direction it has came back from where it started after 2006 ashes defeat....
The more I read about this, the more I'm convinced that the ECB actually got it spot on. Obviously we have to ignore the fact that they should have sorted this problem out months ago and it should never have been made public but the action they have now taken in effectively dismissing the coach and the captain is the right one. Moores because he is from the Kevin Keegan, management by soundbite school of coaching and Pietersen because, by all accounts, he was a lousy captain.
The best player does not make the best captain. Someone as talented and with as big an ego as KP needs to focus on their game 100% and not have to bother with lesser mortals. Strauss has the experience needed to do the job although I have concerns about his form. True he scored big in India but that was by really restricting his shots. Can he continue to show that discipline especially with the pressure of captaincy on his shoulders?
I really don't give a damn who the ODI captain is; the most important question for me is who the new coach is. Not the thread for it I know but I don't think Flower has enough experience, Moody would be ok but I'd love to see a Bracewell or a Whatmore or a Chappel get the job.

Bracewell is a nut job, trust me you don't want him. He is the Tom Cruise of cricket.
Well, i personally feel that someone like Freddie Flintoff could have made a better captain than Strauss.
And regarding KP's decision, it was so un-KP like. Was there any need to make a mountain out of a molehill?
Well, i personally feel that someone like Freddie Flintoff could have made a better captain than Strauss.
And regarding KP's decision, it was so un-KP like. Was there any need to make a mountain out of a molehill?
Freddie was a crap captain last time. He can't concentrate on all three elements.
I worry about the ODI captaincy. Strauss is not a ODI player, especially now that he's much more restricted. I suppose the only man who is confirmed of his place and hasn't been captain yet is Owais Shah. Collingwood won't be given the captaincy since he resigned last year and Flintoff has proven he's no captain.

However, with the test captaincy we have the right man in Strauss. He has had previous experience and done very well so hopefully he can get things back on track in the West Indies.
Well, i personally feel that someone like Freddie Flintoff could have made a better captain than Strauss.

Then you know nothing about English cricket. He could not deal with the added responsibility and has too many off the field antics that would give the press a 365 day birthday

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