Kevin Pietersen Resigns As England Captain And Peter Moores sacked as Coach

Trescothick's said he's not coming back to international cricket under any circumstances. So that's not going to happen.

How about bringing Rob Key into the ODi side and give him the captaincy? He's handled one day captaincy brilliantly with Kent, leading them to victories in the FP Trophy and Twenty20 Cup, he'd be a great choice I feel. We need an OD opener as well. He could do a great job I reckon.

Now that would be a very decent Idea to be honest, Key has shown his skill at captaincy, and we all know he is very handy with the bat. ;)
Oh, my mistake, I swore I remembered Key leading Kent to 2 trophy victories. Seems I was mistaken, and Essex did indeed win that final :p. Apoligies.
Strauss captained England well the last times he did it. He's the best choice. Much better than Flintoff who has enough to worry about with his batting and bowling. Pietersen was doing a good job mind you.
Well after Pietersen the next most logical choice was Strauss. I personally would invest it in a younger player like SA did with Graeme Smith. Maybe Cook or dare i say Bell. Well the good news Harmison isn't captain.
My theory was right:

"He hung on and he hung one, he didn't want to go. It wasn't until 1715 GMT that he finally resigned when he was given the ultimatum by the ECB that either you resign or you are going to be sacked," Agnew told BBC Radio 5 Live"
KP didn't lose the captaincy. He resigned. He was never sacked by the ECB, leaving the door open for a return to the captaincy when the new coach comes in.

That's what everyone needs to understand. He was not sacked, he personally resigned. Everyone is thinking that both were sacked, and the ECB have been criticized for doing so. Well, in Australia anyway. And Gooch ain't a popular person in Australia at the moment pinning the blame on Warne which is ridiculous.
Sky Sports News seem to believe that Andrew Strauss is the captain in all forms of the game =/ Doesn't make sense to me, we may need a new ODi opener, but there are better options than Strauss. I'd be more than willing to split the captaincy and give Rob Key the job.
Strauss > Bell in ODIs.

Actually Belly needs a lay off and be laid.
I've had a change of heart regarding Ian Bell, and just made the following post onto another forum. What you reckon?

Rob Key should come into the England team in place of Bell, with Shah coming in for Collingwood. This would allow Cook to drop down to 3 where he's had most success in his Test career, and also protects him from he new ball somewhat, which could help with the clear technical deficincies that he consistently shows. A team of:

Strauss (C)
Prior (WK)

Would be far more effective. Bell and Collingwood need to go back to county cricket and get some runs. They've not looked confident in the past year or 2 and are continually having to play career saving innings to save their arses, something that Collingwood is becoming quite a dab hand at. Neither of them look good enough to win England the Ashes atm, and I think Key and Shah could just be the guys to come in and do well. Shah's chance in the Test side is long overdue, and Key definitely deserves another go. I'd also get Key into the ODi and T20 sides and give him the captaincy as it's fairly obvious that there's no-one else in the squad capable of doing the job atm.

England are a mess atm, and it needs to be sorted swiftly or we'll just get hammered 5-0 by the Aussies again. They're going to be up for this series after losing a home series to South Africa, and we're going to have to be at our best to match them. If we go in with players like Bell, Collingwood and Read we'll get hammered. Bell's proven himself to be a bottler, Collingwood always looks woefully out of touch and there are 3-4 keepers in the country that would do a far better job than Read. Foster, Davies, Prior and Mustard all spring instantly to mind.

We need to get Jonathan Trott into the ODi side as well. Get Bell out, get Cook out, and try and build an actual decent OD team, not a team to help the failing test players make runs. I'd personally go for:

Key (C)
Prior (WK)

Bell, Collingwood and Cook all go out, with Key, Trott and Bopara having a permanent spot in the side. Flintoff's not good enough to bat at 5, get the guy who behind Pietersen has the best List A average in England in. Then the ever impressive Ravi Bopara in at 6 with Flintoff in at 7. It won't happen though, the England team will remain the mates club with Bell, Collingwood, Strauss, Cook, all getting a go in the ODi side, resulting in us continually losing matches. If we're going to actually achieve anything in ODi's we need to pick the right team, and we're not doing that atm, and bringing Strauss back in will only make things worse.

Shall I send my job application into the ECB? :p
Can you please tell me these clear techincal deficiencies Cook shows. He's not really struggling with the new ball at all, it's converting starts that is his problem. You can't drop Colly, he hit a hundred in India 2 games ago, what would that say to the players?
I'm not really sure that Key is good enough but there is no-one really forcing the ECB's hand here so I would go with him instead of Bell, as harsh as it would be to have Shah jumped in the queue again.

Good ODI team but I would swap Trott and Prior. Put Fred at 5 actually, he did well there last year and Prior at 7. Wouldn't play Bopara ahead of Collingwood either. Strauss could work down the order but it means the ECB will fearsome tweak Trott off as usual.

I emailed the ECB but I didn't send them my application, I just gave them a link to trotts cricinfo page.
They're both wrong here to be honest. KP didn't need to publicise it, he was wrong by doing that. Moores shouldn't have done things behind KP's back. Moores needed to be sacked anyway, but it's a shame to see KP removed as captain. Strauss is the best choice for tests but I agree with Dan here that he shouldn't be ODI captain. He shouldn't be playing ODI's. Bring Rob Key into the side and make him captain! :D
Some odd rumbles coming from the England players today as Bell is quoted as saying that he didn't notice there being such a divide between Coach and captain and has said that the England players were mostly unaware which to me seems very strange seeming as though there was meant to be a big dressing room divide which would have been obvious.
Putting Collingwood in the same boat as Bell is ridiculous since Collingwood is a much more proven performer, has shown some form as of late and has performed when most needed i.e South Africa 2008, Adelaide and another Australian ground, CB series. Bell's a bottler.

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