Kevin Pietersen Resigns As England Captain And Peter Moores sacked as Coach

KP didn't lose the captaincy. He resigned. He was never sacked by the ECB, leaving the door open for a return to the captaincy when the new coach comes in. Pretty sure Straussy will get the tenure for the Windies away series though, and if he performs well, possibly the Home Windies series and then the Ashes. He should have led England in Australia in 2006/7 so maybe he'll get his chance here. I can see KP getting his job back though tbh.

Lost, resigned, either way, he's left the captaincy post. He could return, that would be good for England, but if the ECB choose to nominate a new skipper, then they'll be in a bit of trouble.
You don't issue an ultimatum if you want to keep your job...

Problem is, KP didn't need the job. He didn't need to be England skipper, England needed him to be skipper. He was their best bet for the Ashes. How many players in the current England setup can stand up and look Australia in the eyes? How many can be to England what Smith was to RSA or Dhoni/Kumble were to India?

KP was England's hope, and the ECB has messed it up by not giving him what he wants.

Warne made it clear that if he was going to captain the Rajasthan Royals, he was going to do it without a coach. I think he had similar powers while at Hampshire. Both times he didn't ask to be skipper, but the club needed him, and so gave into his demands. England should have done the same here.

KP's lost captaincy, no big deal to him. England will be the ones to suffer from this...
First time I've ever seen you post something that couldn't be anymore true.

Can't say the same about Dan though who seems to have turned his back on his idol and favourite player. Not like Pietersen's ***** a women, murdered someone or cheated on his wife either. I'd never turn my back on Hayden, sure I want him to retire but i'll never lose respect for Hayden.
ROFL. I've not turned my back on him. He's still comfortably my favourite player, he's just made himself out to be a tool. I'm not going to hold it against him, Moores is a rubbish coach but I don't agree with the way that Pietersen went about his attempt to get him sacked. His opinions about Moores should have remained private within the ECB. Just because he's my favourite player doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he does. I've NOT turned my back on him.
In your signature, you are implying that one Kevin Pietersen is a 'tool'. It's confirmed... you have turned your back on Kevin Pietersen. :D:p
He is a tool. The way he conducted himself in this whole affair has been ridiculous. I wouldn't have minded if he forced Moores out by discussing it with ECB management and allowing them to make a decision. He didn't, he made an ultimatum to the ECB and gave them no choice but to sack Moores, and then ended up resigning anyway. I've not turned my back on him, I'd like to see him back as Skipper more than anyway. I just don't agree with how he's handled the situation. That's all.

Would you have been completely behind Hayden if he'd been in the same situation? (And no, I don't mean "behind" in that way, don't go getting excited ;))
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They're both top blame! It's not KP's fault more than Moores'. Moores went behind KP's back and changed the team while Pietersen was unawares and unable to change the team. He had Vaughan dropped while KP was on holiday. That's absolutely ridiculous. That is totally out of line, and frankly I don't want anyone with that kind of attitude coaching the England team if he's going to have such disregard for his captain and essentially treat the captain as a worse human being with a less valid opinion than him.

However, KP should never have gone to the press with his complaints and probably shouldn't have made the ultimatum. He would have been able to retain far much more face if he just stated what went on, been seen in the correct light and then Moores would have been vilified. But this discounts the fact that the ECB probably wanted to keep Moores in the job as 'one of their own' regardless of his ridiculous treatment of KP.
Well Hayden was in a similar sort of situation this time last year after he called Harbhajan Singh an ignorant little weed or whatever on a radio station. I thought it was all hilarious, especially when he mocked Ishant Sharma's deep Indian accent when Sharma tried to sledge him in the Tests and then went onto challenge him in a boxing match.

The Indians were outraged but I was humoured. :D
Oh yeh definitely. Moores going behind Pietersen's back to change the team is an unforgivable act, and I can see why KP was annoyed, and rightly so. I just don't really like the way he's handled the situation, and that's my only gripe with him. There was no reason for KP to come out and claim he wouldn't tour the West Indies with the current managerial structure in place. I'd still like to see KP back as England captain, but with Geoff Miller and Andrew Strauss seen walking out of Lord's together that's looking unlikely in the short term. I still want Pietersen to be leading the side come the Cardiff Test Match against the Aussies, hopefully under a coach who won't undermine the captain.
There's alot of difference between a bit of out of hand sledging and openly demanding in public that the coach should be sacked though so that isn't a valid point really.
There's alot of difference between a bit of out of hand sledging and openly demanding in public that the coach should be sacked though so that isn't a valid point really.
Well our coach is a bit've tool anyway. He basically cost us the Twenty20 World Cup awhile back by not putting Brad Hogg or Cameron White in the touring squad. I'd be fully behind Hayden if he went on an attack of Tim Nielson in the media. Simply because his a legend and hardly anyone in cricket has the right to dismiss his opinion because of what he has acchieved.

Pietersen hasn't accomplished anything near to what Hayden has yet but he is easily the best thing to ever happen to English cricket.
Well I guess KP doesn't have the Cojones when we need him most.

I will submit my application for the coaches role within the next couple of days lads, so I'll thank you all in about a week. Strauss will make a good captain and I wouldn't mind Cook but we have officially just lost the ashes anyway. As Dominic Cork said, the indecisiveness of the ECB is what has completely dropped us in it.

Out of all this I have 1 thing to say, Duncan Fletcher, I'm sorry.
I still cant believe Tim nielsen is actually our teams coach he is nothing more than a skills an technique coach.

Dont think he has a clue on making bowling plans,team plans etc

I reckon if we still had buchanan even with so many new faces in the team we would still be almost unbeatable.

I agree with warne at test level the players dont need coaches/coaching but if the coaches stay behind the scenes studying hours of stats an video on opponents to help with gameplans an bowling plans thats all there needed for.
I think KP's just a bad loser and needed to blame soemone for the losses. He couldn't blame himself, so he blamed the coach. The problem wasn't the coach, it's the players he has playing for him.
Not really because all this had nothing to do with losses. There was friction well before KP was captain and Moores going behind KP's back was what has caused all the problems, there was no pressure on either of them after recent results. After all the series in India wasn't a bad one at all, playing at such short notice in tough conditions we easily could have gotten a result from the series and most fans were pleased with the performanc the result.

Press conference at 6, not helping my revision this.

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