I would also suggest that a no lynch only makes sense if you actually have a cop available to uncover something that night?
I'm certainly leaning towards Zhuorb depending on what he has to say.
Although, I also have a couple of theories thus far. The mafia were clearly active enough to take someone out, yet there are still a few non-posters in this thread? Are they aiming to let us do more damage to ourselves first in the hope they slip through? What have the people who haven't said anything yet got to add to this?
Another theory is to do with Barmy being a lot cleverer than his last post tells me he is.
He seems an obvious target for the mafia from that post, yet if I was to suggest I was the doctor and was lying, the doctor could then protect me whilst the mafia waste a night trying to kill me? So, maybe I'm the one we all need to win this game
Also, I'm sure that's another similar Barmy mafia line. Wherein you appeal to the vanity and need to win of the person to get them on your side....
Dammit Barmy, that last post confuses me even more... especially since you would surely never suggest you were so important if you were