Patch General discussion

Who would be the "go to" mod guy here? I want to make sure we expose as many files as makes sense (not the executable) or make the "blob set" as accessible as possible.
Well my personal interest is in editing the HUD/score overlay - I'd be delighted if there was essentially full control over what's shown where and when, and a simple way to just throw in more textures when I need them.

If it's at all possible at this point in the design - having the ability for the game to pick up files out of a particular directory would be ideal - the games in the past that have needed people to import into the blob files have been much harder for users to work with.

It would be perfect for example if you could replicate the blob structure in an open folder - and the game go there to pick up things by default, and then let the game access an unalterable original blob for when it needs to go online or otherwise needs to be in an unedited state.
Who would be the "go to" mod guy here? I want to make sure we expose as many files as makes sense (not the executable) or make the "blob set" as accessible as possible.

PC version box is stunning as are it's unique contents btw! ;)

Different areas; different people to be honest. I've made the roster/lineup editors for the last few games mostly cos I can code but I'm not great personally at graphics importers and such-like.
Not sure who of @AbBh @Prakash and @BlitzBerg are around but those have been our go-to guys in the past. I'm pretty sure plenty of the newer members will have skills we don't know about yet either. :)
Different areas; different people to be honest. I've made the roster/lineup editors for the last few games mostly cos I can code but I'm not great personally at graphics importers and such-like.
Not sure who of @AbBh @Prakash and @BlitzBerg are around but those have been our go-to guys in the past. I'm pretty sure plenty of the newer members will have skills we don't know about yet either. :)

@Biggs has done some excellent stuff for AC09 I would like to mention.....
Well my personal interest is in editing the HUD/score overlay - I'd be delighted if there was essentially full control over what's shown where and when, and a simple way to just throw in more textures when I need them.

If it's at all possible at this point in the design - having the ability for the game to pick up files out of a particular directory would be ideal - the games in the past that have needed people to import into the blob files have been much harder for users to work with.

It would be perfect for example if you could replicate the blob structure in an open folder - and the game go there to pick up things by default, and then let the game access an unalterable original blob for when it needs to go online or otherwise needs to be in an unedited state.

That is also my preference, I cannot confirm that's how it has been done but it is my expectation.
If I can piggy-back on @MattW and @Dutch above; Graphic mod-wise it would be amazing to get templates in advance for stuff, that's my bag. However you're handling those in game for things like bat labels, kits and so on... I imagine kit-editing will be quite different to previous titles so I guess the ability to get basic templates to work with and go from there?

Whether we're importing in .png files directly and "replacing" existing brands might be good to have a master-template or something so when people download the Academy teams, we can have the right sponsors attached to the right players maybe? So people aren't just replacing stuff at random.


I'll prolly focus on kits first and foremost, so I guess having templates for those and how I can get the logos/sponsors and stuff replaced would be the priority.
Who would be the "go to" mod guy here? I want to make sure we expose as many files as makes sense (not the executable) or make the "blob set" as accessible as possible.

PC version box is stunning as are it's unique contents btw! ;)

Ross, are you marketing DBC14(PC) all over again to us,,,I have a PC next to my PS3 console, and the way you speak highly of it, I might end up getting a copy

That's in support of Big Ant Studios of course...

(In My Opinion though, I wouldn't mind if we don't see DBC15, but rather more patches, DLC's, to polish this game to be even more enjoyable, it has longevity as it is, still have tours to play, career, competitions)

Get this first iteration well established, and create hunger for more installments to come)

Big Ups :thumbs
I tend to discount all graphics makers

The Scotland ODI and Test kits just moved to last on my to-do list...

...good news if you're a Singapore Cricket fan.
The Scotland ODI and Test kits just moved to last on my to-do list...

...good news if you're a Singapore Cricket fan.

Understandable....Scotland kit would just be wasted. The Netherlands however, oh you who are continually in my thoughts as the best ever guy who avoided the misery of hex-editing hell........;)
You make a solid case with just the right amount of flattery, there's only one solution...

I might just reproduce that face.
You make a solid case with just the right amount of flattery, there's only one solution...


Yay...hope you team up with 79C for that.....

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