Patch General discussion

If a person is wrong or establishes a poor argument for an opinion that I don't agree with with I will argue with them no matter who they are, and you do not need to try and take on the role of the hero that brings everyone together, it will not work.

Why would I, or when have I, assert(ed) an opinion that I don't agree with?
For what it's worth, I have no problems manually choosing my field, but I agree it's not particularly well done in that it continually changes and requires me re-selecting the same one every time there's a wicket, change of ends, etc etc.

However, I think I recall HBK saying that is something being improved in patch #2 , so that it will remember the field and not keep changing it on you.
Are you sure you are an zombie?

I am typing not speaking.

As I can only read what you type, not what you say, I assume you use that sort of language when you speak.

By the way, it's "Are you sure you are a Zombie" not "an Zombie" ;)
I'm not sure that I am a Zombie, but my undead friends tell me that I am.:yes

Back to the game. It's a bit like an ugly, unruly child, but you still love it all the same. With a bit of plastic surgery and therapy, you can live with it.
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Ok still loving this game but had a few gripes last night. In my custom league (four day) I've had 3 or 4 inside edges onto pads given out lbw when you can clearly hear the nick 1st! One of which I was on 94 and wasn't amused!! I'm not having any problems with the non striker bein run out on my team when the ball is hit back to the bowler but it has happened to the AI. I don't press anything to get my non striker back he just does it so it must be AI controlled. I'm still playing on amateur cos I'm crap but for some reason I can regularly get runs with the tailenders (124 with no 9 ) and can thrash the ball to all parts with them. My problem is for some unknown reason when I'm using my own player (me) I struggle and its definately the game getting in my head!! 6 times I've been out in the 40s!! The AI seems to set perfect fields for my player where any of the shots I play well are covered but leaves gaps for the other 10 blokes, which is ironic when I'm controlling them all!! How does the AI know its me??? I love the fact that its very much what you'd expect to happen in real cricket happens in the game and even the inside edge into pads thing has happened to me over the years, I've heard people complain bout the graphics, personally their perfect, I'd hate it to look too real, the important thing is gameplay and bigant have got it right IMO, apart from the bloody cheetah like fielders I don't think id be rushing into changing things too much!! I will wait for patch 2 before playing the career mode because of the fielders.
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Yes HBK619 did in fact tell me that they will implement a "remember the field setting for all" feature , so that once youve got your field set up as you like it , it will NEVER change , until you decide to make an adjustment , irrespective of the type of bowler , wickets falling etc.

To this I give a big Thumbs up , as it will surely eliminate the need for the constant tinkering.

Only problem I see with the upcoming Patch is that no one is exactly sure whats gonna be fixed and what not , so unfortunately due to Ross and Co not wanting to establish too much of a hype , we will have to make do with snippets here and there , and no definitave list stickied on page 1 for now.

I promise you once such a list pops up for all to see , 80 % of the error/bug reporting goes quiet , because everyone will see that their bug is already reported and getting fixed. But until that day , we will have to accept the continous repeating of issues .
We can't confirm or deny al of the list as the chances are not all things will make it. As soon as we can confirm it we will.
Agree and understand 100 % Ross !

So people should just bear with the repeating of issues for now . I just skip over them , and I would think everyone else should do the same.
people should just bear with the repeating of issues for now




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Bear it?! Geddit?! Bear?! It's a bear! With the game!!

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