PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

What's your Steam ID?
Criticism, even from a pirate, is not necessarily illegitimate. Everyone here should be reasonable enough and competent enough to sift through what is an understandable complaint, in the sense of:

- What we deserve as consumers;
- What is reasonable enough to expect from Big Ant, as a studio;
- and what a decent middle ground is

hold on hold on...

all complaints about the game from someone who has pirated the game are ipso facto illegitimate. they are not consumers of the game, they are thieves. if we we all behaved as them there would be no game.

if you steal something, you have no right to complain about it. if you steal a cricket game, as a member of a site dedicated to cricket gaming and that is frequented by representatives of the company who's work you have stolen, you have no right to expect even a modicum of courtesy. there is really no middle ground on that.

planet cricket has a zero tolerance policy on pirates, and all the staff and mods etc. are clear on it: link or request a link for a torrent or download and you will be banned. if you've clearly pirated this game, you will be shunned/ignored etc. as members we should all support this stance - if we want there to be good cricket games, we need to shun those who will steal them.
But blocker, by your logic I shouldn't have let Charles Manson be my life coach.
Mode:Casual offline
Match Type:T20
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):ALL
Teams:KingsXI vs Chennai Superkings
Get Best:Yes
Description of Issue:Everytime I bowl close to the umpire (LAS right+Good length button) with a right arm medium bowler and in chance i ended up with being a NO Ball , the bowlers legs will knock down the wickets and after that bowler will not bowl and the game standstills. Cannot save and exit , it will show save and exit queued. I can only forfeit the match. Happened three times. I tested again with the same condition.
Due to this the whole match is lost.

Steam account name : ashidapm
Steam Profile name : mainframe


On the right bottom of the credits screen, its written 1.03

Update if on PC

Fixed. Updated to latest version 1.06. I can say as of now, i bowled two times the way I said. One time bowler's hand knock down the wickets while running, its called Noball and the game can be now continued. :)

Steam Account Name : ashidapm
Have you got the latest patch? There was one just a few hours ago...
Turns out the downsampling issue I mentioned when trying resolutions above 3000x1688 not appearing in the game is not a problem with this game in particular. No other games for me will run above this despite them displaying the higher resolutions in their graphics settings. One game that did try to run in 4K wouldn't display correctly at all and I couldn't get back to it's settings menu or find it's config file so had to reinstall it.

I don't know what the issue is - I'm a noob when it comes to downsampling and it's not really a popular thing to do so there's not a great deal of support to be found online through Google.

I'm happy with it how it is right now anyway so no worries - I was just trying to be greedy by pushing my GPU.

Sorry for wasting your time Ross and co if you spent any time investigating this.
Any chance you can do some comparative shots of the downsampling?

Would be nice if Big Ant could add some more graphics options to go beyond what the game has at the moment.
Not a biggy, but gave me a fright!

Mode: Career
Match Type: English County 4 dayer
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Start of every new session
Ground: All
Teams: Hants vs Everyone
Get Best: Yarp
Platform: PC - SteamID: gunny1979113
Description of Issue: At the start of every session when I'm batting the score is displayed as 0/0 even though It could originally be 247/6 or 149/2 etc.
It only seems to occur until you score some runs.

Being a C# Developer and part of a MOD Dev Team for another PC Game, I have to say that the in my experience the bugs\issues (features :p) are minimal, and the support and pro-activeness of Big Ant in dealing with these issues is commendable.

Edit: Sorry I am on latest 1.06 pactch
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I will not ask for help here ever, nor I will ask for a feature but I will not show my purchase unless major bugs are fixed , some of which I mentioned earlier. you keep saying that I keep saying this.

And as you've been told earlier, game difficulty is not a bug.

How do you expect your perceived 'bugs' to be fixed if you can't legitimise your complaints? Plenty of people are posting their Steam IDs, and are actually being listened to.

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