PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Steam ID: steves1967

Not sure if this is the correct area for this because it's something I'm having a problem with....

Just cannot login to the DB Acadamy, does not matter what I put in it throws me an Invaild username and/or password even using forgotton password, the new password does not work either :noway

Just tried to add you on steam doesn't seem like you have steam or the game? DB academy wouldn't be asking you for a username/password if you're logged into steam? I may be wrong on this as I'm playing the ps3 version so no login required there, but seeing as if you have steam you'd already be logged on it would be the same I would guess? but I can't find you on steam at all?.....
Steamid: robc333

I bought the game yesterday, played it (it seems to be very good btw), and then went to bed. This morning all of my save data - everything down to settings - had gone. I have tried it a few times since and this always happens.

What seems to be behind it is that every time I start the game it fails to recognise my existing profile and creates a default one that overwrites and deletes all existing data (save data are in the correct folder before I start the game). Does anyone know why it is doing this, and more importantly, how to stop it??
I think the DB Academy does still ask for login details when you're logged into Steam - I created an account during the CA Nets beta and couldn't remember the user/pass so used the 'Forgot Password' thing to have a new password sent by email.
Ah fair enough, my mistake just seemed like an alien concept, but then again I haven't used my gaming rig in a while so i'm not sure how steam/games handle these things now-a-days, I may be tempted to upgrade to the pc version of dbc too.
Well I have played a few games trying to repro this issue, even set the level to Rookie as per your video! But nothing.

As HBK has asked have you got a 2nd controller plugged in, making the game believe there are 2 players?

Whats happens when its their time to bowl? Do they actually bowl or just stand there?

There is no other controller plugged. They bowl well to me without any problems. They play all shots when the other guys(AI) on my side bowl. I may just have to switch to batsman instead of bowling all-rounder :(
Just a note, scores seem a bit high (playing on spectate mode, Pro difficulty, with quick pitch degredation and default rosters, not get best), and the team batting second holding a huge advantage, regardless of the teams participating. Eight ODI examples (note: I added in a second PP, given to bowlers, the old pre-2012 rules):

Scotland 334/6 (50); New Zealand 336/5 (42.2)
Australia 272/6 (50); Canada 274/9 (49.1)
Sri Lanka 281/9 (50); Zimbabwe 284/7 (46.3)
Ireland 190 (42.5); India 192/5 (34.3)
Pakistan 349/4 (50); Netherlands 350/6 (48)
Kenya 242 (45.3); South Africa 246/2 (33.4)
England 413/4 (50); Afghanistan 354 (42.4)
West Indies 324/6 (50); Bangladesh 325/7 (46.4)

BTW, this is not a sampling, this is a listing of all of the matches played on this computer using those settings. (and BTW, I play spectate mode by choice)
Does it run at 60 FPS with VSync On? Also which GPU is your laptop equipped with?

GTX 660M 2GB card and it runs fine...not sure of framerates but is just smooth with everything switched on....
GTX 660M 2GB card and it runs fine...not sure of framerates but is just smooth with everything switched on....

GTX 660M is a lot more powerful compared to a GT 740M as it's a 128 bit GPU with GDDR5 Memory. It's on par with a lot of PC GPU's. So it should breeze through DBC. It's one of those high level Mobile GPU's.

That is not my point. My point is GT 740M and some of the similar range GPU's should be able to pull off DBC at constant 60 frames maxed out. Which isn't the case at the moment.

If you get some free time do check the framerates you're getting on your lappie. Would like to know that. Anything above 30 FPS is smooth but a sports game should run at 60 FPS if not more.
Just tried to add you on steam doesn't seem like you have steam or the game? DB academy wouldn't be asking you for a username/password if you're logged into steam? I may be wrong on this as I'm playing the ps3 version so no login required there, but seeing as if you have steam you'd already be logged on it would be the same I would guess? but I can't find you on steam at all?.....

I'm there tandy45 and have the game :)... interesting quote that, may try and download teams by logging into Steam, maybe doing something I don't need to do ;)

Update to above... tried that still no go, now at a loss :(
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GTX 660M is a lot more powerful compared to a GT 740M as it's a 128 bit GPU with GDDR5 Memory. It's on par with a lot of PC GPU's. So it should breeze through DBC. It's one of those high level Mobile GPU's.

That is not my point. My point is GT 740M and some of the similar range GPU's should be able to pull off DBC at constant 60 frames maxed out. Which isn't the case at the moment.

If you get some free time do check the framerates you're getting on your lappie. Would like to know that. Anything above 30 FPS is smooth but a sports game should run at 60 FPS if not more.

between 50 and 55 fps......everything switched on...................
GTX 660M is a lot more powerful compared to a GT 740M as it's a 128 bit GPU with GDDR5 Memory. It's on par with a lot of PC GPU's. So it should breeze through DBC. It's one of those high level Mobile GPU's.

That is not my point. My point is GT 740M and some of the similar range GPU's should be able to pull off DBC at constant 60 frames maxed out. Which isn't the case at the moment.

If you get some free time do check the framerates you're getting on your lappie. Would like to know that. Anything above 30 FPS is smooth but a sports game should run at 60 FPS if not more.

Buddy I am novice about Graphics Card etc. My Laptop has integrated Graphics Card of AMD Radeon HD7600M Series with 02 GB of dedicated Ram. Beside that I have 8 GB Ram installed in my Laptop. Is it good enough? I don't get more than 30 FPS.
Steam ID: FazzY
Mode: Online
Match Type: Limited
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Any
Ground: Any
Teams: Any
Get Best: N/A
Description of Issue:
In Online -> Custom Match -> Hosted Match its buggy. Shows wrong number of over's. I have joined many which said 20 overs but they were actually 5 over matches. Also, matches that are not even available shows up in the list even when I refresh pressing Y button. For instance, a match was showing up from someone from my friends list he wasn't even online. I even tested it by trying to connect but unable too. That's needs some fixing as mostly 80% of matches are not connectable. I have checked with other people in my friend list and they have said the same
I am playing offline mode whenever match ends. My PC is stuck. If I am cancelling upload still it doesn't upload. I have legimate copy. My steam I'd is Vishalmadhyan1
Don't hit cancel on the upload to leaderboards, the button on it doesn't work correctly (if you don't hit cancel, the upload will produce an error, which is good). We'll fix that up in the next couple of days.

This is the YouTube link:

DBC AI Batting bug - YouTube

It's a bit choppy I guess its because of the capture software used but it still shows my problem

Is this the framerate you get consistently while playing the game? If so, it's not ideal for gameplay and will cause some issues.

Steamid: robc333

I bought the game yesterday, played it (it seems to be very good btw), and then went to bed. This morning all of my save data - everything down to settings - had gone. I have tried it a few times since and this always happens.

What seems to be behind it is that every time I start the game it fails to recognise my existing profile and creates a default one that overwrites and deletes all existing data (save data are in the correct folder before I start the game). Does anyone know why it is doing this, and more importantly, how to stop it??
Do you have anti-virus software? This is causing issues with some people's software. It's advised to put DBC14 into the 'allowed' section of any anti-virus software.
Don't hit cancel on the upload to leaderboards, the button on it doesn't work correctly (if you don't hit cancel, the upload will produce an error, which is good). We'll fix that up in the next couple of days.

Is this the framerate you get consistently while playing the game? If so, it's not ideal for gameplay and will cause some issues.

At times the framerate drops this low but it has never stopped me from batting good. I have been playing all shots and its just the AI's battingaffecting me

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