Story PCXI take on the world- 1st match v Namibia toss: Namibia = Bat "*8 spots remain"*

that eleven is only temporary. the test match against Zimbabwe is jsut an indicator to see if anyone is going to be dropped
im starting the 1st test tonight hopefully unless i get sidetracked again




Press Conference Zimbabwe

Media: Mr Streak How are you going about preparation for this test match against such an inexperienced World XI team.

HS: Our Preparation been nothing short of 100% and we are looking to win and win easily. We hope that the World Xi team will come at us and give us a match.

Media: What are your thoughts on this long tour that ICC has set up for the World XI?

HS: I think it's Just ridiculous that the ICC has made a tour that Consists for 70 matches in total and that doesn't include the 20/20 matches that may occur against the touger nations.

Media: because it's such a long tour how do you think these World Xi players will fare against the Stronger Teams?

HS: I feel that they will learn their strengths and weaknesses but i feel they'll struggle to win a match.

Media: Thank you MR streak.

Press Conference World Xi

Media: Mr Gutteridge In an earlier interview with the Zimbabwean captain. He stated that you guys didnt' stand a chance at winning a match. What are your thoughts on this?

BG: It's Just ridiculous because they aren't even supposed to be playing test matches. yes our side is a Little inexperienced on the international scale but we have players from domestic teams and county teams all in which have experience playing against international players.

Media: You've got Duncan Fletcher as your coach. What impact do you think he'll have on the team.

BG: he's an experienced internatonal coach he has be successful and unsuccessful but every coach has that at some point. I feel that he is a great asset to the team and with Someone of His experience we can surely go a long way.

Media: How do think you'll fair against Zimbabwe Tomorrow?

BG: I feel we have a good chance at winning tomorrows test match

Media Thank you Mr Gutteridge

MN: Good morning everybody, I'm Mark Nicholas and welcome to Harare for the 1st test match in the World XI tour of the world. It's Sunny with i cool breeze. The Pitch Looks to be a belter. It's hard, it's flat good even bounce should be alot of runs scored today.

I'm with the two captains for the toss and it'll be your call Heath.

HS: Heads

MN: Heads it is what are you going to do Heath?

HS: I think We'll have a bowl first. with their inexperience we can bowl them out early post a decent score and leave them in the dust.

MN: Interesting words there ok Brendan are you happy to be batting first?

BG: yes i would have chosen to bat anyway the pitch looks great.

MN: Now i must ask you how did you feel about the comment made by Heath Streak just then.

BG: HE's just so up himself. yes we are an inexperienced team but we aren't going to pay any attention to snide comments made towards us

MN: Ok then well we'll leave it at that. after the break i'll be chatting with Richie Benaud

{quick add break and back on}
MN: Hello Richie and welcome to what could be a glorious test match.

RB: Thank you Mark. yes it certainly will be. the tour hasn't even started yet, we are only a few moments away, but there's already some words being said.

MN: yes your Quite right. In a press conference Zimbabwean captain stated that World XI had no chance of winning a match how do respond to something like that.

I Would respond by playing some good cricket the World XI has got a brilliant line up here today and i had the pleasure of seeing them all play. they have all got talent there's no doubt about that.

MN: Ok Richie we'll leave it there we have a test match to start we'll take a break and be back with the teams out on the field
Cool Info there.
I like your Presentation of the Story o far, keep it up
WORLDXI BAtting Order
Tom Carr
Tom Baker (wk)
Brendan Gutteridge (c)
Freddie Seccombe
Dominik Seccombe
Feelin Blue?
Usy Usman
Roofrom50 (vc)
Ollie Holden

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