Post your questions about the game here!

in the stats it says most users ever online was 16000 on 25th april 2013.what happened on the 25th any special occasion.insane number to be a coincidence.
I genuinely LOVE behind the scenes stuff, so count me first in line for that material. I have barely any knowledge of the stuff you guys go through on a day to basis and making the hard calls on what to drop, what to keep... especially the little things that cause you guys headaches, that's stuff is always interesting because we assume it's the core gameplay stuff, which prolly is one of the problem-areas to test throughly, but little things you don't think about like 'how hard it is to climb tree's' in a game, like ACIII - you just don't think about the months and months of R&D that does into a simple mechanic that, on paper, you think should be easy.

I imagine there's plenty in a Cricket game!

hells yeah, id love to see some behind the scenes stuff!!
Agreed. People should be asking "what's happening today" in the other thread, not here.... I haven't made any early September all will be revealed promises :)
Hey Ross - no you have not said all will be revealed, but...

Is something going to be updated or revealed today?

Some small treat for us starving plebs??? :D
Well today being the 6th September would be the last day of "early September" so I think something really big will come, something like "all will be revealed"...

It's amazing how many guys 'didn't get it'.

Ross was referring to Ashes 13 'all will be revealed' happening early September. Nothing unusual will be happening with Don Bradman Cricket 14 today, apart from, hopefully, a small surprise as normal.
My first day back on the forum after a month and a pleasant surprise of "All will be revealed early September". And today is the last day of early September according to Ross, so release date, features, and commentators announced today. I can't wait!
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My first day back on the forum after a month and a pleasant surprise of "All will be revealed early September". And today is the last day of early September according to Ross, so release date, features, and commentators announced today. I can't wait!

Go back about 5 posts
I will post some screenshots later today, around 5-6pm, don't expect much they are just a bit of fun featuring some guys from here (PC).

The next Don Bradman Cricket 14 Academy update will be in two weeks from now on 20 September.

We will start releasing more videos after "early September" but we are not sure when that is :rolleyes

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