South Africa in Australia Dec 2008-Jan 2009

Has Hayden dropped the test match?
Johnson first 3 balls shockers, an injured player and hes bowling wide outside off stump...
Johnson needs to stop bowling so wide. Quickly.

Every single ball bowled to Smith needs to make him play, if I was Ponting I'd be giving Johnson a smack around the face for that rubbish outside off.
This is now the longest Ntini has ever batted in a Test, and the most balls he's ever faced.70 balls,just 3 overs remaining...18 deliveries left in this Test
Even if SA loose,draw this match,we must give credit to Ntini,Steyn,Harris, they have batted well in the whole series...
There is lots of talk about Smith being a massive hero here, but I think most people would of batted in these circumstances. Especially if your the best batter in the team. Meh.
Aus struggling here,just 2 overs remaining,last 2 overs of series,very interesting moments..
About time Johnson finally stops bowling that wide rubbish and he wins us a test match. Siddle finally wins a test match :)

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