South Africa in England

Disapointing defeat for England, unlucky to have got the worst of conditions but ultimately outplayed. Broad and Pattinson looks like they're going, Broad for a rest and Pattinson to get bombed, not a terrible showing from him but he isn't here for the long term.

As for selection I don't know if Sidebottom is fit but if so defiinitely he is back in, England need to find a balance as they can't seem to bowl South Africa out twice and Ambrose at 6 isn't that promising. But I suppose if we can bowl them out for 200 ourselves, we won't need 550. What else can I say...England always do well at Edgbaston :D
Lancashire are doing a good job, probably because they have a set 'keeper in Luke Sutton. But they've kept him out of the firing line and just give him one or two games to get his tastebuds tingling, he probably won't breakthrough at Lancashire for a good 4-5 seasons with Sutton, but still....great guy to apprentice under.
Pietersen can do it under pressure. The last test of the Ashes 05 springs to mind and his performances against S.A in 2004.

As much as I think Banjo is an idiot, he makes point. Pietersen doesn't do it under pressure. Bear in mind in the Ashes Test, he was dropped twice.

Stuart Broad should be batting 6. I know we got smashed but beaing beaten by 10 runs is a lot better than an innings. If Broad could add big hits to his repertoire, he could develop in to a very useful batsman.
I'll be honest, I wasn't that impressed with with SA's bowling attack. Sure they bowled decent lines but they rarely hit 90mph and for a bowling quartet or triplet being compared to the legendary Windies line-up, they didn't live up to the hype.

Anderson has cemented his place as a World Class batsman now. He can be ranked alongside the legend sof the game like Mick Lewis and Anthony McGrath. Monty looks very stylish but he can't actually play any shots. He's a Matthew Hoggard with a high backlift and no defence.
I still can't get over the fact that our two best batsmen today were bowlers.

Well Cook was one I would think.

England are starting to decline rapidly now. The batting was appalling, players reaching for the ball and the bowling was ineffective.

Will England be brave enough to keep Stuart Broad in since although his batting has flourished, his bowling has gone completely the wrong way and England will have a decision whether to keep him in or send him to county cricket to learn and go for someone like Tremlett or Harmison, which would lengthen the tail.

If Ambrose continues to make low scores then it's time for Foster to have his turn in the next series in India. I do wonder if Foster gets picked whether he'll be able to make the big hundreds but make no mistake, he's always has been a good keeper and someone who'll give the bowlers confidence and someone with enthusiasm.
England lack guts, Bell will never ever get us out of a really difficult situation and KP still hasn't proven he can. Ambrose has heart but a limited shot selection. I reckon he's just too short and relies on the cut. Cook has no idea where his off-stump is and Vaughan only plays a textbook stroke after he's been clean bowled.

We miss players like Thorpe, Hussein, Stewart and Atherton.
I still can't get over the fact that our two best batsmen today were bowlers.

You're brooding on that? I'm still gobsmacked that we picked Ambrose at no.6 and played a 29 yr old Aussie who had barely played a first class match before.

The big question is who we bring in for Pattinson for the next test, I think we will probably see sense and play another batter, but would we bring back Collingwood or go for someone like Shah or Key?
Sidebottom's a straight pick isn't he? assuming he's fit.
Tremlett will surely be given a go. If not, they'll release him beforehand.

Where is the next test?
Agreed about Cross, not been playing in the Championship, as we've got Sutton, but in the one day games I've seen with him in, he's looked excellent, definitely one to look out for.

Next test is at Edgbaston Will, Wednesday start I think. (EDIT: Rob beat me to it:p)

Good to see Ambrose and Flintoff hang around for a while this afternoon, only Vaughan to make a big score, and the press will be on Strauss or Cook I imagine.

I'd imagine Sidebottom in for Pattinson, and then the next decision would be the toughest. Broad doesn't seem up to it for bowling in test cricket just yet, however, his batting has been a major shining light recently. With Duncan Fletcher he'd be a certain starter I'd think. However, I can see Tremlett coming in for him, personally I'd go for Jones, he seems to have been taking plenty of wickets throughout the season and he needs to come back at some point.
If I were Tremlett I would be extremely disappointed after this test. If you're chosen as the back up bowler you should bloody well be the back up bowler if one of usual bowlers is injured. Yet, Pattinson is selected and even plays in the XI! There's no use in having a back up bowler if you don't use him for what he's there for :rolleyes:.
If I were Tremlett I would be extremely disappointed after this test. If you're chosen as the back up bowler you should bloody well be the back up bowler if one of usual bowlers is injured. Yet, Pattinson is selected and even plays in the XI! There's no use in having a back up bowler if you don't use him for what he's there for :rolleyes:.

The selectors thought that Pattinson would be able to swing the ball under Headingley conditions while Tremlett is a bowler who bowls back of a length. Problem is that Pattinson never swung the ball off the straight all match.

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