South Africa in England

Another Bad loss for us.

I can't really put a full blame on why we did so badly, but we need to sort it out, the bowling seems to be letting us down the most, The batting isn't that good at times.

Phil Mustard, Hoggard, Harmison and Jones back please!
Broad needs to go away and develop his batting and focus on that. He can keep bowling part time. That or else he needs to learn how to swing the ball or seam it. Currently he can't be selected as a bowler. On recent evidence, he should bat above Ambrose at 7. Either way, he's no where near good enough to be a first change bowler. He's a good ODI player, just not good enough for bowling at test level yet.

Oh please, his bowling isn't that bad. He's one of the most consistent wicket takers in ODI cricket in the world atm.
Oh please, his bowling isn't that bad. He's one of the most consistent wicket takers in ODI cricket in the world atm.

I agree with you there Sureshot.

Broad is still developing, he is only 22, he has time to work on his batting, well, he doesnt actually need a lot of work, another half century against the South African's... He is looking good.
In my book, he's an all-rounder. His batting is improving a lot and he could easily bat 7.

But he does need to work on his bowling, however, he has had 2 flat decks in this series. If he wasn't taking wickets on a green deck, then I'd be worried.
In my book, he's an all-rounder. His batting is improving a lot and he could easily bat 7.

But he does need to work on his bowling, however, he has had 2 flat decks in this series. If he wasn't taking wickets on a green deck, then I'd be worried.

Yes. He does look like he could be a decent all rounder, Me and my brother do the Cricinfo fantasy cricket, and they already have him as an allrounder.

Like you said, a bit more work on his bowling, and we have one mighty fine all rounder.

Maybe an Andrew Flintoff in the making?
As far as wicketkeepers are concerned I think GoJo was the last player who had a decent enough impact and run in the squad in the post-Stewart era.
He played 32 tests iirc. Prior had 10 I think. I don't think Ambrose will be dropped just yet, though I doubt he will play in the next ODI series.
To be fair, we've been beaten by a much better side than us, who should have always beaten us. However our curious selections didn't really help.

I accept Flintoff coming back into the side as he is somewhat of an enigma, but the decision to bat him at 7 placed increased pressure of Tim Ambrose who has already been blasted by sections of the pressure for his seem inability to bat against anything other than bowlers feeding the cut shot. It wasn't wise at all to place even more pressure on someone already seemingly fighting for his place. However the way he responded in the second innings was promising, and whilst I'd prefer a different man in his role, he has up to this point, barring not getting past 20 in the next two innings almost nothing wrong in the test arena.

Pattinson was also curious. Especially considering his age, and taking into account his lack of experience. The selectors cannot even argue on form as someone such as Simon Jones, who has plenty of previous international experience, has to this point taken more wickets at a better rate, and is a much more obvious threat (pace, reverse swing etc).

In an ideal world, although this may not be until the end of the series I'd like to see a line up composing essentially this;

Alistair Cook.
Andrew Strauss.
Michael Vaughan.
Kevin Pietersen.
Ian Bell.
Andrew Flintoff.
James Foster.
Stuart Broad.
Ryan Sidebottom.
Simon Jones/James Andersen.
Monty Panesar.

Whilst its' not especially desirable to have Flintoff at number 6, we do not have a keeper in the country who is capable of fofilling the role of a number 6 batting wise (averaging 40+) and can maintain a high enough standard with the gloves. I feel James Foster is the perfect marriage of those two ideals. He averages 38ish in First class cricket, so he is far from a bunny, and he showed he could handle international cricket when he got a battling 30/40odd in the Ashes series in Australia in around '03, when we were up against probably one of the best bowling attacks to ever live. He is also an incredibly talented and consistant keeper. Anyone who has seen him on Sky this summer can tell you that for themselves. Not many keepers in the land could stand up to David Masters bowling mid 80's with the ball moving around and still seem comfortable. He also, doesn't miss chances.

That line up would obviously be ideal, but it does require Michael Vaughan scoring some runs. I think we all know how class a player he is, but he is prone to troughs like this and we just have to hope he see's this one through, like he did against India last year. Tbf, I don't understand the overwhelming pressure concerning him, it wasn't actually that long ago he got a big score. It seems now that 2 bad test matches can lose you your place, which doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. Matthew Hayden had 9 horrible innings against England in the 2005 Ashes. By rights, in England he would have been dropped on the back on that, however the Australians showed the loyalty that these players deserve, he came out and got a ton in the final Ashes test and has been one of the best batters in the world average and form wise ever since.
1.A.Cook (VC)
2.A.Strauss (C)

Broad HAS to be dropped or Replace Vaughan and move up to 5.

4 Bowlers and a crap Medium Fast bowler is not good enough.

Vaughan,Broad,Ambrose all HAVE to be dropped.
Michael Vaughan finished the New Zealand series with an average of fifty, he's only played 3 innings since then. I fail to see why he HAS to go.
An interesting poll is going on at - 48.21% of the people who voted think Simon Jones should have replaced Ryan Sidebottom at Headingley instead of Darren Pattinson

The results:

Darren Pattinson: 3.57%
Chris Tremlett: 5.36%
Matthew Hoggard: 19.64%
Steve Harmison: 17.86%
Simon Jones: 48.21%
Graham Onions: 5.36%

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