Sri Lanka in India

Who will win the ODI's and TESTS matches?

  • ODI Drawn, SL wins Test

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ODI Drawn, Test Drawn

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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ZexyZahid said:
In English country cricket I've seen they only play one innings each, with forfeiting one innings from both sides.

And why did they do that? Sri Lanka could have got more batting practice and India more bowling practice.

Something similar had happened in a test match as well .. Some 6 - 7 yrs back. If i m not wrong , it was between SA and prolly NewZealand.SA ended up losing the match then , but Cronje was highly appreciated for trying to induce some sense into the match.
abaddon_67 said:
Something similar had happened in a test match as well .. Some 6 - 7 yrs back. If i m not wrong , it was between SA and prolly NewZealand.SA ended up losing the match then , but Cronje was highly appreciated for trying to induce some sense into the match.
South Africa v England actually, and that was fixed.......
ZexyZahid said:
Can someone delete the three previous messages here? It isn't mine fault. The site was stuck again.

Ok I deleted them for you although you can delete your own messages by clicking edit and you will see a delete thing at the top.
Didn't know you can delete messages with the edit button. But now I know. Thanks for telling.
Forfeiting an innings is not match-fixing. Its simply declaring one innings at "0" and setting up a target. Perfectly fine and within laws and has happened few times notably between SA and ENG, which England won and was the most exiting match of that series. You cannot score a six if don't throw the dice. India and SL should have done the same thing, but they won't because they doubt their abilities and prefer "draws" over victories and hence they are not one of the sporting teams and will never be one of the best in cricket. You give few and take few.....
indiancricketer said:
India didnt care bout this was only a 2 day match so i dont think this really counted for both was more like pratice match as i look at it
A result could have still been affected with clever thinking.
siddharth2002 said:
Forfeiting an innings is not match-fixing. Its simply declaring one innings at "0" and setting up a target. Perfectly fine and within laws and has happened few times notably between SA and ENG, which England won and was the most exiting match of that series. You cannot score a six if don't throw the dice. India and SL should have done the same thing, but they won't because they doubt their abilities and prefer "draws" over victories and hence they are not one of the sporting teams and will never be one of the best in cricket. You give few and take few.....

If India didnt force a result in this game, that doesnt mean that cant be the best team in the world! South Africa did that (forcing a result!) long back when Cronje was captain, have they become the best team in the world at any point of time?

siddharth2002 said:
A result could have still been affected with clever thinking.

Yes. But its not needed. Every defeat is being heavily criticised in a nation like India. Thats not the case with England or South Africa where not every defeat is as much criticised as it is in India!

So the Indian team might not have wanted to take the risk!
saisrini80 said:
If India didnt force a result in this game, that doesnt mean that cant be the best team in the world! South Africa did that (forcing a result!) long back when Cronje was captain, have they become the best team in the world at any point of time?

Yes. But its not needed. Every defeat is being heavily criticised in a nation like India. Thats not the case with England or South Africa where not every defeat is as much criticised as it is in India!

So the Indian team might not have wanted to take the risk!
Thats the point, even we knew that India might have lost easily!!!!
And some people would have criticised for the loss but some would have praised Rahul for sporting declarations. Now since when did Indian team started thinking of People now(/sarcasm) because they know public's memoryis fickle and series victory will be more remembered than a test loss. People who criticise for such things are paranoids and that excludes me because I am criticising IND and SL for not being sportive. What about the people who paid money to watch the game at the ground and television viewers.
And I said one of the best, not "the best". Everyone knows after AUS SA is the best team team in the world with ENG closing in.
It would have been cool seeing both teams declear at 0. Then you get a result. But some teams don't want a result so we saw what we did. The game really turned into a practice match. Both teams got a bit of a bowl and bat.
Team for the second test

What do you guys think should be the team for the second test?

According to me,

VVS Laxman
MS Dhoni
I Pathan
Harbhajan Singh
A Kumble
RP Singh

Agarkar didnt impress in the last day so far! And I think RP Singh should be given a chance too to play! Also Ganguly should come ahead of Laxman and not like what we saw in Chennai where Laxman was sent at No.5! Ganguly cant bat with the tail. Laxman is equipped to bat with the tail. He has done it before.

Tendulkar has to shun his defensive batting and adopt a more aggressive approach! If he fails, no problem! At least he is trying! And I hope he concentrates on an Indian win rather than his 35th century!
I think it would have been stupid to declare at 0. Given the condition of the pitch after taking in 3+ days of torrential weather AND that this was the first match of a short-length series, throwing away a game like this would have been utter foolishness. As a fan, maybe I would have enjoyed a few hours of excitement. As a appreciator of good cricket, I would definitely have not, because cricket is not only about how you play it, but how you strategize it.
"Tendulkar has to shun his defensive batting and adopt a more aggressive approach! If he fails, no problem! At least he is trying! And I hope he concentrates on an Indian win rather than his 35th century!"

He never did that in his life..and he never will. You can't have a better team man than Sachin, not even Dravid. I'm sure if Sachin was a bit selfish, he would have broken some more records now.

We don't know how he is feeling, his tennis elbow or his poor form in SA that might have made him play slowly in the test.

But i agree with you, Ganguly should come ahead of Laxman. I think he should be facing the pacemen for now, he looked no where close to comfortable against the spinners.
RP Singh should be given a chance but its a tough call, experience or trial?
Sachin's innings yesterday reminded one of the silly knock he played against the Pakis last year .. Thrusted with the respnsibility of seeing the team through to a draw , all sachin could manage was an insipid innings ( inspite of the short leg dropping a howler ) , which finally ended at a similar score.

Irrespective of how bad the pitch is , there has to be some purpose shown by the batsman.
The negativity in their thinking got highlighted even more , when they made Pathan pad up on the 4th evening. To send him as a nightwatchman just incase a wicket fell ..

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