Transmission Closes Down

Yes i agree.

And well pirating must of been a big issue into why there is no more TG.
Hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The game was ''pathetic'' when released, so in some ways they deserve to lose their jobs, i mean if this was a chef in a restaraunt and he made a s**t meal then he would certainly get the sack.

BUT on the other hand the chef decided to work hard and improve on his cooking skills, in other words they decided to make a patch and improve the game, so in some ways they don't deserve to lose their jobs.

Thats the way i see it.
You need to grow up and show a little respect in my opinion and understand the situation aittle better as it sounds as if you dont.
Is this news official if so I am gutted and hoping for a plummet in AC09 prices for 360 ;).
This game shown a lot of promise and the only way was up for it.

maybe you can shut up and keep your 2 pence opinions to yourselves.

who gives a damn, what you think
Well said. In my opinion people arent understanding exactly what has happened they deserve respect cause well thats what they have given us they have been working for months to fix this game on our behalf and impressions from the beta is they fixed it alright and have just lost there jobs and people are having ago and showing lack of respect i think they just need to grow up. TG have done a great job and my thoughts are with them all.
I can see where SpitfiresKent is coming from, actually. Perhaps not that "in some ways they deserve to lose their jobs", but rather that they deserved a second shot.

Given that second shot, they improved the game beyond all recognition.

Having said that, it's not a case of getting the sack over a piece of poor work - it's more a case of the restaurant not getting the bookings required to stay open.
Sorry but i cant see atall where hes coming from, needs to show some repect and grow up in my opinion.
What I don't understand is that if that if this game has sold as well as it has supposed to have, added to that Transmission apparantly having the contract to produce the next installment of AC, then why are they folding?? Why havn't they downsized to a level to enable just the production of AC10 which would surely be helped out by Codemasters. A skeleton crew of staff could just add to the current game tournaments, updated teams plus gameplay tweaks which apparantly the beta patch was close to sorting anyway??
Maybe Codemasters were not happy with the product and decided the next version should be produced by another company because lets face it apart from a few people championing it's cause on PC, most people who have purchased it agree its a fairly average game and nowhere near the level cricket gaming should, and easily could be at.
Yeah it's a shame and sad to see people lose jobs but in this world you have got to be the best you can and quite frankly Transmission weren't, this game has minimal improvements on BL99 and we are talking 10 years and hundreds of processors later.
I spent 90 dollars on this ps3 game, it wasn't money well spent and I would be well in my rights to now go download a pirated version for my pc just to play it patched to see if the improvements were as vast as told here. But I wont, just as I will never buy another codemasters half finished, just past deadline game again!!
Feel really gutted - more so for the Transmission guys who have been working so hard on our behalf the last couple of months, but also because it means we won't get another, better installment of the series next year.

Easily the best cricket game out there post patch. :(

And now, what was undoubtedly going to be a magnificent cricket game series won't have the chance to realise its full potential.

To all those calling them 'cut throats' and wishing them luck on the dole queue, you should be ashamed. :noway
Sad news for TG staff and their families, especially before Christmas. Anybody who suggests they deserved it should have a good long hard look at themselves as a person. I only hope they are young enough not to know any better.
Hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The game was ''pathetic'' when released, so in some ways they deserve to lose their jobs, i mean if this was a chef in a restaraunt and he made a s**t meal then he would certainly get the sack.

BUT on the other hand the chef decided to work hard and improve on his cooking skills, in other words they decided to make a patch and improve the game, so in some ways they don't deserve to lose their jobs.

Thats the way i see it.

The most sensible post thus far, yes the game was/is a pile of arcadey bs,its not a realistic simulation just a slog fest,and all you people worrying about poor he is poor he will probably have another job lined up, he couldn`t care less about us customers,spending our hard earnt cash on a sub standard game believe me.

We have all been ripped off,just accept it and move on.

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