Transmission Closes Down


I dont know I should feel sad about the developers of a game that had lot of potential to be (but not) or for me buying the ps3 game 2 days back. Wouldn't have spent my money to have the current playability of this game.

The unfortunate shut down of Transmission only acts as fuel to even further monoply of sub-standard cricket games.
Good news those crooks ran out of business. The quicker cutthroats run out of business the better. :happy
Rest assured AC10 would have had the same crap gameplay with zero improvement. Same hit everything for six BS. Thats the trademark of Codies. These guys are here to earn money and not to improve their product. The same old issues will come back to haunt us again. All they will do is degrade the gameplay by taking out any good element Ashes 09 had. Just change the packaging and fool people this is their motto. :mad:
I have more hope from Mindstorm and TAOC to provide us with improved product with each release because they are new to the scenario but not Codies or EA. Just my IMHO.:sarcasm
well we atlest see rob online and thats means he is in a good mood and things are ok with him so far.. dont worry mate, you will find a better job. i am sure...
Good news those crooks ran out of business. The quicker cutthroats run out of business the better. :happy
Rest assured AC10 would have had the same crap gameplay with zero improvement. Same hit everything for six BS. Thats the trademark of Codies. These guys are here to earn money and not to improve their product. The same old issues will come back to haunt us again. All they will do is degrade the gameplay by taking out any good element Ashes 09 had. Just change the packaging and fool people this is their motto. :mad:
I have more hope from Mindstorm and TAOC to provide us with improved product with each release because they are new to the scenario but not Codies or EA. Just my IMHO.:sarcasm

Empathy is obviously your middle name. I hope you don't lose your job soon, or fail an exam, a relationship breaks up etctera.
Good news those crooks ran out of business. The quicker cutthroats run out of business the better. :happy
Rest assured AC10 would have had the same crap gameplay with zero improvement. Same hit everything for six BS. Thats the trademark of Codies. These guys are here to earn money and not to improve their product. The same old issues will come back to haunt us again. All they will do is degrade the gameplay by taking out any good element Ashes 09 had. Just change the packaging and fool people this is their motto. :mad:
I have more hope from Mindstorm and TAOC to provide us with improved product with each release because they are new to the scenario but not Codies or EA. Just my IMHO.:sarcasm

If im honest i think you should show a litte respect these guys have lost there jobs one of them being rob i guess who shared lots of great information with us, took on board all our feedback to help this patch go ahead, fair enough the first product wasnt good enough, but the betas were in a different league and very good. You show such lack of respect and understanding of what has happened which disgusts me personally. You clearly dont know of the hard work that was done for us over at TG. :mad:
Good news those crooks ran out of business. The quicker cutthroats run out of business the better. :happy
Rest assured AC10 would have had the same crap gameplay with zero improvement. Same hit everything for six BS. Thats the trademark of Codies. These guys are here to earn money and not to improve their product. The same old issues will come back to haunt us again. All they will do is degrade the gameplay by taking out any good element Ashes 09 had. Just change the packaging and fool people this is their motto. :mad:
I have more hope from Mindstorm and TAOC to provide us with improved product with each release because they are new to the scenario but not Codies or EA. Just my IMHO.:sarcasm

You are the only one who thinks like that. Im my personal view they had released the best cricket game till date ( with or without the patch ) & Transmission had also provided excellent after sales service to the entire community by letting us in on the beta patch.

There isnt one developer on the current scene who can boast of the excellent post release service that was provided by transmission. They are nice and caring people & all the best to them :)
well i just email codis asking them to hire rob as he would be a very good man for their team... i dont think they would just becouse i ask them to. but its what i can do for now..

somebody can create a petition for hiring transmission game employees by codemaster or give them credit for the job they did

I think people need to realise that this is business, and because a handful of people on a forum like a certain guy, that doesn't mean that a company is gonna hire someone/people based on our own personal recommendation. Whilst this is all very sad, it is also business and how the real world is unfortunately. Scores of people lose their jobs every day, it's just a fact of life.

I'm sure the success of AC 09 will have got the developers on the radars of a few companies and Rob and co. will be in work soon, hopefully :)

Also people. Lay off about the stupid patch. People have familes to feed, mortgages and bills to pay etc etc. Just because the majority of you live with your parents and don't have to worry about this stuff, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Have a bit of compassion...
The patch is in codies hands now anyway so asking about the patch is not showing disrespect.

Well thanks transmisson from all your hard work on betas and final patch.

Our thought are with al of you.
Also people. Lay off about the stupid patch. People have familes to feed, mortgages and bills to pay etc etc. Just because the majority of you live with your parents and don't have to worry about this stuff, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Have a bit of compassion...

Exactly. There's far more things to worry about instead of a game. Wars, poverty and the GFC which is affecting all and was probably a major factor as to why they couldn't survive financially. Small companies like this are struggling at the moment, so it's not expected.

Forget about the patch, and just think for a moment 'What if this was you'? You're all going to struggle to pay a bill or 2 at one stage in your life. Just think about what they're going through.
yes but the patch is in codies hands now so asking about it isnt showing any disrespect to TG as they no longer have the patch. Im deeply annoyed and sorry for all the hard workers over at TG who no longer have a job as they all had really good potential as we seen in ashes cricket with the betas. TG have done there bit now with the patch a great job at that, but not to forget these guys have lost there jobs my thoughts are with them now and all i can do is thank them all very much for showing us all respect and sticking with us and taking onboard all our feedback and making this game worth every penny. I hope they all get back on there feet sooner than later and im sure gaming companies will snatch rob up very shortly as he was a great guy we have him to thank alot.

Giggs11 added 6 Minutes and 22 Seconds later...

Aint karma a bitch. Serves them right for making such a pathetic game. Have fun in the dole lines bungholes! :laugh

I think people are still unclear on what as actually happened or just dont have any respect atall as they dont need to put food on there families plates every night im not quite sure, but these people have lost there jobs and why people are complainnig about the patch o no it aint gonna be released now then i think you need to understand that TG have done there bit and produced a patch which i think is now in codies hands im only 16 and i dont even have a job or have to feed my family but i understand the situation thats occuring i think other people just need to grow up alittle and show some decency. My thoughts are with everyone at TG and thanks again for not shutting us out and showing us massives of respect and transforming ashes cricket into something quite special now and you deserve the respect back in my opinion.
Feel really gutted - more so for the Transmission guys who have been working so hard on our behalf the last couple of months, but also because it means we won't get another, better installment of the series next year.

Easily the best cricket game out there post patch. :(

So the people who bought the game and installed beta 2 cannot play online,While the people who pirated the game pre-beta(not all i must stress)continue to play online.:mad:
Why didnt they put a serial number on the game in order to play online?Many more people might have bought the game then.
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