Transmission Closes Down

You paid for a game not a patch. Expecting a company who have gone into receivership to still work on producing a patch is asking a bit much.

I would like to think that I would still put people first regardless of whether I had the patch or not. No doubt if the roles were reversed you would be complaining that you can't play online using the beta.
There is no "surely" in this. We'd all like for there to be a patch but these are circumstances beyond your control, beyond my control and beyond even Darkboyblunder's control.

Yes i payed for a game, buts its unplayable so they shoud fix this.

And i dont play online anywayz, i brought this game for the offline modes.

Yes and i tried my best to explain myself and show you that i do care about what has happened at TG as i am honestly dissapointed and have lots of sympothy and i am very gratefull for there effort as there are still individuals that arent. I would just love for some one to speak out and let us know whats going on.

Giggs11 added 3 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

And im not having ago because i would probably be saying what your saying if i was in your position with two betas and on pc, but i would have to make myself understand and look at other points of views as in being on a console with nothing, a unplayable game which was not worth buying at the moment and then think surey a patch has to come out at some stage.
At the end of the day someone, somewhere, has coined alot of money through sales of a product that clearly wasn't finished when launched.
A patch has been worked on and was (if we believe what we were told) due for release very soon. Therefore, in my opinion, whoever made the money from the original game sales has a duty to release some form of a patch for the console market.
One other thing. Whilst I have sympathy for anyone losing their job, would it be that hard for anyone from TG who hold an account on this forum to spend 1 minute just giving people some sort of update ? If only to confirm that the patch is no more....
A lot of money? You think there's any money to be made in such a small computer game genre? I'd think again. (Computer games in general, really)

There are several possible reasons why no one has said anything publicly, frankly, it isn't important in the grand scheme of things.
would it be that hard for anyone from TG who hold an account on this forum to spend 1 minute just giving people some sort of update ? If only to confirm that the patch is no more....

Well technically no-one is "from" TG anymore and also, as I've said elsewhere, they don't know.
Codemasters are the people to talk to.
If anything, I'd be more annoyed with Codies. TG are no more, so they really can't do anything, but Codies - well that's a different story. They should really make some kind of announcement.

As to the TG guys, good luck in your search for a new job. Sure, they might have let some bugs through, but they showed their quality by the way they killed most of them in the betas. As I've said before, it's more and more common for bugs to get through (even bugs that they know about), but the game still gets released because The Man has said it's time for it to be released and wants to get the ?/$ rolling in - remember, The Man represents the corporate side and they couldn't care less about whether gamers like the game, as long as it sells. Can't remember which issue, but there was a great article on the situation in PC Gamer.
Well technically no-one is "from" TG anymore and also, as I've said elsewhere, they don't know.
Codemasters are the people to talk to.

My point was that they could have given us a brief update as to how things were left, then we could have taken things up with whomever the 'patch' was left with, if it still exists.
If anything, I'd be more annoyed with Codies. TG are no more, so they really can't do anything, but Codies - well that's a different story. They should really make some kind of announcement.

As to the TG guys, good luck in your search for a new job. Sure, they might have let some bugs through, but they showed their quality by the way they killed most of them in the betas. As I've said before, it's more and more common for bugs to get through (even bugs that they know about), but the game still gets released because The Man has said it's time for it to be released and wants to get the ?/$ rolling in - remember, The Man represents the corporate side and they couldn't care less about whether gamers like the game, as long as it sells. Can't remember which issue, but there was a great article on the situation in PC Gamer.

Yes you pc owners have great betas, us console owners have an unplayable game. We need this patch to be released. Maybe sometime in the next few days someone will at least speak out. :(
Just give it a couple of weeks, patch might come out or go buy a PC :)

The problem is the consoles anyway we would of had a patch by now if ashes09 was only on PC ? So much security crap on PS3 & Xbox & u cant just download it, gotta add to there networks etc

so it taking so long because of consoles & codies

might only see a patch for PC maybe ?
Actually the problem is the PC version, its full of pirates and only about 2% of the sales of AC09.
Just give it a couple of weeks, patch might come out or go buy a PC :)

The problem is the consoles anyway we would of had a patch by now if ashes09 was only on PC ? So much security crap on PS3 & Xbox & u cant just download it, gotta add to there networks etc

so it taking so long because of consoles & codies

might only see a patch for PC maybe ?

Well that would be stupid and unfair and i would complain like crazy :D
Originally Posted by barmyarmy
You paid for a game not a patch. Expecting a company who have gone into receivership to still work on producing a patch is asking a bit much.

Funny isnt it..
May be in your reviews you shouldn't have spoken out the truth, and criticised the game for its shortfalls, just may be it might have averted the current scenario!!

The product is not what it claims to be 'Realistic & Authentic Gameplay', rather should've been titled 'Hong Kong Sixes' with few bugs thrown in.

The many who go about badnaming & use abusive language (against developers), prompts you and other few to take a completely defensive and oblivious stance. I may not share the same grief as you, for a company which hurried the release of this game, but do realise if all who have purchased the game, HUMANELY ask and push for a patch we might get one.
So many impatient people.... and alot of scaremongering toboot :/

Being from Australia, the news report and headlines about transmission closing don't phase me as much as most on this site.

Persuing the few facts available at this time, I take a couple of things out of it... "voluntary liquidation", "company doesn't want to make an official annoucement yet".

I'm fairly happy with the detail of this and this is why...

1/ Voluntary Liquidation - The company has failed to meet it's business case (whether deals falling through, loss of projected revenue, or general ecomomic factors), and realises it cannot repay some debt (loan repayments etc), so is forced to make some hard decisions and turn some assets into cash, call in any money owing to them, and try to meet their obligations.

2/ Minimizing expenditure, placing a company into receivership (maybe appointing administrators to oversee), at this stage I would say the main aim is to make the company viable again and maybe even look for investors or someone who would like to purchase the company if they can get the company finances in a reasonable position. (It is a known computer game 'brand' and the name itself would carry some future value) - so until the exact state of the company (and some kind of future forecast completed), the company should be very careful about what public information is made available as it may put at risk and salvage plans it may have.

3/ The lack of information means that there is still probably alot internal of investigation and review to see what can be done.... the longer the silence surrounds this, the more I'd say that there is hope for the company (if not the CEO or current board) as maybe they have some areas of potential revenue or expenditure cutting they are looking into. If was worst case and the company was out of money, had no assets, and no way of continuing, they would have declared bankruptcy by now and tried to remove any future liability from being incurred - ie. cut and run .... so far this hasn't happened.

4/ Codemasters have their name on this game. They have a hell of alot of interest/investment into online gaming and daresay will ensure that they get as much of a return out of AC09 as they can as well as ensuring that any 'goodwill' associated with their name remains. I would also guess they manage the online servers (and hence no issue if transmission goes, with being able to play the game online).

5/ The upcoming patch has been very much talked about, there are cases where people have held off purchasing the game waiting to see if the patch will improve it. I have at least 3 friends that are waiting the patch (1 before he plays it again, 2 who will buy if the patch makes it better to play with us). So with that in mind, there's a good case for saying the patch is a way of gaining potential revenue, either for Codemasters wanting to increase their returns or just keep their 'good' name, or Transmission as a way of getting the business back on track. I'd also say that regardless of who does the patch, the release through the online environments would be handled by Codemasters too.

Finally to those who want to put their thoughts about this game being broken and unplayable on consoles.... what rubbish. There are enough people playing online (I have no trouble getting games), and whilst agree there are issues.... it's still fun and enjoyable most of the time.

My biggest complaint is more about the players who use cheap tactics when laggy games (all close fielders and bowl 100% yorkers, all close offside fielders and then bowl as wide as they can without giving wides etc)... but usually those are the ones who can't play anyway and I'll just finish the game and avoid them later..... but mostly the people I play, play fair fun cricket and don't try to exploit the lag or cheap tactics, so because of that, I have alot of fun playing people online on my PS3, and have made so many PSN friends through cricket now that I've had to create a new account for playing COD and moving my previous PSN list across so I have space.

Disclaimer: These are just my thoughts, and I'm no Master of Ecomnoics or anything like that, there's probably loads of flaws in my logic or reasoning, and maybe I've missed some releases/articles that go against what I'm saying, but at this time that's how I see the state of things, and I'm not too worried that the patch for consoles (or PC) will be cancelled, I'm still fairly sure we will get it - if just delayed while some other more important things get sorted out.... and if I am wrong, well I still enjoy the game and will continue to play it whilst I do.
didnt read a that, but i brought this game for offine not online and its unplayable this patch better come or many people are gonna complain and be extremely angry.

Pc users have two great betas we however have nothing. they have to give us some type of patch.
Finally to those who want to put their thoughts about this game being broken and unplayable on consoles.... what rubbish.

So a run out bug so bad that 8 out of 10 wickets in an innings can be runouts and a spinner glitch that actually makes it more difficult not to take a wicket just to name 2 of the major problems in this game is rubbish is it??
Funny isnt it..
May be in your reviews you shouldn't have spoken out the truth, and criticised the game for its shortfalls, just may be it might have averted the current scenario!!

Is it my imagination or are you suggesting that had I written a glowing review of the game nobody would have noticed there was anything wrong with it? :doh

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