4th Test: England v Australia at Chester-le-Street Aug 9-13, 2013

I mean, if it's that close, then then Umpire's decision should be taken into account, as he's in the best position to judge. Giving everything that's scraping a stump is a bit silly for me.

We're using technology, what seems "a bit silly for me" is then saying well it's only hitting the stumps a little bit and so we'll go with the human instead of the technology.

The whole point I've tried to make for weeks now is either we trust the technology to be accurate, or we don't. If dorkeye says it is hitting the stumps (at all) then go with it, or scrap the whole damned thing. We don't say the batsman is not out if the ball bowls him but only clips his stumps, why say it when that's what dorkeye shows!!?!?!?

The problem is any system has to be accepted by the players, if they see the ball hitting the stumps according to dorkeye then they will question it, I don't think I've ever seen "umpire's call" with the ball missing the stumps yet that could be wrong if we're saying it is only "49% certain" or whatever the absurd benchmark is for uncertainty.

So decisions, regardless if using reviews or just humans, need to fulfil these three basic premises :

- it is simple to impliment and understand
- it is consistent and reliable
- it is accepted and trusted by the players

DRS fails on all three, and I don't blame the players on the final one of the three (assuming I haven't missed anything) That is the key, it most certainly isn't consistent and reliable since it is used as a tactic and still wrong decisions go through review and don't come out right

One basic aspect of having to be overwhelming evidence to overturn is a flaw, sounds nice if the main reason for having it is to back your umpires, but when you turn to a player and say "it looks out mate, but it isn't out enough that we're going to reverse the umpire's not out call"

Goalline technology will supposedly tell if a ball crosses the line or not in football, they won't give a "well it was close enough that we'll stick with the referee", it will decide it. Umpires are humans, we all make mistakes, and the technology exposes real howlers so wtf are they so worried about borderline decisions getting reversed?!?!?!?!

Anyway, moving on. I was doubting that the aussies were going to build towards a lead at one point, Mr Broad turning up for a change. But Rogers and Watson built innings and Rogers has done what no England batsman did despite nine of them getting a start - gone on to a big score.

England really need to knock the aussies over this morning, ideally well before lunch Anything much more than a 60 runs lead and England won't be happy, altho0ugh the aussies do have to bat last.

How many the aussies get in front will obviously depend on the remaining batsmen, but also the impending new ball and how well England bowl first thing. England really need at least one early breakthrough, if the aussies put on 10, 20, 30 runs before a wicket then England will be even more on the back foot.

Cook is in a tricky situation, often he'd put on a part-timer and the spinner to hurry up the new ball and keep the opening bowlers fresh, can he afford to do this with the aussies only 16 runs behind and it being likely to be the best conditions for his quicks? I was surprised he didn't bowl Root yesterday given Lyon got four wickets, two wrapped up in swing and so went with Trott instead.

Crucial morning, if the aussies get to lunch England are in real trouble. England really need to pick up regular wickets and maybe even polish off the last 2-3 with the new ball. If I were Clarke I'd be wanting 300+ , although the aussies may fall short of par as well.
Dorkeye? Hilarious. If I could make it more serious though....

The football example has no real comparison, much like Tennis and Cricket. In Tennis the Hawkeye is tracking where the ball has been, whereas in Cricket, it's predicting where it will go. We've all seen those balls in cricket that pitch and go past the bat and we all think it's bowled, only for it to somehow miss. That's what Hawkeye takes into account when it says it's 98% accurate or whatever that number is. I mean, who's to say the ball wouldn't have straightened after pitching and swing away slightly, (if the pad didn't get in the way) like it does countless times when it goes through to the wicket-keeper?

The system is there to correct bad decisions and a ball that is maybe clipping the stumps isn't a bad decision, it's a marginal one. Where's the need to correct that, with an, all-be-it very educated, guess? The Umpires are there for a reason. Overturning every single decision they make because it's taking the varnish off of leg stump would be pointless.
A crucial early breakthrough for England, that could just keep the aussie lead down to manageable proportions.

Although the new ball could fly off the bat a lot quicker, 30-40 quick runs here from a partnership or maybe 20-30 quick runs simply from a lower order batsman could throw a spanner in England's works. They can't afford to give much away at all, attack with three slips and a gully but run the risk of boundaries, not least to third man and fine leg.

Oh and I haven't said before, but yet another cracking low scorer. One in the eye for the boards, ground and TV I know, wanting five days to maximise viewing revenue, but this is far better value for money. Give me a four day low scoring corker over a five day runfest come borefest any day of the week.

And one thing to be said for the reviews, people thought it would be boring if football (and cricket) got all decisions right with replays/technology, far from it!
Wel well well........who would have thought it. England bowlers get their batsmen out of trouble AGAIN.....
Swann may just have done enough to slow the aussie charge down and rein in their lead a bit.

I think England will fancy their chances of polishing off the tail for a modest 25-35 run lead, the aussies will be hoping a 20 or 30 from Siddle or Harris can push the lead up to a handy 50-60 run lead.

The English will definitely be the happier, 300+ having looked like being on for the aussies
Just need to knock off these last two very cheaply and it will have been a dream morning for England. Hopefully England can learn from the first innings and push on from here.....they have the chance to put the pressure back on..........we do keep forgetting that amongst all the hype the Aussies are still having enough problems of their own......
Wel well well........who would have thought it. England bowlers get their batsmen out of trouble AGAIN.....

Why you guys copying us for! I suspected this would happen. We didn't have the usual tail to cover the batsmen that failed.
It's probably a good idea to review it when Harris himself started to walk off, it was that plumb. :D
So; a lead of 32. This is shaping up to be a good, close game.

Absolutely. I said England would fancy their chances of polishing off the aussies for a lead of no more than 25-35, they conceded 32.

Now it is down to the openers to get England off to a flier, if we dig in too much then trench mentality will set in. Look at 60+ for an opening stand and build, the aussies will want a couple of wickets before lunch I'm sure while England will want to get to tea no more than three wickets down and with 110-130 runs on the board

aussies will probably still be the happier of the two, if they plug away at the wickets then England will know they have to take off the 32 runs and you can add two wickets to the score at any time a la Boycott theory. So 100/2 might look quite handy, but it is effectively 68/2 and could easily become 68/4 in no time at all.

I reckon a target of 270+ could make for an interesting chase, England have to set their sights on 300+ surely?
Really good effort that by England. Thank goodnes normality is returned in the tail departmen.....few swipes, few fours, run through em quickly.......the batsman really must stand up and be counted now. We need a really good start and a few well fought partnerships.....
That's a good ball and all from Harris, but Root literally got nowhere near it. I could understand it more if he's edging that to first slip, but his technique doesn't look good enough at the top of the order yet.
England's session but the game is still in the balance. Doesn't seem to be much movement there and Aus won't fancy chasing more than 250 I reckon.

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