Tendulkar is the best batsman in the world closely followed by Lara. The ONLY man to have 10000 runs in each form of the game isn't as good as everyone thinks? Then why can't no one else score 13700 runs odd in ODIs and 10100 runs odd in test!?

: He would struggle agaisnt Harmison and Flintoffs bounce?

Do you recall the worldcup when he took Caddick's bouncer and put it into the stands? I guess not. Flintoff isnt as good as McGrath, Gillespie, Lee, Ntini, Pollock so keep quiet. Gillespie and especially Lee have more bounce than englands beloved flintoff.(who by the way hadn't play against australia before july 21!) Do you know Tendulkar's average against England is 76? Do you?! Harmison and Flintoff were playing by the way!!! And before you come with its because Tendulkar is playing in India his average in England is 71!!! Keep quiet. 6 Test centuries against england. Also he is the only man to play 100 test to have an average of over 55. Next in line is Dravid, but he hasnt got to 100 test yet. Englands bowling would struggle to get out...Tendulkar, Dravid, Kallis, Lara.
By the way...how did it feel to have 400 knocked off of your beloved Harmy and Flintoff and crappy Giles. Hmm? Shock and awe? Humiliation? Tell me