Pune, Deccan, Rajasthan and Punjab are below CSK for a reason. Rajasthan and Punjab get all the sympathy votes because they have always been a below par performing team throughout many seasons, so when they start competing, people think they are better.. One person here talked about the wash out match. He doesnt take into account the fact that had the match happened and had Chennai won, we would have been on 18 pts and wouldn't have had to rely on other teams to qualify. Now dont say RCB elected to bowl that match and Gayle would have destroyed Chennai. Inspite of RCB batting second in some games, they lost in this tournament.
The fact that Chennai ended up with higher points than Rajasthan and Punjab proves that they were the better team. And with regards to RCB, inspite of having such big hitters like Gayle, Dilshan, Kohli, Tiwary, DeVilliers, etc, they couldn't achieve a better run rate? Heck, CSK were better than RCB too. And CSK proved better than Delhi and Mumbai too by winning the crunch games. They swatted both Delhi and Mumbai aside like they were mosquitos. Delhi got two games to the final, and they fluffed it both. People didn't talk about fixing when Delhi lost to KKR. But they got onto it when they lost to Chennai. No matter how well Chennai plays in the future, people will continue talking about fixing because its a favorite pastime to pull out when their fav teams lose to Chennai or when Chennai ends up at the top.