Cons of Brian Lara Cricket

siddharth2002 said:
U are taking it too much on ur heart. Chill man. Everything is alright.
U know what BLC 99 was such crap first of all, It never worked on my computer(p41.6, mmx440) which is a common configuration. and now look at 2005 version of BLC. They again have support for selected graphic chips only. Of course I will be able to play it on my computer but what about others.
Look at EA requirements and configurations it will support. Almost anything lol.
I don't know why, Codemasters are keeping high nose on these things.

And to say something on Cricket 2004's A.I. well one thing was fairly real, U have to figure out a shot on each ball which can time it well and the contact of bat and ball was hard and fast. as a result the ball is going to go excactly where it goes in the real world's cricket. Now what more do u want in that respect, its already real. the only EA has to work out is CPU pacing and change of tactics when u are on rampage and especially batsman tiring out. Won't that be a challenge for hard-core gamers.
I am confident that BLC 2005 will have nothing of that sort lol
All that aside, its only a video game, they are suppose to be entertaining. i certainly and nobody will have time to bat 90 overs in a day trying to make 400 runs in a day. if the game has to sell, it simply needs to have appeal in all audiences. games cannot be made for die-hard game fans because most of them can't even buy the game, simply put.

All I can do about your post above is :D :D :D You know what, you need to chill as everyone over here knows how crap was Cricket2004. I am merely stating the facts on the cricket games EA have made and you are simply running down an upcoming game like BLIC that has not even been released. On this forums we have had a list of bugs for Cricket 2002/2004 running into so many pages people just gave up posting bugs.

BLC didn't work on your computer(p41.6, mmx440) pc you are claiming :eek: ? You got to be kidding there were no p4 in 1999 when the game was made, how do you reckon they could support future PCs and OS. At that point of time any pc with decent specs was able to play BLC. I have this feeling it is absolutely futile to explain to you about the history of EA cricket games and its problems with compatibility. I suggest you do a bit of research on this forum before posting something like this.

And , its still not easy to sixes in Cricket 2004 so easily. if u check the records no one has come even closer to the records I created in respect to highest number of runs scored. It took me a lot of gameply and practice to achieve what i can do now. And I have hit six 6's in an over on BLC 99 as well. Plus will hit them in Cricket 2005 as well, Doesn't matter what A.I. is there Because It is is possible to do in real world as well. Doesn't matter what A.I. is there Because It is is possible to do in real world as well

Firstly it seems you are assuming no one ever has hit six 6s in an over with Cricket 2004 going by what is under records forums. Are you playing this game since the last week or so by any chance? You are giving credit to EA because the shots go where they are supposed to? If you cannot even have that then how could you call it a cricket game.

games cannot be made for die-hard game fans because most of them can't even buy the game, simply put.

Educate me how the die hard game fans can't buy a game? If the games were made for those who want to score 6 sixes in an over then they better not make a game at all IMO.
siddharth2002 said:
U know what BLC 99 was such crap first of all, It never worked on my computer(p41.6, mmx440) which is a common configuration. and now look at 2005 version of BLC. They again have support for selected graphic chips only. Of course I will be able to play it on my computer but what about others.
Look at EA requirements and configurations it will support. Almost anything lol.
I don't know why, Codemasters are keeping high nose on these things.
BLC 99 works on any computer in the world
Even a system with P1, 4MB SVGA graphics card will run the game fine.The graphics in BLC99 look much gooder than Cricket 2004 and the gameplay of BLC99 was also good but then it doesnt have wides,no-balls etc..which made it a crap game.
Not everyone will be able to get patches for the game because they will buy it on console. I'm buying it for my PC but I think I will need to upgrade my graphics card first.

EA do well with making it run on people's PCs.

Demo releasing on 14th June I think.:spy
Mahesh Babu said:
BLC 99 works on any computer in the world
Even a system with P1, 4MB SVGA graphics card will run the game fine.The graphics in BLC99 look much gooder than Cricket 2004 and the gameplay of BLC99 was also good but then it doesnt have wides,no-balls etc..which made it a crap game.
But that's an old computer. I can still play cricket 2000, cricket 2002 on mine. and can also play blc 99 demo. but why not blc 99 full version even after applying the xp patch.

crick4life said:
Firstly it seems you are assuming no one ever has hit six 6s in an over with Cricket 2004 going by what is under records forums. Are you playing this game since the last week or so by any chance? You are giving credit to EA because the shots go where they are supposed to? If you cannot even have that then how could you call it a cricket game..

I have checked everyone's records on the forum. I know already people hit even 50 runs in an over. But u didn't get what i wanted to say it seems. Honestly i wouldn't be explaining any further either. so let the new babies come out and see how we go from there.!!

crick4life said:
BLC didn't work on your computer(p41.6, mmx440) pc you are claiming ? You got to be kidding there were no p4 in 1999 when the game was made, how do you reckon they could support future PCs and OS. At that point of time any pc with decent specs was able to play BLC.

My computer has hardware which was available by 2001-2002 maximum. I think that's not so distant future for a game coming out in 99-2000. Anyways anything that worked on PIII before can work on P4 as well. And I am thinking mmx440 came even before P4. lol.

And if I am finding any faults in BLC 2005, then its because this thread is "Cons of Brian Lara Cricket". So that's why I said chill. I am a true gamer. And I don't want to hit lots of sixes either. After finding out that lots of people have posted records on this forum only then then I decided to make some records to show that I am the best player of Cricket 2004 and I have proved it. I would certainly like a game where I have to struggle hard to make 300 in 50 overs.
So if Brian Lara impresses me, I will certainly come back to this thread and apologise for the love of the game. Lol.
And after other members have posted some records I will try to prove again that I will be the best in the upcoming games as well.
If u run a thread Pros of Brian Lara Cricket , then I will tell u some pros as well. :onpc :onpc

SkateBoarder2 said:
Not everyone will be able to get patches for the game because they will buy it on console. I'm buying it for my PC but I think I will need to upgrade my graphics card first.

EA do well with making it run on people's PCs.

Demo releasing on 14th June I think.:spy
That's why I was praising EA over Codies.

kmk1284 said:
well said ravi , maybe now sidhart 2002 will chill
I am already so chilled. The weather here has gone worse to horrible.
When you next post any cons of BLIC don't even bother to mention the EA cricket AI and compatibility in comparison with BLIC. BLIC has not even been released and EA cricket games have been proved **** in these matters. You were the one praising EA AI and comparing it with BLIC not us.
QUESTION: If the names are not real in exhibition...will they be real in the other modes (ie, classic matches and such) just wondering, im pretty sure the patchmakers and gamesav makers will figure this out too guys.
And if I am finding any faults in BLC 2005, then its because this thread is "Cons of Brian Lara Cricket". So that's why I said chill. I am a true gamer. And I don't want to hit lots of sixes either. After finding out that lots of people have posted records on this forum only then then I decided to make some records to show that I am the best player of Cricket 2004 and I have proved it.
You've proved it by abusing the advance/slog shot bug?
crick4life said:
When you next post any cons of BLIC don't even bother to mention the EA cricket AI and compatibility in comparison with BLIC. BLIC has not even been released and EA cricket games have been proved **** in these matters. You were the one praising EA AI and comparing it with BLIC not us.
Well I will still praise it. doesn't make any difference to me.

brad352 said:
You've proved it by abusing the advance/slog shot bug?
Still I did it. If somebody else can do it then post it online even if its a bug.
crick4life said:
When you next post any cons of BLIC don't even bother to mention the EA cricket AI and compatibility in comparison with BLIC.
The screenshots of BLC 2005 have given so much hindsight into their A.I.
Wow look at flintoff's bowling. 2overs, one maiden, 5 wickets and 18 runs. Not just that, lots of other screenshots.
Unbelievable stuff. isn't it. Quite REAL I guess.I guess EA will be much worse as accordingly u guys are telling me.
Well anyways its probably my last post in this forum. And I will buy both the games and post my opinion after playing the game. So for time being C ya all.
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Bit off-topic,but I just want to tell you that there's nothing great about scoring Six 6's in an over with the default AI.I'm sure every member here can do that.

I'd like to see how you do playing with Tutsi's or Boss's Ai patches.
Firstly, the only great improvement I found in C2002/2004 from BLC 99 is in the Bugs department(EA certainly have improved there). There's no big deal in hitting sixes with default AI in C2004. If screenshots were to tell anything about the gameplay, go and see the EA ones where the scores are worse than that of BLIC for e.g 16/8. Dont tell me you call it REAL.
The screenshots of BLC 2005 have given so much hindsight into their A.I.
Wow look at flintoff's bowling. 2overs, one maiden, 5 wickets and 18 runs. Not just that, lots of other screenshots.
Unbelievable stuff. isn't it. Quite REAL I guess.I guess EA will be much worse as accordingly u guys are telling me.
Well anyways its probably my last post in this forum. And I will buy both the games and post my opinion after playing the game. So for time being C ya all.

How did u thought that flintoff's statistics in the BLIC screenshots were of the Human player's bowler.It might be of CPU bowler.And also the screenshots shown to us does'nt mean that the game testers are playing a normal game like us.They must be Testing the game.
Screenshots are not there to show AI to the customers but the graphics.
siddharth2002 said:
The screenshots of BLC 2005 have given so much hindsight into their A.I.
Wow look at flintoff's bowling. 2overs, one maiden, 5 wickets and 18 runs. Not just that, lots of other screenshots.
Unbelievable stuff. isn't it. Quite REAL I guess.I guess EA will be much worse as accordingly u guys are telling me.
Well anyways its probably my last post in this forum. And I will buy both the games and post my opinion after playing the game. So for time being C ya all.

Get down from your high horse and remember to come back to post in about 2 months later. If screenshots have given you hindsight, previous 3-4 games from EA has given us more than enough proof of what to expect from them. I tell you yet again to search this forums for bugs in EA Cricket world cup 99 (yup the one without a single left hander in the game), EA Cricket 2000, EA Cricket 2002 and EA Cricket 2004. Ignorance isn't always a bliss and yours is a sure case :rolleyes: .

This is such a Deja vu really. Reminds me of another such poster just before the release of Cricket 2004 couple of years ago. After I did review of Cricket 2004, he jumped the gun and called us we were being very harsh on EA. Couple of weeks later he was in desperate need of patches to fix fielding, runout, rain, default line up and many more bugs in Cricket 2004.

Personally I wish Cricket 2005 is as good or even above BLIC and both games reach pinnacle in game play. The only difference though is going by the experience and the innumerable bugs in the previous EA games we are quite skeptical about what we are going to end up with Cricket 2005. Codies do not have the same history hence we are patient enough to wait for the game before passing judgments.

Brad has answered your question regarding the 6 sixes anyways.
siddharth2002 said:
Still I did it. If somebody else can do it then post it online even if its a bug.
As a matter of fact, I asked that my records involving this shot be removed from the records, and it's generally accepted that they shouldn't count. Just for the sake of it, I did this just then (first time I've played in months):


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