Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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Mode: Career
Match Type: 4 Day County Cricket
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 45.1 First Innings
Ground: Adelaide Gardens
Teams: Nottinghamshire (me) vs Sussex (AI)
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: I pretty much clean bowled Matt Prior and no one cheered in the crowd so I appealed and the umpire said not out. Why does this happen? I didn't bowl a no ball but pretty much I clean bowled him, both bails came off. Is the umpire blind. The umpire was C.Bowler.

Can't wait for the patch :)
I pretty much clean bowled Matt Prior.... I didn't bowl a no ball but pretty much I clean bowled him

Did you clean bowl him or not?

This has happened to me, just the once I think. Others have reported it and I'm sure Patch 2 is gonna fix it.
Mode: Career
Match Type: 4 Day County Cricket
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 45.1 First Innings
Ground: Adelaide Gardens
Teams: Nottinghamshire (me) vs Sussex (AI)
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: I pretty much clean bowled Matt Prior and no one cheered in the crowd so I appealed and the umpire said not out. Why does this happen? I didn't bowl a no ball but pretty much I clean bowled him, both bails came off. Is the umpire blind. The umpire was C.Bowler.

Can't wait for the patch :)


Thats your issue right there. He is as you say, blind. His friends call him "Can't" C.Bowler. The fielding team calls him something similar oddly enough.
Mode: Career
Match Type: ODI
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): can't remember
Ground: can't remember
Teams: South Africa vs India
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: I got a free hit after a no ball bowled by India. I try to go for a lofted shot, but step across the line of the ball, the ball goes behind my legs and hit leg stump. The umpire calls a wide?! He was bowling from around the wicket.
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In the main menu - go to the Options menu and choose the 'Reset Academy' option, just to clear all the old teams out, and then go to the Don Bradman Academy menu, select 'Teams' and pick 'Replace All Teams'.

Just a quick question @MattW, I got the game first day of UK release and did get best straight away, have many or all the teams improved or been updated recently so its worth doin the above reset or would you be pretty happy with what was available first time round? Thanks for your time
The one issue with Get Best (that I can see is as follows)

-Get Best overwrites all existing teams with no option to keep remaining stats intact

E.g. If creators of current Get Best teams have set same line up for all formats of game, or don't have in your opinion the best looking faces for players, or haven't set the attributes/skills to your liking or haven't set home ground to what you want for each team then if you have set all these things up already to your liking, downloading get best will undo all your work

I have done a lot of the above things manually, so I don't think I want to use Get Best again

All I do is download players from Academy and replace the face/body only if I prefer them to what I currently have for a player - does this make sense?
Just a quick question @MattW, I got the game first day of UK release and did get best straight away, have many or all the teams improved or been updated recently so its worth doin the above reset or would you be pretty happy with what was available first time round? Thanks for your time
I can't really advise here - I don't know most of the teams well enough to judge.

Basically, if you have time, go through manually and find the best of the teams you use the most - but honestly, most of my time is spent in career mode where I can't change a thing, so it hasn't worried me.
PS3 controller not vibrating at all while bowling and batting

the ps3 controller is not vibrating while batting bowling and fielding, pls help
Big ant doesnt want to touch this issue with a barge pole so if any one can help me out here it would be much appreciated. Everytime I load the game and it starts looking for my profile my ps3 shuts itself down. I have not switched off while saving nor has there been a power surge. When I do get it working I have to download get best teams and my profile is set back to the start. This has happened 5 times now....will patch 2 fix this or should I just trash this game
Big ant doesnt want to touch this issue with a barge pole so if any one can help me out here it would be much appreciated. Everytime I load the game and it starts looking for my profile my ps3 shuts itself down. I have not switched off while saving nor has there been a power surge. When I do get it working I have to download get best teams and my profile is set back to the start. This has happened 5 times now....will patch 2 fix this or should I just trash this game

It's actually an issue for Sony, we run under their operating system, without actually having your system here we wouldn't have a clue where to start, especially as it seems confined to your system alone.

Non-response does not mean that we're avoiding anything or don't want to help. We'd help if we could, we've helped people through many issues even with the free CA.
update team to latest versions

hi im unable to update team to latest version' me..i have tried all options's..
Bowlers changing sides seemingly at random

I apologize if this has been reported previously, but I did a quick search on the forum regarding this and nothing came up.

Mode: Tour
Match Type: ODI
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occurred): Overs 14 and up
Ground: Wellington Park
Teams: NZ CG(AI) V IND CG (ME)
Get Best: I'm guessing this means if I have replaced all teams when I was first prompted to. If so, then yes.
Description of Issue: I have only noticed this when I'm using spinners. They go from over the wicket to around at random (and vice versa), and I have to press L2 to get them back to where I want them to be bowling from.

I'm not sure if this is limited to spinners. I'm also uncertain if this anomaly kicks in when the batsmen are a left/right combination. I just got the game 3 days ago so will report back if I notice anything further on this.

It is definitely not a huge deal considering all the issues previous cricket games have had. I'm loving DBC 14 so far! Great job, Big Ant!
Hi all. Ive posted a number of times regarding the issues im having when the game tries to load my profile ... ps3 shutsdown. I noticed today that my profile on the game is arajay08 but my user profile on the ps3 is tony. Could this be the problem? I'm not sure how to fix this if this is indeed the problem. .help
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