Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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PS Where is your review Chief.:spy

Still too early: not had enough time with it. My overall impression so far is very positive: there's lots to love about it, but there are some areas that I think need a lot of improvement (mainly instructing the player, explaining not just *how* to do something, but *why* and then feeding back to the player what they did right/wrong). The controls are so complex (and that WILL be a really good thing I suspect, once I have the muscle memory there to use them skilfully) it needs a bit more hand holding.
I also find that I'm guessing a lot of the time, having to make too many complex decisions very late (I've seen a lot of this). I still think that a bit of early indication on line and length somehow is needed for more casual players: It feels like it needs a mode where you can have a bit more fun and not have to work so hard.
I know that the intention was to create a much more "simulation" focussed game, but at the moment it's really quite inaccessible, and very frustrating.

This is all based on career mode, as that's what I've been playing most (in fact, pretty much exclusively!). I wonder if you started the career mode at the peak of your career, playing through tutorials with an awesome player in a huge stadium for your country... and THEN starting your career proper as a 16 year old, with the aim being to get back to the top of the world... That might make it a bit more accessible to begin with.

Technically it's put together brilliantly well (although I agree the commentary is not great, and the front end music really irritates me!). The feature-set is great, the customisation is terrific. Yeah there are glitches, and the run-out and online bugs are annoying, but I'm sure they'll get those fixed.

Overall it's great, but for the above reasons I don't think it's quite where it should be yet.
Excellent read Chief and i do agree with most of it but there is ways to help make you more successful. If i was Bigant look at a game like Forza for options for the player that like it easy or hard.

PS Chief so close to patch 2 and you start a career, i will start one when i feel i will enjoy career mode more as i like tours and seasons so much.

I feel Ross and Bigant have made PC like there second home and sure there is some brats and clowns(:eek:) around but overall we all want this game to be the best it can be for everyones cricket gaming future not do die and make Bigant some money as Ross needs that red sports car he is always dreaming about every night;)

Where i would love the future of DBC to go is more open with key members on here like MattW/Barmy and Biggs to play the game in secret and test the game for Bigant and give feedback like they are now. For all the good DBC does right the game should have been better at the start and not need so much work with patches to fix the bugs. PS I am not saying patches 1 to 3 would not be needed and Bigant have been amazing.
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I would be being very careful about using PC for feedback. Bear in mind that this is the hardcore of the hardcore: clearly the first game is geared very heavily toward the simulation fans. I'd like to see the focus of the next game on further polish and balancing, and the key area of improvement making it more accessible for a wider audience.

I don't think that the best place to get that sort of feedback is where some people think you should remove the score from the screen because realism. :)
I would be being very careful about using PC for feedback. Bear in mind that this is the hardcore of the hardcore: clearly the first game is geared very heavily toward the simulation fans. I'd like to see the focus of the next game on further polish and balancing, and the key area of improvement making it more accessible for a wider audience.

I don't think that the best place to get that sort of feedback is where some people think you should remove the score from the screen because realism. :)

Yes i see your point but i was talking more about bug and silly mistakes not what the game offers. I like that the game does not hold your hand like almost every cricket game in the past but somewhere in the middle would be great. PS Forza i say again Chief.
It's there first attempt at a cricket game on the major consoles so it was inevitable that there would be some bugs and issue's when the game was released. At least they are addressing the issues unlike a major company does as they give the impression they don't care as long as they get the money rolling in. (You can probably guess who the company is)
Any advice regarding the XP and created presets lost yet? (XP gained purely offline, and I still have to create my fielding preset everytime I start the game) :(
Hey folks, not sure if this has been posted yet.....JUST noticed a bug with the free hits....A mate and I are busy playing 1 day....everytime I get a free hit, and he changes bowling side (over/around wicket), it cancels the free hit....only noticed it after being caught out on a free hit, and it didn't make sense......So we started mucking around to get to the issue.....

So, there you go....don't change bowling side when the batsmen has a free hit,
Mode: career
Match Type: FCC
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 9.5
Teams: Surrey v Warwickshire
Get Best: no
Description of Issue: I didn't play a stroke to a short ball, which hit the back of my bat and raced away over the keeper/slips for four.

The umpire signalled 4 byes.
Hey folks, not sure if this has been posted yet.....JUST noticed a bug with the free hits....A mate and I are busy playing 1 day....everytime I get a free hit, and he changes bowling side (over/around wicket), it cancels the free hit....only noticed it after being caught out on a free hit, and it didn't make sense......So we started mucking around to get to the issue.....

So, there you go....don't change bowling side when the batsmen has a free hit,
Have to say a massive thanks on this one. We'd been unable to get the free hit to give a wicket since it was first reported and had just about gone to the stage of never getting around to it.

However, this post today saw us fix it up nice and quick and manage to get it into patch 2 just in time for re-submission.

Again, big thanks!:)
Have to say a massive thanks on this one. We'd been unable to get the free hit to give a wicket since it was first reported and had just about gone to the stage of never getting around to it.

However, this post today saw us fix it up nice and quick and manage to get it into patch 2 just in time for re-submission.

Again, big thanks!:)

You are most welcome dude, thanks for an EPIC game!!!!:cheers
This is small compared to other bugs and is purely presentation: but in my career game my team (Sussex) scored 515; then we bowled out Durham for 262 and the commentators began talking about how "the batting team had a small lead and could build on it if they bowled well"; which makes no sense. We did take the follow-on so it might be related to that, I dunno...
Mode: Online
Match Type: Any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Any
Teams: N/A
Get Best: No
Description of Issue: Bowler not collecting the throw from the keeper.

I am using semi assisted fielding set. Whenever the batsmen misses the ball from fast bowler and goes to the keeper, I press 'X' (PS3) to take a chance of stumping. Sometimes the throw won't hit the stumps and goes towards the bowler. At this time the bowler is not collecting the ball and he runs back towards the non strikers end. No other fielder is collecting the ball as well and due to this delay the oppponent is sneaking a quick run (Bye) which is irritating. Even if some fielders collects the ball, they are just lobbing the ball to the stumps instead of doing a power throw and the bowler will take his own time to hit the stumps, this causes further delay.

I will try to get a video of this if possible.
Mode: Online
Match Type: Any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Any
Teams: N/A
Get Best: No
Description of Issue: Bowler not collecting the throw from the keeper.

I am using semi assisted fielding set. Whenever the batsmen misses the ball from fast bowler and goes to the keeper, I press 'X' (PS3) to take a chance of stumping. Sometimes the throw won't hit the stumps and goes towards the bowler. At this time the bowler is not collecting the ball and he runs back towards the non strikers end. No other fielder is collecting the ball as well and due to this delay the oppponent is sneaking a quick run (Bye) which is irritating. Even if some fielders collects the ball, they are just lobbing the ball to the stumps instead of doing a power throw and the bowler will take his own time to hit the stumps, this causes further delay.

I will try to get a video of this if possible.

I have also noticed this a few times, it is like the bowler is dancing around the ball on the way to the wickets, and oneof the fielders has to intervene and collect the ball.....Haven't had them get a run in like that yet though.
Mode: casual
Match Type: four day, first class
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 2nd inns, 2nd over
Ground: bradman oval
Teams: Barbarians (me) vs South Africa XI (AI) - both my custom teams
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Same player in both sides, gets double fatigue!

I left the "default" FC sides i had set up, which meant Vince Van der Bijl was in both teams. I bowled first, and they piled up a huge 452! Obviously a lot of overs bowled. When I came to bat, Van der Bijl takes the new ball for SA XI and is already massively fatigued, I assume from all the bowling "he" got for the Barbarians. He is given one over by the AI, then taken off never to be seen again.
By the time it comes for him to bat for the Barbarians, while all my other bowlers have reasonable fatigue, he is still very tired, i guess from "fielding" for SA.
Mode: Career and Casual
Match Type: Any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): N/A
Ground: bradman oval
Teams: Any
Get Best: No
Description of Issue: The ball moves to AI fielders hand if they want to take a catch.

Check the video:

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