Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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I'm guessing this has probably been bought up before but I've found since second patch my profile deletes itself every now and then, my saved games are all there but back to level one and all downloaded teams are reset . I play on
Xbox 360. I'm only new to the forum so sorry if I'm repeating stuff
I have a 60GB hard drive and 45GB is free.
Thanks for that.

I was hoping that they'd all be near full and there might cause a write speed issue, seems not.
One issue that I came across post-patch 2 is that the match stops sometimes coz of rain but i don't see any... has that happened to anyone else?
I have the crash issue on the 360, the batteries in my wireless controller had only three bars of charge and the game more times then not crashed at the point of saving and exiting. I put new batteries in the controller so that the controller had four bars of charge and for me so far (fingers crossed) i have been able to save and exit every time. It might be just luck that it is saving and exiting, however i have swapped between old batteries and new ones and all the time the older batteries are in the controller it crashes more times then not upon saving and exiting, i will let you know if it crashes whilst holding full charge.
Sorry Barmy . Its something I also mentioned in my Post that they missed in Patch2.

Hoping its covered along with some other minor irritations.
Sigh........I am in delete mode. Dougie1 stop trolling.
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Re: Xbox crashing when saving....

This might be pure coincidence but after not touching the game for a few days due to not being able to continue my existing career without the game crashing during saves I just had another try.

I plugged a new blank USB stick into my (old style) Xbox and was going to use it for saving. Prompted to format it - had to quit game - and did that. then had to restart but I instantly forgot I was meaning to use the memory stick for saves and just chose my hard drive as normal. Left the stick in the USB port.

Long and short of it is that I just played using my existing career player for an hour or so and there were no problems saving - unheard of for me since Patch 2.

So is it possible that somehow having a memory stick in the USB port but not actually using it could somehow prevent the crashes ? Know it sounds random but that's the only thing I've done differently tonight and previously my career game would crash without fail every time I saved.
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