Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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I have not had an issue with the save crash, I have a Xbox 360 with 250gb hdd. However last night I was playing a career pro 40 on amateur with one of my created teams v Hampshire, I ran 2 then there was a wayward throw so I ran again, should've been 3 but only got 2! Never happened before, and hasn't since, but I did wonder if its happened to anyone else?

Bug 1 - Did the bowler switch from bowling around/over the wicket for the free hit delivery?

Bug 2 - There are no reviews in county cricket in real life.

Bug 1: Didn't notice whether bowler changed round/over the wkt

Bug 2: I think folks have confirmed Pro 40 doesn't have reviews though the Aussie 50 over cup does. If I had known about it earlier, would have started the new career in Aus domestic cricket. I hate it when I've to cop howlers without an option to review :(
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I have not had an issue with the save crash, I have a Xbox 360 with 250gb hdd. However last night I was playing a career pro 40 on amateur with one of my created teams v Hampshire, I ran 2 then there was a wayward throw so I ran again, should've been 3 but only got 2! Never happened before, and hasn't since, but I did wonder if its happened to anyone else?

It's happened to me. I ran 1, then there were 4 overthrows. I was only given 4.
It's happened to me. I ran 1, then there were 4 overthrows. I was only given 4.

Yep that has happened to me too also ran 2 plus four overthrows and got 5, and was off strike!! Mind you at our cricket club we have a guy who does things like that! Sunday I hit a four off a no ball and had to argue the point for ages before he realised its 5 for the team but still 4 for me!! Maybe he's scoring in db14 too.
I have not had an issue with the save crash, I have a Xbox 360 with 250gb hdd. However last night I was playing a career pro 40 on amateur with one of my created teams v Hampshire, I ran 2 then there was a wayward throw so I ran again, should've been 3 but only got 2! Never happened before, and hasn't since, but I did wonder if its happened to anyone else?

This has happened to me, only once.
These are couple of bugs I have encountered on PS3 after patch 2 in career mode. Pls note I started a new career after patch 2 and I'm not continuing my earlier career. I never encountered these bugs prior to patch 2.

Bug 1

Mode: Career (on Legend)
Match Type: Pro 40
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 10th over of the 1st innings
Ground: Don't recall
Teams: Essex (career player's team) vs a county team which I don't recall
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Was given out off a free hit. After a no-ball the umpire signalled free hit and I slogged. Was caught and given out!

Bug 2

Mode: Career (on Legend)
Match Type: Pro 40
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): All
Ground: All
Teams: Essex (career player's team) vs county teams
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: I don't get the BARS review option after I'm dismissed LBW or caught behind. I'm a no. 3 batsman playing for Essex but I don't get to see the BARS option as I get when I play T20s or when I used to play Aus' 50 over domestic tourney in my previous career mode. Last time I was given LBW, the ball pitched outside leg and I couldn't do anything as I was not given an option for the BARS referral.
1. There's no free hits in the P40 competition.

2. No BARS either.
1. There's no free hits in the P40 competition.

2. No BARS either.

Thanks for the clarification. Definitely didn't know that "free hit" is optional anywhere in the world post no-ball.
Thanks, any video of issues is most appreciated by QA.

You are yet to take a wicket post patch? I probably need a little more info as it seems like a very weird bug as no one else seems to have the issue.

I have this issue i got to caught behind empire didnt give it out .... In the big bash i applied by using dsr system the empire refuses to give it a out when it was hitting in the stumps


Career mode
Match Type: test match
Over Count (39.1-39.2):
Ground:not sure
Teams: essex vs susex
Get Best:
Description of Issue: was bowling got a edge on the batsman the wicket keeper didnt appeal ...went to check replay it clearly edged the bat even made a sound but not bowl got a edge again (made a sound) checked replay still given not out ..... This has happened to me 6 times already in career mode i checked replay and it was 100% out sorry if i didnt get any footage.
Ai fielding issue slow walks and akward turns

All game modes
Match Type: t20,50,test
Over Count (Usually every over )
Ground: any ground
Teams: any
Get Best:
Description of Issue: i am pretty sure alot of people having a problem with the ai fielders in the game. Your bowling then the bowls hid to long off or anywhere outside the circle the fielders (ai) slow motion walks to the ball then speeds up .... Another issue the ai fielder is going to opposite direction of where the bowl is going then out of nowhere it speed walks to the correct direction .. The fielders doing mis-fielding is okay but if i am vsing a friend he takes advantage of ai fielders slow motion walk to the ball i have to use everything on manual which is hard ...i still love the game but in patch 3 please resolve this problem thank you
Not really a bug but more of an anomoly.

Playing England in a t20 I had them 5/110 off 17 overs chasing ~160.

So 50 off 3 overs which is tough but not impossible in a t20 especially with 5 wickets in hand.

The batsman were Jos Butler and Moeen Ali and fo some reason the AI made no effort to go for the target. There were even a couple of leaves (which hadn't happened in the previous 17 overs) and some defensive shots. Not once did the AI try to go big despite the fact that Ali was well set and top scored!

Ended up at 6/~125 after the 20 overs with Buttler on 12(18)*

Waht made it even more bizarre was that it was the last game of a trianglular t20 (with Pakistan) and the loss meant that England missed the final; so you'd think that they would have even more incentive to go for broke.

Anyone else notice any similar pacing issues?

Edit: I've also noticed that (on Pro) I can generally restrict the AI to <130 in a t20. This is regardless of whether they finish at 9/130 or 2/130. Seems to be a resource managment issue (ie - no compulsion for the AI to really go for it in the last few overs even when they have wickets in hand).
Ive had something similar in one day games where the AI give up in the final stages and miss the target they could have had a good chance of getting.
career (first game only!)
Match Type: t20,50,test
Over Count (Usually every over )
Ground: London
Teams: Essex
Get Best:
Description of Issue

When I get moved out to field on the ropes, any position, the camera angle is positioned so I can only see the backs of my legs! I am using running 1 as the fielding cam, but I don't think this has any effect in career mode.
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