Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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Mode: Online
Match Type: T10
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 4 and a bit in the first innings?
Ground: Adelaide
Teams: NZ vs Australia
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Was playing online against @Fissionmailed - his connection dropped out or at least everything froze up after a delivery - I got the option to save the game after it said 'connection failed', and when I tried to resume it, I got stuck here - the numbers didn't increase and the match never started.


Voice chat was working at that point so we were connected.

We've just saved deliberately in the middle of a new match and will attempt to resume it at some point.
Mode: Casual Match
Match Type: T10
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Several Occasions
Ground: Bradmann Oval
Teams: Pak v SA
Get Best:
Description of Issue: there are 2 issues at times players get hanged like an animation glitch but stays like that for up to 10 20 secs.

Another issue is of messed up hawkeye.

Both videos attached.

Bug Glitch - YouTube

Bug Hawkeye - YouTube
umm. Finally got a chance to play...anyone else experience the bug I have... Half the letters are missing from scorecards, scoreboard, menu, my name etc...just weird symbols where letters F, H, E and others are supposed to be? Phone typing now so can't go into too much detail cause battery about dead. Just checking if this is a reported bug already?

OK, so I'm home now on the laptop sorry about the rushed message before by phone.

It seems like i have a serious issue, either with the game, my PS3 or something is wrong with my eyesight!

Mode: Career
Match Type:Shield game and menu
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):constantly!
Ground: main menu, and every ground
Teams:QLD my career player is (plus obviously when no teams are playing it is still a problem)
Get Best:N/A
Description of Issue: HEAPS of letters are missing from the scoreboard, the main menu, the scorecard, options menu, basically everywhere there are weird symbols and a large quantities of letter "H" "F" "E" and several others don't exist??? Have i missed someone else posting this because it is pretty serious. Is there a chance i picked up a non patched copy or something??
This happened earlier, just remembered about it -

Mode: Career
Ground: Melbourne
Get Best: Yes

Description of Issue:
The positive bit first - the AI did a very aggressive declaration for my team, leaving something like 80 runs for Queensland to chase down in those 19 remaining overs - really felt the pressure to bowl well.

However, I noticed on the end of session screen, it said 'match tied' on the screen,

Final scorecard,
that was funny, more or less like the inner working of the real hawkeye before it predicts it correctly:p

Result was correct I remain lbw :(.
I am playing a 4-day test league... I saved the game and continued it later... I was batting... before I saved I was batting really well... when I resumed after turning off the system I was bowled out in 30 runs... turns out when I resumed the difficulty reverted to Veteran. .. however I was playing in amatuer... not an issie moving forward as I can change the default difficulty in options but just thought that I would make people aware of that.
Can someone summarize the list in the first post so that this can be tracked by us?

1. Career mode issues
2. Bowler super fielder issue
3. Defensive shot issue
The is nothing wrong with the defense shot, i feel it's the edges that need to be fixed. Has anyone had a edge though slips yet, the wicketkeeper always catches the edges. I am fine with the defense shot but would love to see it patched with better AI fields in test matches and better edges to the slips.
I'd say it's an oversight because we didn't think people would want to not see the ball in the outfield. my bad.

Mike what is your opinion on edges to slips, is this fine in the game or is it the AI bowling patterns ?


To call the defensive shot an "issue" is laughable

Like i said above the defense shot is fine, i would like to see more edges to third man area but like i said to mike maybe its the AI line and length that's the problem, Snowy what's your opinion here ?
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