Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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Mode: Career
Match Type: One Day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 8
Ground: Dont Remember
Teams: Derb
Get Best: ???
Description of Issue:
I have experienced this in other matches as well. The bowler quickly picks up the ball when a shot is played towards him and immediately throws it towards the stumps. The batsmen (still in his follow through stance) is on the crease line and is given OUT. The reaction time to get back in the crease is humanly impossible; even my AI partner has gotten out like this quite a few times.
I'd say it's an oversight because we didn't think people would want to not see the ball in the outfield. my bad.

sorry i was just making (poor) fun of the rossing i got the other day.

i think people taking the hud off the ball is ridiculous, it makes it less realistic, not more, since as you say they won't see the ball in the outfield.

and also, when batting the ball hud gives info you would get in real life but can't get in a video game, reducing you to guessing. it's a fantastic piece of design* and i don't get why people think removing it is more realistic, when it's not.

*i had an idea, don't know what you think, but if there was some way of adding more info in the hud such as having the ball circle move in a specific direction to indicate in/out swing or off/leg spin, and maybe the batsman sees this info sooner or later depending on 1)his skill against the type of bowling, 2)the bowlers skill in disguising the delivery 3)whether the batsman is new to the wicket, or "in" - this adds the element of "picking" deliveries, and "seeing it big" when getting in.
First up, great game - it says a lot that most of the complaints are fairly minor annoyances more than anything else.
My minor annoyance is that after spending quite a while digging through the commentary names to get as many correct (or at least close) as possible, almost none of them seem to be used. This is when playing a variety of match types across several grounds with downloaded/get best teams, the default teams as well as a couple of custom-made teams. Basically, even though the commentary names for players and teams are listed, the commentators almost never use them. I got a team name a couple of times, surname once and a nickname twice (with three different players), and the rest of the time it's just been "this bowler", "the batting team", etc. This is across several hours of play.

Also, for what it's worth, I haven't had any problem with the blocking mechanism or getting the bat down in time to dig out good deliveries. I am only playing on Pro difficulty so far though.
I have had a problem with running between wickets (admittedly somewhat my fault) and the magical rocket arms that all fielders seem equipped with, but that has been discussed already I'm sure.
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just wondering if any of the Big Ant guys have seen any "issues" yet and thought "pirate b*****d"

There might have already been one on a modified console.

One person was reporting that their game became really stuttery and laggy during games. It was perfectly smooth during practice, menus, replays, basically everything except the actual match gameplay.

Turns out there was no foul play.
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I'd say it's an oversight because we didn't think people would want to not see the ball in the outfield. my bad.

You have way more patience than I.


There might have already been one on a modified console.

One person was reporting that their game became really stuttery and laggy during games. It was perfectly smooth during practice, menus, replays, basically everything except the actual match gameplay.

Yep, good thing was that he had a disk that played fine, it was only running from the HDD (or USB) that caused an issue :)
There might have already been one on a modified console.

One person was reporting that their game became really stuttery and laggy during games. It was perfectly smooth during practice, menus, replays, basically everything except the actual match gameplay.

Hahah. That was me. Bought the game around 6 days before it came out (keyword: 'bought'). Ripped the game to my hard drive (I have a jailbroken PS3) to save myself loading times, as well as not have to rely on a disk in general. I buy my games but my PS3 has a 1TB hard drive which I rip all my games on because I can back up games which I have bought (that is legal I believe, as it is my game and I own it) and don't have to take disks with me whenever I travel (which I do, a lot). Also don't have the trouble of switching disks whenever I want to play a different game.

BigAnt noticed the problem immediately, there was no trouble at all ;) and yeah, basically the match gameplay just stutters massively if the game is played off the HDD, not sure if that's an actual implementation put into place purposely or just happened to occur.. haha.
sorry i was just making (poor) fun of the rossing i got the other day.

i think people taking the hud off the ball is ridiculous, it makes it less realistic, not more, since as you say they won't see the ball in the outfield.

and also, when batting the ball hud gives info you would get in real life but can't get in a video game, reducing you to guessing. it's a fantastic piece of design* and i don't get why people think removing it is more realistic, when it's not.

*i had an idea, don't know what you think, but if there was some way of adding more info in the hud such as having the ball circle move in a specific direction to indicate in/out swing or off/leg spin, and maybe the batsman sees this info sooner or later depending on 1)his skill against the type of bowling, 2)the bowlers skill in disguising the delivery 3)whether the batsman is new to the wicket, or "in" - this adds the element of "picking" deliveries, and "seeing it big" when getting in.

I understand why people want the markers removed totally - we've tried to bring people in gradually, with dials for bowling for example as that was totally new to everyone. I think the markers around the ball as you say try to indicate elements that convey something that you would get in real life that cannot be convey in a video game.

Is it perfect?... No. Are we are the right Track? I really believe we are, and there's a amazing few years ahead for all of us. Is it FUN now.... I'll let all you guys decide that one.
Does this mean, it is not actually Greame smith but a bowler who greame smith has replaced? :spy

he is possessed by a demon

Hahah. That was me. Bought the game around 6 days before it came out (keyword: 'bought'). Ripped the game to my hard drive (I have a jailbroken PS3) to save myself loading times, as well as not have to rely on a disk in general. I buy my games but my PS3 has a 1TB hard drive which I rip all my games on because I can back up games which I have bought (that is legal I believe, as it is my game and I own it) and don't have to take disks with me whenever I travel (which I do, a lot). Also don't have the trouble of switching disks whenever I want to play a different game.

Ross or I think BigAnt noticed the problem immediately, there was no trouble at all ;) and yeah, basically the match gameplay just stutters massively if the game is played off the HDD, not sure if that's an actual implementation put into place purposely or just happened to occur.. haha.

It was good to hear that it worked off the disk :)
guys any help with saving custom field setting ??? and not to do it again and again for every bowler and every batsman ???

Possible or not possible at current built ??
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