Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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I will see how easy a restart would be.
Decided to put the career mode on hold until the patch as will have to restart. Very upsetting(not) considering i am averaging under 3 with the bat!!

Started a 5 match test series against England in the mean time. Such a shame we cant choose the grounds to play on. All 5 matches at Melbourne stadium! Plus the AI captain (Cook) decided to put a long on and long off in the first over of the test...

Apart from these minor (major to some) issues that have all been mentioned, having a great time!
Just wanting to add my opinion to the list of some others on the "leave" button being R3. I still once in a while get a leave when I wanted a shot and I'm very careful to not click in R3, but it happens sometimes anyhow. My controllers are possibly a little over sensitive, but I have friends who have the same issue on their consoles.

As said elsewhere, maybe making leave be choosing front or back foot, but no shot offered? Or the L3 button in conjunction with the foot selection?

I'm trying to show a few of my friends the game and they do this when batting and find it pretty off-putting also. Some sort of option would be great. :)
Mode: Career
Match Type: All
Over Count Unsure when started
Ground: NA
Teams: QLD Bulls
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: I Have a 21 Year old number 4 Batsman for QLD. My skill points have stopped being added to my player. I have been stuck on 11 notches for front foot even though I have probably earned in excess of 30 front foot skill points (since I reached the 11 mark). No of my skills are changing regardless of any points earned.

It shows the + amount after each game but there is never any increase in the colored notches.
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Mode: Any
Match Type: Any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Whenever the bowler is into his 3rd or 4th over.
Ground: Any
Teams: India vs Any
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: My apologies if its been mentioned already or fixed in patch 1. The bowlers seem to tire very quickly and its unrealistic to see them bowl at 110kph for the rest of the test match. Even after the lunch or tea breaks, they never get back their stamina and continue to bowl like millitary medium bowlers. Is it something with the team stats? Its a game breaker for me.
making leave be choosing front or back foot, but no shot offered?

Although I find the "leave" system just fine, with a bit of practice... This is the next most logical suggestion. That being said, it might be tough to patch-in whole control scheme changes?
More likely we would toggle it to the other stick.

Same as we may put a toggle to swap sticks for the "sinister" amongst us.
I apologize if this has been mentioned before:
Description of Issue: I've had two instances now, once in each format I mentioned, when I bowled a legitimate (HUD was perfect both times) full-ish inswinger that hit the pads, but when I appeal nothing happens but instead the umpire gives a no-ball signal. Odder yet, a run gets added to the total but in the case of the OD match, a free-hit was not rewarded to the batting team.

The following is not really an issue so I'm not using the template.

Anyway, my question is shouldn't there be a Restart Match Button for Casual Matches. It will certainly come pretty handy.

Especially while learning batting after losing a few quick wickets I feel the urge of restarting the match, a single button restart with the current lineup would be great. Shouldn't be difficult to implement I believe.
Mode: Career
Match Type: First Class (second season, NSW v QLD @ Sydney)
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Fall of first wicket (~12-15 overs)
Ground: SCG
Teams: NSW v QLD
Get Best: Yep
Description of Issue: Three fieldsmen behind square. I had played every ball I faced front foot leg side. A link to the pic is below. You can clearly see the square leg umpire and the three fieldsmen. I was out on this ball which should have been given as a no ball

On a side note: can the circle be changed to sprint after the batsmen have crossed? They should slide their bat when eith circle or sprint are used so both will become fairly similar in function anyway
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There is one major issue I have come across other than the run outs, stumpings etc. The fielder/ keeper is able to take the bails off more than once. If they take the bails off they shouldn't be able to run someone out once they are already off. It's probably the most frustrating thing for me because if you just sneak out of the crease for a second even with the bails off you get given out.
There is one major issue I have come across other than the run outs, stumpings etc. The fielder/ keeper is able to take the bails off more than once. If they take the bails off they shouldn't be able to run someone out once they are already off. It's probably the most frustrating thing for me because if you just sneak out of the crease for a second even with the bails off you get given out.

Thats not really an issue. I mean they can always remove the stump for a run out and the bails are likely off because of the silly way all the fielders whip them off every time for no reason. Its just a matter of the animation. Pretend that they are removing a stump for the second run out and its fixed.


For left handers like myself that would be great :cheers

Do all other games off such a switch? If not how do you play?
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