Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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feel like there are a lot of things in gameplay that should be addressed before we look into things outside the domain of gameplay.

I have bowled around 110-130 overs in test mode and there major things that are starting to stand out.

-catches at slip or anything going through or over slips are extremely rare actually have not had anything in there so far on green pitches.

-spin bowling is the same regardless of what pitch or what day you bowl on which is a bit of a let down. I bowled 35 overs with Ajmal and Afridi on a 5th day dusty pitch with maximum wear and the amount of spin was at a bare minimum and many times not even there even though spin and release inputs are on perfect a lot of the times. This is very unrealistic.

-Bat pad fielders are a waist of time, there is no action at bat pad what so ever except for the odd unrealistic times when fielders 2-3 meters away are catching full blooded shots.

So caught at slip or bat pad dismissals are extremely, extremely rare and i am starting to wonder if they are even possible. The whole longevity and fun of bowling in a test match decreases a lot when those 2 modes of dismissal are non existent.

-AI intelligence is basically non existent, they will have a long on and long off very early in a test innings while a pace bowler is bowling. This is so ridiculous.

- Same goes for AI batting majority of wickets i get in test mode are from lofted drives and lofted shots to cover and midwicket.

-Run rates are quite high at times too especially in the test matches were i simulated the innings

Yeah agree with a lot of this. Still yet to see a slips catch (and knowing it won't happen I can just put my fielders elsewhere to my advantage anyway) and even when I get 2000 rpm on a ball or something on a 5th day terrible indian wicket the turn is negligible.

My career mode bloke is a leg spinner. It's pretty shattering to know that I can't just toss the ball up slightly wide of off and have it turn away, catch the edge and go to slip. I mean, slip's almost the most important fielder for any leggie.

Most of my wickets too have been from what can only be described as offensive batting. Scooping it straight to mid on/off is my dismissal of choice.
To add to my above comments...

I just think all shot types should more or less have been included on the Left and Right Stick alone as the normal shot range works but with more shot types layered in, Left Stick controls footwork range, including the current shoulder button shot types, maybe tap R1 or Press to set footwork position and then immediately time the Right stick to perform chosen Shot Type when set in chosen footwork position to either delicately play, defend or smash the ball. I feel something like this would add more control, ease of use and FUN to batting and take out all of the clutter.

Food for thought...
Mode: Online
Match Type: T10
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): About 3 times in the last 5 overs of the match
Ground: not sure
Teams: Australia v legends SA I think
Get Best: YEs
Description of Issue:

On a few occasions while playing online, the bowler warped a bit when running in/bowling. It would look like the bowler was a couple of metres before the actual pitch when he released the ball - then the ball would jump forward and start where it should be. Sometimes the bowler would reach the crease, then warp backwards to that position. Made it hard to judge where the ball was coming from.
AI does not take singles when the ball goes to fielders near the boundary...Happens very few times...I dont know why....:)
Just had the issue of online game going to a black screen reported earlier :(
Not 100% sure if this is the right place to post this:
At the start of the match there is a weirdly long pause between the one commentator asking for the pitch conditions and the reply.
The initial screen when loading, where you see the team lists, followed by the weather, which needs a few small adjustments. They are nothing major, but small things can add to the feeling.
1) The team list screen looks (this is going to sound wrong) cheap. Perhaps make the quality look like its on a electronic scoreboard. Few pixel dots etc.
2) The weather info passes way to quick.
3) There is no crowd noise or background noise to let you know you at field.
If it would be possible to put a bit of ummph in the scoreboard. Let the weather prediction run a bit longer, thus allowing more time to load the commentators request for pitch conditions and a quicker reply. I think it could finish off what is already brilliant.

Another thing to think of:
When you come on to bowl or bat and you have simulated to that point. You dont get to see your players batting/bowling info, avg, etc etc. Would it be possible to show those as build up to your player coming in. I might be mistaken, but i dont remember seeing it. Alternatively i should stop simulating :yes

Thanks for a brilliant game. If nothing on my list is valid, its still not going to change the enjoyment and brilliant work you guys have done.
Just started playing from yesterday in between 4 hours power cut and i found minor issues when i played online (please excuse me for my grammar.)

Mode: Online
Match Type: didnt noticed entered straight away
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): About 4 times randomly
Teams: Australia v india
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

1) Once i hit a shot screen flickers to black for less than a second. Its a minor issue but still can be fixed.
2) Most of the time during online, i think there is lag on the input for running. whenever i hit a shot i have press the square button twice to start running.
3) I got a free hit, and i am ready to slog but the bowler started the run up and didn't bowled and umpire signaled as dead ball.The next ball i slogged and he took a catch and i was given out
(sry if already informed)

Mode: Online
Match Type: 5
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 2 over
Ground: not sure
Teams: Australia v india
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

1) i bowled the second over with aaron, 1st ball was wide and in the next 4 deliveries i took 2 wickets and i got alert (something like improper bowling will award in forfeit) but i got 4 wickets in that over
2) including the wide i bowled 8 deliveries

Mode: Online
Match Type: didnt noticed
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):
Teams: i selected india
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

1) i joined a hosted match and selected my team as india and waiting for the opponent for almost 5 mins and found ps3 got hanged. finally i switched off and rebooted the machine.
When you go for a run if you dive early and make your ground and the throw is still coming in when your player stands up and goes to step into the crease he lifts is bat and then gets run out. So annoying. Should Not happen cause a player in real life isnt stupid enough to do that so it shouldn't be in the game
Mode: career
Teams: qld vs. tasmania
Over count:82
Get best: yes
Ground: melbourne
Spin bowler, (finch I believe) came into the attack, bowled 1 ball over the wicket, next ball around, then next ball over, then around, etc..annoying!
Mode: Career
Match Type: One Day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 30 ish over mark, 5/6th wickets.
Ground: Melbourne I think
Teams: Vic vs NSW
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue:
Had two awful runouts in a row, this image being the closest of them - everything except his bat and feet is over the line - it's like he trying to win the 100 metres by putting his body over the line,

Maybe there are some controls which help to slide the bat in? And, this does happen in RL sometimes when the batsman is found being lazy and does not slide the bat in. Or, is this very frequent?
Started another game online and the game crashed in the 2nd over. i think this is the 5th match i am playing online and game crashed twice.

I will detail it when the crash happened,Sachin came in game into bat and i was late into the shot and got edged and it was going to the slip fielder and there was a little flicker and game crashed. screen attached for ref


Another issue happened prior to this issue

Mode: Online
Match Type: T10
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 2nd
Teams:Australia 90's and india current gen test team
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

Prior to the crash , i played a grounded shot to long on and shane warne fielded the ball and i was given out caught :facepalm. This was happened earlier with my opponent in another game but i thought it was due to lag but not.
So i have had 4 or 5 really bad run outs in career mode guys. For example my player takes a run, dives over the crease safe, my controller is locked the ball is thrown in and as my batter stands up the wicketkeeper takes off the bails and my player has his foot or bat in the air... i'm given out on review with absolutely no ability to control what happens with the controller even though i already had made it back to my crease...needs to be fixed guys it's broken.
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