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Agree with the sentiment that if the technology is that good, why don't we 'trust' it?

The balance of the game has to be taken into account though. If we took 1% of the ball hitting the stumps as 'out' according to DRS, then bowling teams would be reviewing almost every single LBW decision. It just wouldn't work - it gives the batsmen absolutely nothing to work with.

The balance of the game certainly needs to be taken into account, LBW's are less in game than in the nets but the umpires still adjudicate it aggressively to stop exploits (as @Biggs above).

It's a big problem for the real game too as the reduction of benefit of the doubt due to appeals and umpires calls are changing the balance of the game, I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not but I can say I don't like it the way it is done at the moment.
I have no issue with constructive feedback, zero. Grkramlamadingdong and Zombdizzle either just post stream of conciousness tripe or make shit up. Everyone's calling them on it but they're oblivious to it because "Biggs is so meanzors and getz thankz" or whatever weak position they're going with today.

If there's a genuine issue with the LBWs then present an argument coherently, don't surround it with trivial shit, which is exactly the point Snowy raised... Its so MUCH easier to take your feedback seriously if you're not wallowing in self pity about not getting "thanks" or trolling threads waiting to be pretend-moderator because you have delusions of granduer.

I've not had an LBW yet that I have thought I was hard done by, BUT, if I do see one when the game is out, it's much easier for me to present an issue or change to the game because I'm not banging on about cheerleaders or wanting to swing the bat like I've left the keys in a bowl at Blockers house...

...also lighten up. It's just a game. Jeyzuz.

lol the more i read it the more tripe i see you typing 'i never asked for thanks or any shit you are talking about ' what on hell are you talking about .... and nobody i care about is calling me on, if i have to point it out its just u and snowy .you are personally the most pathetic loser i have met online whose is trying to carry his animosity over a ethernet cable making shit UP.
can you site some of my tripe ...snowy you too mate
just because you guys werenot patient enough to go through my post clearl;y instead of just seeing LBW:eek::eek::eek::eek:
boom..... bang..... pooop
if you had read it you will know i was just making some valid points in a reasonable manner.
you cant control what other people post or think.Dont try it.
if its really not to your liking feel free to skip, it its not a must read, it was not meant for you.
take your eyes of the monitor see through the windoww, roll your eyes clockwise and anticlockwise its good for your eyes dont strain too much .#goodforyoureyes #pseudoearlyseptemberingmods
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lol the more i read it the more tripe i see you typing 'i never asked for thanks or any shit you are talking about ' what on hell are you talking about .... and nobody i care about is calling me on, if i have to point it out its just u and snowy .you are personally the most pathetic loser i have met online whose is trying to carry his animosity over a ethernet cable making shit UP.
can you site some of my tripe ...snowy you too mate
just because you guys werenot patient enough to go through my post clearl;y instead of just seeing LBW:eek::eek::eek::eek:
boom..... bang..... pooop
if you had read it you will know i was just making some valid points in a reasonable manner.
you cant control what other people post or think.Dont try it.
if its really not to your liking feel free to skip, it its not a must read, it was not meant for you.
take your eyes of the monitor see through the windoww, roll your eyes clockwise and anticlockwise its good for your eyes dont strain too much .#goodforyoureyes #pseudoearlyseptemberingmods

What are you doing? What do you think you'll achieve by attacking Biggs? I don't understand what you and zombieian have against him. do you think you're standing up to the man? do you think you're the hero PC has been waiting for? We like Biggs, he is a vital part of what makes this place fun, he's not the only one granted but he represents what's good about this place. If you want to be serious and not joke ever you should find a different cricket forum because if we stop joking around and being sarcastic idiots we stop having fun. Biggs may be a "loser" but he's king of the losers.

And with that I've lost 90% of my thanks.
^ he has got personal with me and i got personal with him, im part of no hate biggs club if you go thrugh my earlier posts you will see i had actually supported him, this is the problem i have you just read biggs post and start attacking me based on that info , please go through my earlier post to know what i have said about the game, not what biggs says i have said. this is really getting bad for my taste.

The only time i told Biggs to stop insulting another member was when that member has already made it clear that he doesnt like personal comments.
If the person we are talking about cannot appreciate it its not humor to me ....i know when there is humor and sarcasm in air someone is bound to get insulted but what i cant stand is repeating it and taking the mickey out of the guy who put his hands up.
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So you want me to read a select few posts from a wile ago and create an opinion on those rather than read a select few posts from recently and create an opinion on those? That seems fair and logical.
If you are going to accuse someone get your facts right first.

is what you are doing fair to me ? accusing me of things i didnt say.
time to break this conversation up a bit..

the great man passed away on this day 13 years ago,

rip don
R.I.P Don, take this forum with a pinch of salt, but rest assured your legacy is in good hands


ou're right you didn't say anything.
dude that was because he got personall with me that i was talking about points like biggs hate club meany,miney etc
same question were where you yesterday when he post grkramalama and a post full of drivel.
Ah I wondered where all the schoolkids hang out during holiday time. Anyway a doff of the cap for the good man, The Don. Thank goodness there are still some things to look up to..........

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