FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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evertonfan said:
That's going to be tricky CD...
Well, we've successfully tuned goalie skills because they act like a fool. (EA loves fool goalies you see.:D) but we are still working on making defence strong so that you they close down the wingers. Even one of the best RB like Gary Nevil is struggling right now.(in FIFA i.e.)
evertonfan said:
Here's a tip on how to score when playing FIFA Lee;

1) Shoot from long range; They always go in.
2) Run down the wing, cross into the box, header. They always go in.

Scripted. Scripted. Scripted. :rolleyes:

:D :D Love it...

Agree totally.
Ok here is an SCRIPT which controls the Free kicks in FIFA 07.
First read it and try to understand.

// Possible shot height for a penalty kick in terms of netheight. 1.0 == height of net.
// NOTE: if you actually use 1.0, using full power won't score, it will hit crossbar.

The "PK_HEIGHT_SCALAR" value is set to 1.4 ingame by EA. If you set it to 1.0, the kicks hit with full power will always hit the top of the crossbar. (Try it 1000 times, and you'll get the same result all the time. 100% accuracy.). Value 1.4 means, the ball will never ever go above a particular height, no matter who the player is, how much power you apply behind your kick.

I hope people will understand what I've just elaborated. You can always ask me if don't get it.
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Everyone stop flaming each other over soccer games. Geesh! :p
I think we can have a sensible discussion. Thanks. :cool:
CD your great youve just perfectly explained the scriped debate, its riddiculos , and as far as this Always on target thing goes......I think some of us PES players are being a bit harsh lol i mean i do have to say that in FIFA 07 360 Demo some shots did go wide so maybe they have worked on that but i reckon some things are still scripeted......and EA are so thick just to show there great physics of how alive the game is they decided that players banging into eachother would explain that its idiotic oh well i will get my copy of FIFA 07 for 360 tommorow or day after so i'll see how it is i probably wont be totally dissapointed but will always turn back to PES!!!
gr9 work cd, but can u plz also show us the mechanism of free kicks in PES ? thaty weould clear it up

In one word, MARVELOUS GAME . I downloaded the demo and brilliant !!!
wolf said:
:D :D Love it...

Agree totally.
Can't say that i've found that in the 360 version........scored heaps and heaps of different types of goals....Really good variety of situations for a game built from scratch.
NO matter what you say, FIFA is scripted. It's not just my opinion, it's a fact.
Let the CPU win a corner, clear it run with someone down the wing cross it in and score. I say score not head on goal because you will score all the time! Every counter is scropted as Matt said.

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