FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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punk sk8r said:
if your talking about real cricket theres no batting power meter :S or in the games either :S so dunno what your on about oh and as far as styles go in PES6 may i say theres a exact shot like the one Henry done ive done it except it didnt go in it happes automatically theres no need for a button because style happes naturally and then thats whe it looks good where as with Finesse shot you can do it everytime which is just scripted and not fun, in the 07 demo my first goal was from half way line :S ive scored 'Finesse Shots with Henize which is just daft spoils good goals!!!
I'm talking about The Art of Cricket, a cricket computer game releasing in mid 2007. See

Finesse Shots don't always go in! I play on Amateur difficulty and I can only score from inside the box so far, although I scored a wonder goal yesterday with Michael Owen.
If your finesse shots don't always go in then you really should start practising. All you have to do is go to within 18 yards from goal and then finesse shoot and it easily goes in.
evertonfan said:
If your finesse shots don't always go in then you really should start practising. All you have to do is go to within 18 yards from goal and then finesse shoot and it easily goes in.
The way you lot go on the Xbox 360 version is pips... it really isn't!!
Well from what I played it is. All football games are easy even on the hardest difficulty settings. It's all about build-up play in my opinon. Just spread the ball around neatly and then when the defense is drawn towards you, open them up with a killer through ball and slot it past the keeper. Simple.

It also doesn't help that 99.9% of long range shots on FIFA (yes, 360 version too) go flying into the goal.
evertonfan said:
Well from what I played it is. All football games are easy even on the hardest difficulty settings. It's all about build-up play in my opinon. Just spread the ball around neatly and then when the defense is drawn towards you, open them up with a killer through ball and slot it past the keeper. Simple.

It also doesn't help that 99.9% of long range shots on FIFA (yes, 360 version too) go flying into the goal.
I must be playing a different game then... about 1.1% of long range shots go in for me.
evertonfan said:
It also doesn't help that 99.9% of long range shots on FIFA (yes, 360 version too) go flying into the goal.
It's true but people will only understand/realize this when they get to higher difficulty level on FIFA and it seems most of the FIFA players here are at amateur level.
cricket doctor said:
It's true but people will only understand/realize this when they get to higher difficulty level on FIFA and it seems most of the FIFA players here are at amateur level.
I can't just buy a game and dive into world class difficulty. I need to get used to it and work up.
Skateboarder said:
I must be playing a different game then... about 1.1% of long range shots go in for me.
that's because you have absolutely no idea how to score. At amateur level you should be able to score even with the goalkeeper.
Here's a tip on how to score when playing FIFA Lee;

1) Shoot from long range; They always go in.
2) Run down the wing, cross into the box, header. They always go in.

Scripted. Scripted. Scripted. :rolleyes:
evertonfan said:
Here's a tip on how to score when playing FIFA Lee;

1) Shoot from long range; They always go in.
2) Run down the wing, cross into the box, header. They always go in.

Scripted. Scripted. Scripted. :rolleyes:
You can't have played the Xbox 360 version much. It felt a bit like that for me at first but after a day it's not. Completely the opposite.
cricket doctor said:
What exactly "Completely the opposite" means in that case then??
I mean that game is anything but scripted.

I don't mind you going ahead and playing 'the other one', but just don't pull apart my favourite.
Skateboarder said:
You can't have played the Xbox 360 version much. It felt a bit like that for me at first but after a day it's not. Completely the opposite.

You must have bought the wrong FIFA becuase even the most loyal FIFA fans realise that the game is completley scripted.
evertonfan said:
You must have bought the wrong FIFA becuase even the most loyal FIFA fans realise that the game is completley scripted.
There you go with that FIFA 'fans' thing again. I purely think it's the better game.
Skateboarder said:
I mean that game is anything but scripted.

I don't mind you going ahead and playing 'the other one', but just don't pull apart my favourite.
I still don't have my pes 6 copy with me yet. I have the FIFA 07 AI files with me because I patch it. (i.e. I'm modifying its SCRIPTS to make it realistic for hundreds/thousands/millions of footy lovers who play FIFA.)

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