FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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i'm yet to play pro-evo the game looks good though, i'm a bit disappointed with fifa, although the gameplay has improved it looks more like an add-on than a new game. I think it was ?30 wasted, perhaps not for ?15
You people saying that FIFA is scripted are obviously playing it on the PC, PS2 or Xbox yeh??
.::Stevo::. said:
You people saying that FIFA is scripted are obviously playing it on the PC, PS2 or Xbox yeh??

PS2 and 360 mate; It's an actual fact that FIFA games are scripted, I don't know what's so hard to accept about that.
I'm no EA or FIFA fan but maybe you should read up about the game before saying FIFA on the 360 is scripted, because it most definetly isnt.....

But i agree that FIFA on the PC, Ps2 and xbox are infact scripted.
no need to read up i used to have the 360 version and i can say it is scripted maybe not as much as the current-gen ones but it is i found myself doing the same counter attack on the cpu over and over on the highest level, and the cpu did nothing to stop that attack even after 4-5 times of doing it :(
It's scripted mate, ask any EA boffin and he'll tell you. Maybe you just don't understand scripting.
Didn't answer my question, he is choosing to do that, so how is that scripted?

Also i agree after a while of playing that its scripted to a point, such as player movement and passing. But to say shooting and ball movement is scripted is just plain stupid, because its not.

The ball interacts seperatly to the player unlike any other version before, so therefore the players have to react to the ball.
I think the point they are trying to make Stevo is that if you are breaking down the same spot the game will react in the same way each time you do it, therefore scripted.

It's not necessarily a bad thing, from what I've heard this years FIFA is the best FIFA in a long time, and has a real pick up and play fun factor to it.

Also unlike Pro Evo its online system actually works!

Although I heard last night that they had possibly fixed it, at least when it's not busy :rolleyes:
well yh puddle you sort of explained it ok i am choosing to do that because it is the same gap that opens up ever single time I counter attack and i mean everytime so even thought i am choosing to do that it is still scripted because thats the only attack i can do on a counter!!!
Very few people have played the Xbox 360 version of FIFA 07. They play the current gen versions and think it is the same on 360. Wrong. The current gen versions were produced by Joe Booth and the 360 version by Hugues Ricour. Different people.

I must be nearing 70 games on the 360 version now. I'm top of the league with Newcastle. I'm trying to defend the title- I won it last season- pipping Arsenal by a single point as the title race went down to the final game of the season!
lol that happened to me in PES6 last day needed a point to stay ahead of Chelsea!!!

i personally think current gen one is more user friendly!!!
Yep Madman I was delighted to play an extended session last night :D

However I had a new problem where I won 4 out of 5 games against someone with one draw, and the game only counted the first win and the rest as draws :S
!x!culli!x! said:
I played the game since it was out to since the release of PES 6, so that's about 3 weeks.

I think I'm right.
Believe what you want....I ain't stopping you ;)

evertonfan said:
Let the fanboys believe what they want Culli; They moan when we call them fanboys, yet they fail to admit that FIFA is actually scripted.
If your talking about me you really should just say it because then i could say in return that i am not a fanboy and enjoy both games.....but prefer FIFA-Sheesh,get over it :rolleyes: You may have mistaken disgust at your superior 'I no best' attitude for Fanboyism.....lets be civil and respect each other's best that way.

evertonfan said:
It wouldn't make a difference mate. *sigh*
Thats a nice excuse not to explain it... :clap

It seems to me that Pro evo fans try and point out one scripted situation in fifa and call it scripted.....the whole thing!?Really?I think not.........and as i can recall you could always score in Pro Evo by cutting in along the touchline and thrashing the ball into the bottom corner.......And to tell you the truth in my games anyway,the CPU attacked pretty much the same way every time,making it prety simple to win.I regularly loose on World Class on the 360 version of FIFA-liv'pool,Newcastle,Cheatski,Fulham,Wigan,Lyon,Hamburger FC and a few others...Just managed to get through to the next stage of the ECC!YAY!

Scraped it though.....

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