FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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Sachin you were doing so well until, "It seems to me that Pro evo fans try to...."

Unfortunately at that point you yourself became the very thing your post was trying to point out!

Basically fans of either game seem incapable of logical and rational discussion about the other game as they seem to get carried away and end up essentially trying to abuse, whether subtely or not, the other games fans...
sachin said:
It seems to me that Pro evo fans try and point out one scripted situation in fifa and call it scripted.....the whole thing!?Really?I think not.........and as i can recall you could always score in Pro Evo by cutting in along the touchline and thrashing the ball into the bottom corner.......And to tell you the truth in my games anyway,the CPU attacked pretty much the same way every time,making it prety simple to win.I regularly loose on World Class on the 360 version of FIFA-liv'pool,Newcastle,Cheatski,Fulham,Wigan,Lyon,Hamburger FC and a few others...Just managed to get through to the next stage of the ECC!YAY!

Scraped it though.....

In PES 5 only upto 3 * leves provided that cut-back facility and I'm sure you have never ever played on 4 * because it's scary for amateurs like you (and the fact that you regularly loose on WC in FIFA proves my point).

but the important thing is, you can easily do those cut-backs all the time in FIFA even on highest difficulty levels, which makes it scrcipted.

Point explained, thank you very much. :D
sachin said:
If your talking about me you really should just say it because then i could say in return that i am not a fanboy and enjoy both games.....but prefer FIFA-Sheesh,get over it :rolleyes: You may have mistaken disgust at your superior 'I no best' attitude for Fanboyism.....lets be civil and respect each other's best that way.

I was actually reffering to Lee becuase he's so scared of liking PES that he passed his judgement on PES6 with one game on the lowest difficulty setting and complained that the AI was poor. That's what happens on every game, the lowest difficulty has poor AI to let people who are lower in difficulty to enjoy their game. I always play games on the hardest difficulty so I am given a challenge, because for example; If I score a 40-yarder on Pro Evo on Begginer, then it won't mean very much because the reduced AI won't close me down or attempt to tackle me or block my shot, and the keeper is easy to beat. However, on Top Player difficulty, as soon as my player recieves the ball he is closed down instantly by an opposition player and when I shoot, there will be another trying to block it straight ahead and the keeper suddenly turns into Peter Schmeichel on speed.

Basically, i'd rather keep getting killed by a boss on an action game in hardest difficulty, rather than going on 'Very Easy' and killing this boss without breaking a sweat.

FIFA on World Class is more enjoyable than PES on the lowest difficulty, and that's obvious, but put PES on the higher difficulties instead of shying away and winning 15-0 on beginner and calling Pro Evo crap and you'll see why the hardcore gamer and the true football purist loves it.
Why do you care so much.

I play both, and love both for different things. I love PES cause it feels so real. And i love FIFA because its a load of fun! Specially the challenges and playing with a few mates. Why is it so hard to except people can enjoy both games, if not prefer one over the other.

I'm a massive football fan and your probaly saying, "well you should prefer PES then", and the answer is no, i dont, 'at the moment' i'm having much more fun playing FIFA. If i want to play the most realistic footy out there id get my mates and go have a kick at the park. Sure, when i wacked it PES i was both pleased and dissapointed. Pleased at the pleasent gameplay, yet dissapointed at the graphics (compared to 2 weeks of FIFA) and all the things which had been omitted from the 360 version. And the same goes for FIFA, i was pleased with the amazing graphics, improved gameplay, yet dissapointed with a few bugs.

Why is that so hard to take in fanboys?
I have no problem with people liking FIFA more, but I just don't like them saying that FIFA is way better than PES when they've only played 5 minutes of it on the lowest difficulty. I played FIFA for a month before passing judgement on it, not 5 minutes.
.::Stevo::. said:
I play both, and love both for different things. I love PES cause it feels so real. And i love FIFA because its a load of fun! Specially the challenges and playing with a few mates. Why is it so hard to except people can enjoy both games, if not prefer one over the other.

This portrays my thoughts entirely. If it was down to me alone, you would now be admin on the strength of that one post alone ;)
lol unlucky Stevo.

Im with Evo because there are people saying FIFA is much better PES6 is s!te....and they play PES6 on the lowest diffeculty and whats more is that i had FIFA 07 360 and i was on WC on my first 2 hours of playing it and scoring some extremly riddiculos 'Finesse Goals' as it the button reactions are extremly un-responsive on FIFA 07 360 :D
puddleduck said:
Sachin you were doing so well until, "It seems to me that Pro evo fans try to...."

Unfortunately at that point you yourself became the very thing your post was trying to point out!

Basically fans of either game seem incapable of logical and rational discussion about the other game as they seem to get carried away and end up essentially trying to abuse, whether subtely or not, the other games fans...
My aim was to point out that it was my opinion.I was not stating it as fact.

cricket doctor said:
In PES 5 only upto 3 * leves provided that cut-back facility and I'm sure you have never ever played on 4 * because it's scary for amateurs like you (and the fact that you regularly loose on WC in FIFA proves my point).

but the important thing is, you can easily do those cut-backs all the time in FIFA even on highest difficulty levels, which makes it scrcipted.

Point explained, thank you very much. :D
I played on the highest level in PES 5... :rolleyes: My point is that the GAME on WC is tough,and isn't simple.

cricket doctor said:
In PES 5 only upto 3 * leves provided that cut-back facility and I'm sure you have never ever played on 4 * because it's scary for amateurs like you (and the fact that you regularly loose on WC in FIFA proves my point).

but the important thing is, you can easily do those cut-backs all the time in FIFA even on highest difficulty levels, which makes it scrcipted.

Point explained, thank you very much. :D
I played on the highest level in PES 5... :rolleyes: My point is that the GAME on WC is tough,and isn't simple. I cannnot cut back nearly as much in FIFA as in PES5.

evertonfan said:
I was actually reffering to Lee becuase he's so scared of liking PES that he passed his judgement on PES6 with one game on the lowest difficulty setting and complained that the AI was poor. That's what happens on every game, the lowest difficulty has poor AI to let people who are lower in difficulty to enjoy their game. I always play games on the hardest difficulty so I am given a challenge, because for example; If I score a 40-yarder on Pro Evo on Begginer, then it won't mean very much because the reduced AI won't close me down or attempt to tackle me or block my shot, and the keeper is easy to beat. However, on Top Player difficulty, as soon as my player recieves the ball he is closed down instantly by an opposition player and when I shoot, there will be another trying to block it straight ahead and the keeper suddenly turns into Peter Schmeichel on speed.

Basically, i'd rather keep getting killed by a boss on an action game in hardest difficulty, rather than going on 'Very Easy' and killing this boss without breaking a sweat.

FIFA on World Class is more enjoyable than PES on the lowest difficulty, and that's obvious, but put PES on the higher difficulties instead of shying away and winning 15-0 on beginner and calling Pro Evo crap and you'll see why the hardcore gamer and the true football purist loves it.
I've done it,and i prefer FIFA.PES is an excellent series,but i prefer the recent fifa games.

I'd agree that the buttons are unresponcive at times which leads to very frustrating mix ups.Who exactly has been saying that fifa is 'way' better than Pro Evo?I think some people believe in their own mind that FIFA is better,but it is simply their opinion.Some people are just beating this way out of proportion.

Gameplay - PES
Graphics - PES
Game Modes - Fifa
Teams and Kits - Fifa
Enjoyability - PES

Thats my opinion:)
formula1man said:
i won pes 6 but it hasn't come yet but from reviews i've read pes6 is better

5 month bump. :p

Even though this topic's pretty much dead I'd like to add my own opinion as well.

I always used to be a Fifa guy around 5 years ago, in fact I'd never even heard of PES back then. When I got my PS2, one of the first games I'd played on it was PES2. All reviews I read spoke about its realism, that's what made me by it. Well, to put it in a nutshell: I've never bought a Fifa game again (though I have played it at friends places :p )

Nothing beats playing Pro Evo with mates, the realism is just astounding. The depth is also great - the formations/strategies available to tweak, the number of player stats (which btw do actually influence a player's performance on the field).

It just feels alot more 'free' than Fifa. Can't really find another word to describe it. Anyone that plays or watches football regularly will notice how realistic PES is.

The graphics of Fifa maybe superior, but I'd prefer PES animations any day. Fifa just feels so scripted it's an absolute bore to play (for me, atleast.)

The license issue isn't a problem at all, just wait a couple of months after release, and tons of superb Option Files release for Pro evo, that update the appearances of players, team names, transfers, etc. Editing is alot easier in PES.

So far the best PES games imo have been 3 and 6. 4 was a bit too fast and felt arcadish, whereas 5 was slow and fouls were given way too often. 6 hits the balance perfectly.
Good think I missed out PES 5 then and only bought PES 4 (best game ever) and PES 6 (the other best game ever).

You say that the graphics are worse than Fifa's and that may be true, but they are both miles and miles ahead of cricket games.

The one thing wrong with PES 6 in my opinion is that if you try and volley a ball, sometimes it hits the player as if he were a statue and the player just stands there. The rest of the game is perfect.
The one thing wrong with PES 6 in my opinion is that if you try and volley a ball, sometimes it hits the player as if he were a statue and the player just stands there. The rest of the game is perfect.

Hasn't ever happened to me (thankfully :p )

One small downside to PES6 on the PC version is you really have to use a gamepad to play it effectively. Fifa on the other hand has much more accessible PC controls.

I've played Fifa 07 on the x360, apart from the graphics doesn't feel like football at all. :(
PES 4 is more fun while PES 6 is more realistic.

I am wondering, on PC, do both run fine or are they choppy like BLC 2007 is on some systems?

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