FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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I can quite simply say that Fifa 07 on the 360 is the worst footballing experience ever. The passing is stupid and you just can't slide tackle very well on it no matter how well you time it. I don't know how Fifa can even be mentioned in the same sentence as PES because Fifa's 360 version is a disgrace.
evertonfan said:
I can quite simply say that Fifa 07 on the 360 is the worst footballing experience ever. The passing is stupid and you just can't slide tackle very well on it no matter how well you time it. I don't know how Fifa can even be mentioned in the same sentence as PES because Fifa's 360 version is a disgrace.
Well, they have to start somewhere. It may be poor, but I bet there is some complex next gen AI behind it.
manee said:
PES 4 is more fun while PES 6 is more realistic.

I am wondering, on PC, do both run fine or are they choppy like BLC 2007 is on some systems?
Bloody yes! I have a very good computer and it is able to play any game on High specifications but when i installed PES 5 and PES 6.. the players were moving like Armstrong on moon! So slow, the frame rate is extremely low for some reason it just doesn't move fast and that's why I gave up on PES.
I'm sorry to say but....

PES6 > Xbox 360 > Online = PWNAGE!

FIFA07 > Xbox 360 = Returned After 2 Days!
manee said:
PES 4 is more fun while PES 6 is more realistic.

I am wondering, on PC, do both run fine or are they choppy like BLC 2007 is on some systems?

Today, I played PES4 after a long time and found the game to be too quick and not allow for proper build up play. I find PES6 to be a major improvement in graphics and animations and just the right balance between the rapid speed of 4 and the slowness of 5.

I can't compare PES to Fifa as I haven't bought a Fifa installment since I bought my PS2. As soon as I played PES1 on PS1, I knew it was the game for me.

Madman said:
I wonder what PES7 and Fifa 08 will be like, Konami are getting very lazy and if EA sort their gameplay they will have a hard job selling many PES7s/8s.

In what sense?
EA need a miracle to sort out their gameplay. With every title they promise 'brand new completly enhanced gameplay!' but what do we get? The same old rigid passing and clumsy tackling system.
I used to get FIFA, but didn't enjoy FIFA 06 really, so decided to go for PES this year. Love it. From my experience of previous FIFA's and I haven't played 07 so don't bite my head off FIFA lovers, it is very scripted. It is so amazing to change to Pro Evo where its not scripted at all. The game modes could be better in PES, i.e. being able to buy players in league mode and not just master league, which could be simplified. But in all the gameplay of PES just pwns FIFA and thats what matters to me!
PES should sort out:

The chip shot. Appallingly hard to time correctly.

Like Phil said, Transfers in league mode
I don't exactly know the difference between PES5 and PES6. All I know is that there are quick free kicks and a revamped shooting system so it's easier? Is that it!?
The chip shot. Appallingly hard to time correctly.

Do you use square + R1 or L1 + Square to chip? Play a few practice games, chipping isn't really hard once you get used to it.

I don't exactly know the difference between PES5 and PES6. All I know is that there are quick free kicks and a revamped shooting system so it's easier? Is that it!?

That's the thing with almost all PES games, there aren't any major changes as such, just subtle ones. Guess that's why they name it Pro Evolution Soccer. :p

I just find 6 to be a more free flowing game, 5 was a bit too slow and the fouling system was ridiculous. Long range shots were a tad too easy on 5 also, or maybe that's just me...
Edit: Chris Gayle
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Madman said:
And can someone explain, why does the AI cheat and bias? Even online it does so, as Culli would know :p.
Yeah I've not had the best of luck with the bias have I? :p

I completely agree with you, it seems you've taken our entire Xfire conversations and just put them here ;)

PS - I read somewhere that PES6 was supposed to be the quickest PES ever. Yeah right!
BTW guys, if you've seen anywhere that PES7 will be fully licensed with correct leagues and everything, it was an April Fools joke so no need to get excited and wet yourselves :p

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