i have both at the moment on PC.... and damn both have some pros and cons, pro evo has the player models and pitches whereas i found fifa pitches too all be very brown and dead with little variation,
fifa has the liceneses like kits, teams, leagues, evo has very few licenses but i do like the fact it has an addidas license for boots.. however i dont like the RBK balls and boots.
gameplay wise they are both somewhat opposite, pro evo 6 is a lot slower, but would seem to be more realistic, but fifa 07 has faster gameplay but in this department i just like both of them, because they are so different i love em both.
in the end i like to say i think they are both fantastic football games and deliver wide diversity and offer the gamer to have their choice on what they want to play.. it really comes to down to the individual as no review can make up a gamers mind on what they prefer since they are so different.
if only the cricket genre gave such diversity and choice to the gamer.. rather than having 2 very mediocre games.