FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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i have pes6 and fifa world cup 2006 and i like them both they both have different qualities which is refreshing though i think fifa just edges out out PES. just
no just with the environment and the atmosphere of the matches and the graphics all superficial (cosmetic) stuff. pes has better gameplay no doubt
Yeah, my only wish is that BLIC'07 was the PES of Cricket:)
Haha, I'll try not to mate DW. Stevie has already had a go at me for putting my views across about that game.
Wow, i find it hard to believe that the vote is so close. I find myself still addicted to pro evo, even as pro evo 7 approaches.
Or people that want to play the Premiership and actually feel like they're playing it instead of the J League.
Or people that want to play the Premiership and actually feel like they're playing it instead of the J League.

Head over to and you will find all sorts of wonderful things such as:

A patch that will give you real names and real kits, as well as ones for real balls and boots. Also, pick up kitserver, it will allow you to have many kits, balls, stadiums and all sorts of stuff, you could assign a unique stadium to each team (if you can find the right stadium download). There are also sound patches that make the sound awesome (you really have to hear it to believe it, it's even better than FIFA.)

The only thing FIFA has in it's favour is the amount of leagues and competitions it offers. Otherwise, I'm sure its sales would drop through the floor (take note, Konami! They don't have to be real leagues, we can always edit them ourselves!)
i have both at the moment on PC.... and damn both have some pros and cons, pro evo has the player models and pitches whereas i found fifa pitches too all be very brown and dead with little variation,

fifa has the liceneses like kits, teams, leagues, evo has very few licenses but i do like the fact it has an addidas license for boots.. however i dont like the RBK balls and boots.

gameplay wise they are both somewhat opposite, pro evo 6 is a lot slower, but would seem to be more realistic, but fifa 07 has faster gameplay but in this department i just like both of them, because they are so different i love em both.

in the end i like to say i think they are both fantastic football games and deliver wide diversity and offer the gamer to have their choice on what they want to play.. it really comes to down to the individual as no review can make up a gamers mind on what they prefer since they are so different.

if only the cricket genre gave such diversity and choice to the gamer.. rather than having 2 very mediocre games.
the thing is , is that i can't patch my ps2 version of pes so i have to edit everything. it ruins it for me. and you are probably right australians like my self find fifa more appealing. pes gameplay is good but unpatched i find it incredibly boring. its even scripted. every goal i score is a counter raid running down the wing with the computer just watching me. theen i change dirction and loose the defender than pass into someone on the edge of the box who passes into someone two metres from the goals and goal, i might sell pes and by fifa

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