ICCCT2006: Group B

Shame for New Zealand. If they can't get Bond up and ready to go then I don't see them getting very far in this tournament.


Katich claims his going to 'up the ante'. Weather this is a bluff or the mere truth remains to be seen. Hayden got 91 off 124 balls tonight for Queensland which he played quite patiently because it was needed and in the end ended up hauling out because he looked to get into 3 figures when their was about 10 runs to get and only 4 or so overs left before they couldn't get the bonus point.

=nightprowler10 said:
As for those guys liking him, sure they liked him as a team mate, but its not surprising they would have a problem with someone junior than them being chosen captain.

I can understand where Yousuf is coming from being pissed off but Afridi? And Akhtar? Wasn't Shoaib accused of not being dedicated enough for the actual team? As for Afridi well, lol... His form doesn't lead much to be desired. I find his batting to be very ordinary but his bowling on the otherhand it's bad at all. Still, not good enough for me to have him as a potential captain who will more then likely throw his wicket away when it's not needed.
Katich to "up the ante".... Has he kidnapped the selectors family then :p
Well, I am still sure that Bond will be 100%. It's the others I am worried about. Every time Bond has come back he has come back as good if not better. I know for fact that he does everything he can to get ready for the match. He puts a hell of a lot of work in getting himself fit etc.

Mills and Oram havn't bowled for ages in a match.
Well it looks like New Zealands team management will not play Bond tomrrow against South Africa as he has a sore back.

This is starting to make me think is he 100% fit ?
I almost had a heart attack when I woke up. But of course the news make it sound soo dramatic.

Basicly he had some stiffness and stuff in the warm up but was still wanting to play and we arn't letting him. So he will still most likely still play the rest of the games.

This isn't such a bad thing, Gillespie has demonstrated that he is a good bowler. We can and I think will still win without Bond. I think we have the better balanced team on paper.

-> I think there is a chance we will play two spinners now. Jeetan Patel bowled well during warm-up and if the pitch looks like it will turn he will be quite a handful.

My team for game 1.


I am not 100% sure on Oram and Styris whether they are in good enough form or fitness to bowl 10 each. Fulton was out played by Marshall in the warm ups. As much as I really like him as a player, I just can't fit him in. If I did it would mean Gillespie would have to sit out and we would have a Mills, Franklin, Oram, Styris, Vettori, Astle bowling attack which lacks a bit of firepower. It is hard for Gillespie to come out on debut in such a big match, but so far he has been up to the challenge.

It is a hard call really which to take. If it looks like it'll spin Patel might be a good idea.

I will be interested to see what team they pick because there are a few possibilitys!!!

I would love to see Fleming score big today. Start out the trophy in the best way possible.

Mills is an underrated bowler (13th on the rankings by what I last read) He will be realiable at the start and bowl wicket to wicket. If the ball is swining Franklin will be a handful but if not I fear the ball could shoot all over the place. Gillespie on debut could be good, could be bad, who knows. If he bowls like he did in the warm up's he should be great.

I think our opening bowlers will be the key! Without Bond they will need to hit their straps.
Well I guess that explains Asif's success.

Bond out? I'm not so sure about New Zealand without him. His easily their best player.
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Nice start by us :)

That wicket of Vincents was a great ball. Pollock got him good.

Nel has been a bit of a mixed bag. Good at times and bad at times.

Fleming nearing 50. Hope I havn't cursed them ;)

I hope England are tuning in. It's a learn to bat in the first 20 overs tutorial!
irottev said:
Nice start by us :)

Fleming nearing 50. Hope I havn't cursed them ;)

I hope England are tuning in. It's a learn to bat in the first 20 overs tutorial!

Well a first 15 over tutorial anyway ;) I think England could easily have replicated overs 15-20 from the New Zealand innings :p
lol. Beat me to it. Marshall's shot wasn't very good. Fulton should have come in before him.

Astle can't be blamed. I always see that thjough, things always go down hill after drinks breaks. He should have played out the over. He was unlucky none the less. The intent was good, make use of the powerplays.

Fulton got a bad call. It his his shoulder. They happen no biggy. Unfortonate though. He was looking good.

SA are bowling well. We will have batsmen to come down to 10. This partnership has to be big if we wanna press for runs at the death. While Fleming's there we may be alright. He really has to hold 1 end now.
i think you are being harsh with asif and akhtar we need more information. new zealand need to regroup the run rate just under 4 so its not too bad
wfdu_ben91 said:
Well I guess that explains Asif's success.

Bond out? I'm not so sure about New Zealand without him. His easily their best player.

Good line and length bowling has nothing to do with doping
That Oram decision was questionable also. I have a feeling he didn;t hit that. Didn't look or sound like it. Where is snicko when you need it? Why don't they use it?

-> Second lucky wicket for Kallis. Hits Franklin and ends up going down onto the stumps.

We are doing pretty well considering. Patel will get heaps of turn later on, he will be a handful. I think we are still in it. More runs would have been nice.
Stephen Fleming is a class act. He really has batted brilliantly and he really deserves a 100. It surely must go down as one of his best should he go on to get a century.

EDIT: Well that was a kiss of death wasn't it? 89 and he holes out. Brilliant innings nonetheless from Fleming.
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**** SAKE If anyone ever deserved a hundred it was there,

another poor ball gets a wicket. He deserved that so much. How unlucky. Well we might scrape 200 if we are lucky.


Sad end to the innings. I think our middle order was a little disrupted with the absence of Styris. He is vital as he is excellant at staying in and accumulating singles.

I think we did ok with the bat. There were some lucky times for South Africa really. They got the benefit from all the umpiring decisions, they got a few wickets with bad balls and then there was Franklin.

All that aside. Most of them bowled pretty well. Our batting wasn't good enough. I think we are 30 runs short but we do have a better equipted bowling attack for this surface. Ntini was useless so Bond being out may be not such a big problem. Less pace has been better.

Patel, Vettori, Astle, Mills, Oram are all pretty slow. Franklin probably the quickest but not express. It is a real shame we don't have Styris but I guess we will have to live with it.

Bring it on!! If Mills and Franklin can get some early wickets and keep the runs down they will give us a shot. This will probably be decided in the first 10 overs.

Will Franklin get swing?

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