South Africa in Australia Dec 2008-Jan 2009

Oh god, Hussey's gone for a duck, then Katich barely makes it through. Next ball, Katich plays and misses.

I think Australia MAY lose this one. Isn't it funny though, the one time Ponting wins the toss...
It's not been a good one to bat first on. The pitch always looks good, but the first innings scores tend to be low, with the last innings usually the longest.

angryangy added 5 Minutes and 0 Seconds later...

But yeah, every pitch in India was a certain bat first pitch, at Brisbane they were both always going to bowl and Adelaide is always bat first. It's the most marginal pitch they come up against since the West Indies. Not exactly a lucky way to finish a bad run of tosses.
Ah I love seeing Haydon Fail. He comes across as so arrogent. Its a shame that Steyn didn't get him out. Shame to see Huss get out early. I like watching him play
Its a horror start for Aus,they wouldnt have imagined that they will loose 3 wickets in 1st 5 overs! Right now Katich is playing well,they need to be very careful now,if any wicket goes here,or even in next seesion,possibly they might loose all wickets till end of day,so they should just play safely...
Far too touchy feely by our batters so far. Each of the wickets could have been left but each put their bat out their and caught the edge. So once again left to our new saviour in Clarke and Katich to get us out of this.
This isn't the worst pitch to bat on but the Aussies have played horribly. Not much movement off the seam,not much swing and even the bounce isn't acting like Perth.
Enthralling session. Some indecision and nerves early on sparked a collapse, but Clarke and Katich continued their good form and built a sturdy partnership. There are runs out there, but they have to resist and keep wickets in hand.
I think Smith took Steyn and Ntini of to early. One of the 2 should have stayed on and bowled some more overs. When Kallis came on he gave up too many runs and let of some of the pressure.
Great start from Saffas followed up by a good recovery from Australia. Is this is a late start in Australia? I seem to recall matches there start around 6.30am in India usually, whereas this one is starting at 8.

Also, I cannot decide whether to pledge support to Australia or South Africa this match. If Australia win, India has better chances of going to number 2, but if South Africa wins it will be fun to have another dig at the Aussies.

Saffas it is. ;)
I think Smith took Steyn and Ntini of to early. One of the 2 should have stayed on and bowled some more overs. When Kallis came on he gave up too many runs and let of some of the pressure.

Never rated Kallis' bowling to be honest, nothing more than a medium pace trundler. His bowling average is highly flattering as he can't seam or swing the ball in Australia and has never troubled us in the past. Only takes cheap wickets in England against poorer batsmen in helpful conditions.
Great start from Saffas followed up by a good recovery from Australia. Is this is a late start in Australia? I seem to recall matches there start around 6.30am in India usually, whereas this one is starting at 8.

Also, I cannot decide whether to pledge support to Australia or South Africa this match. If Australia win, India has better chances of going to number 2, but if South Africa wins it will be fun to have another dig at the Aussies.

Saffas it is. ;)

I want only India to be able to beat Australia. So, tough luck SAF:cool:
Great start from Saffas followed up by a good recovery from Australia. Is this is a late start in Australia? I seem to recall matches there start around 6.30am in India usually, whereas this one is starting at 8.

This, I think is due to the fact Perth is 2 hours behind Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and 45 minutes behind Adelaide

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