The Worst Ever World Cup....

I agree about the pitches, the pitches in the CT offered assistance to bowlers and it was a fair contest b/w bat and ball. We need to see more of those pitches instead of a beltathons like the ones in St. Kitts and Nevis where Aus and SA scored over 350 in pretty much every game. Also doesn't help with the small size of some of these grounds.

Well overall India's and Pakistan's early exit will damage the game in the two countries as fans will boycott the game and will damage world cricket in general. I don't see too many of those major sponsors renewing their contracts with the ICC after the dismal performances. This WC has been great to see the gap b/w major and weaker nations is closer but in terms of the future of the game will be damaged especially if there is a rapid decline in the game in India.
kodos said:
This WC has been great to see the gap b/w major and weaker nations is closer but in terms of the future of the game will be damaged especially if there is a rapid decline in the game in India.
There'll never be a decline of cricket in India. Unless, of course, we win the football World Cup. But that's not about to happen in the next 2-3 decades, I don't think.
I guarantee that you wouldn't think this is the worst world cup ever if Pakistan were still in it...

How is Ireland's Super 8 inclusion a joke? They got more points than two other teams in their group and therefore deserve to be there.
If Pakistan played as badly as to lose to Ireland then techinically wouldn't they be recieving more of a thrashing then Ireland in a Super 8's game?
prarara said:
;) At first I started out a bit defensive, but I changed my opinion of your post later on. Regardless of what the WC is cricketing wise, in terms of revenue, it isn't exactly ideal. I will enjoy the cricket, as anyone else should, but a lot of money will be lost because the two nations where cricket is the biggest have suffered an ignominous fate.
I see where your coming from but if you think about it its not going to affect ticket sales at the world cup itself much at all because you can only fit a set amount of people in a stadium and people will always want to see there country in the latter stages of a cup. As for tv the only people who will lose out is the TV channels because if they charge money per game then alot of indians/pakistan fans may not watch the world cup but the ICC wont itself because it has already recieve the pay deals from the channels. So revenue wise it should maintain its world wide value.
gambino said:
its not that bad at the moment

but the super 8 stage will be the worst in terms of boring and 1 sided than any previous world cup

5 sides can still win it imo.

Australia, South Afica, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and the West Indies can all win the tournament imo.
gambino said:
its not that bad at the moment

but the super 8 stage will be the worst in terms of boring and 1 sided than any previous world cup

Why? Because Pakistan aren't in it? For god sake i've had it with you lot, just because Pakistan aren't in it it doesn't mean its the end of the world! (cup :p)
Based on the title of the thread. No, I think this World Cup needs to be given time to get even more exciting, and I feel that will happen in the Super 8's, when the more talented countries play close and nail biting matches.

Incidentally, I think some of the best games so far have been when the so-called 'lesser' countries. The matches that I have enjoyed are...

Ireland v Zimbabwe (Great Finish)
Ireland v Pakistan (Incredible Upset)
India v Bangladesh

EDIT: Nice pun, Drew! :p
I don't understand what people go on about two nations bringing in money. It's just one country that brings money into cricket and that is India.

Pakistan's team sponsorship is just $1.4 million. India has a combined sponsorship of $110 million US. So, unless some one wants to be politically correct, it's just one nation that brings all the money into cricket.

Almost all of the major sponsors are Indian companies or Indian subsidiaries of foreign companies.

Australia brings much more money into the cricket than Pakistan does.
Originally Posted by PhilD123
Based on the title of the thread. No, I think this World Cup needs to be given time to get even more exciting, and I feel that will happen in the Super 8's, when the more talented countries play close and nail biting matches.

Incidentally, I think some of the best games so far have been when the so-called 'lesser' countries. The matches that I have enjoyed are...

Ireland v Zimbabwe (Great Finish)
Ireland v Pakistan (Incredible Upset)
India v Bangladesh

Well said Phil. This WC has been amazing. The atmosphere and the cheer of the fans, the minnow nations haven't pulled a duck out of the hat, they pulled out a mountain lion! I have watched some brilliant cricket:

Gibbs hitting 6 sixes for the first time in an ODI [did you forget that?]
Matthew Hayden hitting a 66 ball century against the best team in the world - SA!
India hitting 413/5!

I accept the fact that Bob Woolmer was murdered, and I am shocked at his passing, and also because Pak and possibly India are out dosen't mean the WC is now 'the worst ever' I for one is looking to the Super Eights for thrills, spills, drama and some mind blowing cricket.
Ireland v Bangladesh will be a cracker of a game between two evenly-skilled sides.
Look the super 8 is one sided because australia and south africa will beat everyone in the super 8

duded64 said:
oh sorry i forgot that when two overhyped nations get knocked out of a cup fairly the tournament should be cancelled. dont worry you'll have a new coach and captain soon who you can ask to be killed. personally i think this is one of the best world cups with NZL and srilanka looking to pose a good challenge and Australia and SA playing good like always. So shut up and stop moaning you idiot enjoy what is there and dont complain about everything if your team isnt good enough maybe in the future we should let pakistan win everything. or has that not been fixed already?
Shut up I didn't won't anyone to be killed Ok Because I am harsh or anything
And I don't care if we lose ok so Shut Up
masterkhan06 said:
Shut up I didn't won't anyone to be killed Ok Because I am harsh or anything
And I don't care if we lose ok so Shut Up

But you care enough to go round talking crap about Ireland match-fixing and how the world cup will be boring from now on. And you shut up.
And I can't wait for the 20/20 world cup and let just hope this world cup finsih quick.

Drewska said:
But you care enough to go round talking crap about Ireland match-fixing and how the world cup will be boring from now on. And you shut up.
No I won't is freedom of speach

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