Transmission Closes Down

Piracy of cricket games in China is probably pretty low though.
This is really terrible news.

But I doubt piracy is the reason behind this news. Most of the sales come through the console version of the games. The publishers know beforehand that the PC version is going to be pirated thats why it receives the least priority. Its sad but there is very little you can do to stop piracy on PC unless you make the game completely online. I think its best to move completely over to consoles.
Well, I am having a feeling that the Codies will interfere here and do something for Transmission games and it's employees. I do hope that happens.

King Cricket added 0 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...

Piracy of cricket games in China is probably pretty low though.

Do the Chinese even know the meaning of the word "cricket"?
I hope Codies just takes on the AC09 team as the in-house developer for the Ashes franchise. That would be the best case scenario.

Hmarka added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

Do the Chinese even know the meaning of the word "cricket"?

Probably not, cricket is not for communists.
This is really terrible news.

But I doubt piracy is the reason behind this news. Most of the sales come through the console version of the games. The publishers know beforehand that the PC version is going to be pirated thats why it receives the least priority. Its sad but there is very little you can do to stop piracy on PC unless you make the game completely online. I think its best to move completely over to consoles.
True, but believe me, once people move to Consoles fully, they will find ways to crack them as well. There's just not enough motivation for them at the moment. And I think that is good for us...
Great, so after waiting over 2 months patiently for the PS3 version to be fixed so that it becomes slightly playable and to finally see for myself the fuss that everyone here have caused about the beta's, we now get the news that we're gonna get naff all.. looks like I'll be trading in AC09 towards the new Pro Evo, if I'm lucky they might give me 10 bucks for it.
Maybe if they had produced a good game instead of a half decent one they might not be in the situation they now find themselves in...

Harsh, but(mostly)true!!!
Maybe if they had produced a good game instead of a half decent one they might not be in the situation they now find themselves in...

Harsh, but(mostly)true!!!

But they were listening to our feedbacks, weren't they? And no matter how decent a game is, some moronic pigs born in this planet would still resort to buying pirated copies, thus ruining whatever plans the developer might have. Ultimate result, the closing down of a company like Transmission. The quality of the game has hardly anything to do with it. Feel for these people! If things go like this, then no developer will put even one percent effort in the future cricket games. They will just recycle the same trash again and again like what EA is famous for doing. This is indeed alarming!
But I doubt piracy is the reason behind this news.
This is probably the case, Codemasters as the publisher get hit from piracy much more than the developer. Though it filters down eventually, if piracy is too high then they just decide not to take the risk any more, and then the developers shoulder the risk themselves.

Likely reasons were covered in the previous articles on the job cuts, that was failing to find a publisher for one of their projects and a pitch for a major movie game contract falling through. For a company that would be in a struggling position financially most of the time (it is a very tough market to be successful in), it would be extremely difficult to absorb the costs.

As was mentioned in one of the articles on this, the Government needs to take some responsibility here, they put nothing in to one of our fastest growing industries, yet will plunge millions into failing industries (like the motoring sector). They put millions into movies, television programs and other art, but won't put anything into helping our games industry get on its feet.

Probably not, cricket is not for communists.
My wicket is your wicket...
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I also doubt piracy was the issue here. I know that Sin City never made it, and that was supposedly going to be bringing in a lot of money for them. I also believe that HoE was a bit of a flop, and I think it was released late, which probably means it was over budget as well.

Ashes did make the top of the charts in the UK and Aus, but I doubt it got anywhere in terms of worldwide sales, considering the US won't have lapped it up.

Sure it's a good game, and seems to have been reasonably successful, but one swallow does not necessarily make a summer.

Still terrible news though. I just hope that Codemasters starts up a Melbourne office....
Who uses the word "ergo" in conversation these days?

Disappointing news I suppose though.

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