WC2007: Semi Finals

Can't wait for Semi Finals Now If Sri Lanka beat New Zealead That would be Great For me(not everyone) And lets all hope that South Africa Beat Australia:)

It's an interesting thing to ponder, because we all knew by what a sliver he was hanging on by, most of us were at best indifferent to his performances in the lead-up and he could well have found himself replaced. People have a tendency to overrate the tactical side of things, when this is the sort of thing that, as Sun Tzu would say, is the acme of skill: to have won before a ball is even bowled.
I desperatly hope we make this final. After what our sides been through with injuries and everything, I really hope that we can beat Sri Lanka. Fleming has been captain for a long time, I think he deserves a victory like that in his record. I think the NZ team will want that victory more then Sri Lanka. They'll be out there giving it everything. I'm sure our recent loss has inspired us. This has to be our best shot at this. We need to get the result.

After what the likes of Bond and Oram have been through with injuries, the effort put in, they deserve a final place also.
irottev said:
I desperatly hope we make this final. After what our sides been through with injuries and everything, I really hope that we can beat Sri Lanka. Fleming has been captain for a long time, I think he deserves a victory like that in his record. I think the NZ team will want that victory more then Sri Lanka. They'll be out there giving it everything. I'm sure our recent loss has inspired us. This has to be our best shot at this. We need to get the result.

After what the likes of Bond and Oram have been through with injuries, the effort put in, they deserve a final place also.

Its a semi final dude. I don't think you can say that a single team wants it more than the other one. Both teams would would want it desperately giving it all. Not just one.
angryangy said:

It's an interesting thing to ponder, because we all knew by what a sliver he was hanging on by, most of us were at best indifferent to his performances in the lead-up and he could well have found himself replaced. People have a tendency to overrate the tactical side of things, when this is the sort of thing that, as Sun Tzu would say, is the acme of skill: to have won before a ball is even bowled.

Gotta give it to Ponting he sure can get the best out of his players. First Symonds, then Lee and now Hayden.
I will be rooting for New Zealand. We need a new world champion this time :cool:
charith said:
Its a semi final dude. I don't think you can say that a single team wants it more than the other one. Both teams would would want it desperately giving it all. Not just one.

Of course, but from the interviews and everyhting, our guys seem very fired up. Not havng done it before should motivate our guys. Being Anzac day as well.
This is a very big night for irrotev. His dream of NZ winning the world cup could take it's biggest step yet into coming true!

Bond needs to fire and take allot of early wkts because other then him I just think Sri Lanka outclass the rest of the NZ team.
masterkhan06 said:
Can't wait for Semi Finals Now If Sri Lanka beat New Zealead That would be Great For me(not everyone) And lets all hope that South Africa Beat Australia:)
Isn't it great when people speak for everyone else?

cric_craze said:
just buy a hat right now
An Aussies supporters hat? You seem quite confident for someone who doesn't even support any of the final 4.
looking for a nzl win today cuz had put around 5000 stake on them in vbookie

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