Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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your two bit company
Their company is one of the successful game studios in australia, a company that's produced sports titles for consoles, does innovation that major corporate's are not doing despite having better funds and im sure many kids studying in games in aus would love to have a chance to work in there.

So before you call someone's hard work or throw tantrum think about it, ok fine the game is not working for you, ross has assured so many times that they are working on a fix for a fault that is not theirs, if you cant wait just get a refund.

I will give you a better analogy For your chef soup thing cause im bored, here the soup is not faulty but the container that was holding it was leaky, Ross here is the chef, the soup is the game both are fantastic as the other people eating around are exclaiming and chatting merrily about the chef and the soup, the chef who is good man joins in and watches merrily as people relish his soup and have fun around.


The soup, the chef and the leaky plate

Now the leaky container has spilt on Mr.dasay table and he cant enjoy the soup like others ,he is aggrieved, now the person in the next table also has the same problem, he raises is hand 'hey chef the soup is leaking', the chef is aggrieved too that his customer cant relish his wonderfully made soup and is looking to make rearrangements for them, but Mr.dasay cant stand it anymore he just wants to shout too much ,he thinks the world is going to end because he cant have the soup and he makes false accusations that the soup is not good.

THIS word that the soup is not good, the word that his art and passion has been slandered the chef cant take that, he know his stuff, so he throws Mr.dasay a disgruntled look and a few deserved expletives at him, then goes to the the kitchen to make the rearrangements for all the faulty container including Mr.dasay's, now Mr.dasay can walk out of the restaurant and not have the soup, or can stay there put a hands up sorry chef heat of the moment and stress, and enjoy stuff with all the merry people around once the rearrangements are made.

This is piece is totally work of fiction and planet cricket overdose,if the characters or their actions in the piece resemble or reflect @Ross or dawsey its merely an coincidence and should not be taken seriously

ya the chef keeps throwing some bones oops ima veggie like the chef so some mushrooms in my soup, thats why this piece :rolleyes
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People cannot go into liquidation... Google may well be your friend but like Wikipedia doesn't always tell it like it is. Back to school for you dude.

Thankfully I am fully aware that you are only representative of yourself.

Thanks for quoting CA :) :rolleyes

I have an article here quoting you in relation to your company going into liquidation. I notice a distinct lack of denial or you telling the reporter 'you don't know the full story'. You opened this door jackass. I'll happily walk through it.
You have a real weird way of trying to get your game fixed, bro.


On this site, we are ranked (Club, weekend etc.). Therefore it is obvious who "regulars" are.

Which means absolutely nothing, thanks for proving my point. My post wasn't at you, it was directed at comments like yours. It's called subtext. Chill out, wasn't having a crack at you for any other reason than I see that comment a lot from people that don't get it.

If you don't like it, speak to Admin.

We meet in a secret room, there's no speaking. Just passionate staring. #NotIlluminati
I have an article here quoting you in relation to your company going into liquidation. I notice a distinct lack of denial or you telling the reporter 'you don't know the full story'. You opened this door jackass. I'll happily walk through it.

i'm genuinely not sure what relevance a liquidation of a part of the company related to restructuring debts that were largely owed to shareholders or inter-company balances, has to the ongoing company attempting to fix an issue on a game.

this has gone so far beyond average trolling it's not funny any more.

bottom line, there's an issue that needs fixing. big ant trying to fix it. what more can they do?
@Dawsey49 - seriously mate, I think you are doing a damn fine job of putting off Ross from being part of this forum. This community had a massive input on making the game - do you think it would be this good without it and his involvement? Tell me how many other gaming CEO's actively engage their grass roots community?

Please for our sake - take your attitude elsewhere. If it makes you feel better - take your game back. We want Ross around for many iterations to come...
If I'd known a while back how long it would take the I would have. I am hoping we can get something done soon that mitigates the issue.

Very interested to hear if the sound off is working for people?

Didn't help me. Although I haven't installed the game to my console as the guy (forgot his name sorry!) said because I don't have the space on my hard drive. That some people aren't happy despite the fact you've said you're working hard on this is staggering to me. I've never known a group of people to have first hand access to a developer like this. Thanks for everything so far and I hope you reach a resolution soon :thumbs
aaaaaannnndddd........That's how its done folks!!

It's funny how not being an arsehole leads to others being more receptive/helpful/pleasant.
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Again, Chef who cooks the steak and Waiter who delivers it? They're members of the same establishment. Microsoft and Big Ant - different companies.

Worst. Analogy. Ever.

At least we're now established @richowebbo is the good guy here, and he and @Biggs can be friends. (sorry @zombieian!)

No need to apologise. I must have done something in a past life to offend him.;)
Didn't help me. Although I haven't installed the game to my console as the guy (forgot his name sorry!) said because I don't have the space on my hard drive. That some people aren't happy despite the fact you've said you're working hard on this is staggering to me. I've never known a group of people to have first hand access to a developer like this. Thanks for everything so far and I hope you reach a resolution soon :thumbs

Thanks for the support, really appreciate it, especially since your console's not behaving :(

We've tried everything on here so far, I have a few clues as to what changed in the last MS Firmware update that point to a write thread issue. I'm sure once we solve it then other devs will patch too :)
I have an article here quoting you in relation to your company going into liquidation. I notice a distinct lack of denial or you telling the reporter 'you don't know the full story'. You opened this door jackass. I'll happily walk through it.

I've had enough of this and it's not getting us anywhere.
If you are dissatisfied with the game; return it.
If you want to take the matter further I'm sure you can find the correct people to do it with.

Here is not the correct place to get into a slinging match with anyone let alone the person who is trying to help you, and others, by fixing the issue. I will delete any further posts that continue this argument.
Turning sound still doesnt stop the freeze for me either I'm afraid.

Still using the save after first ball and restart after crash trick to play.

Yes its annoying, but am more than prepared to do it to play this fantastic game.

It has its problems sure but when it works, what a game!!!

Forgot to add, Ross has said he is working on fixing it so why all the hate? If he just turned round and said "oh well its only a small percentage with a problem stuff um" I could understand the hate.

Be patient as I'm sure Ross and Big Ant Cricket are as frustrated the game freezes as much as we are.
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Is it wrong that I have an urge to just tell people to buy a PS3 :P

Anyway -

Dear Mr AI Captain,

You are not Alastair Cook.

You do not need to follow the ball after literally every delivery, especially in first class cricket.

My playing a defensive shot does not mean you need to immediately bring in a short leg, silly point and silly mid off.

My happening to nail a drive to the cover boundary on the first morning of a test match played on a green bouncy pitch does not mean that you have to remove all three slips (ignoring for now the fact that two of them are superflous) and put in a long on, long off and a man on the cover boundary.

My alternating scoring shots between leg glances and straight drives does not mean you have to alternate having 3 men on the leg side boundary and 2 men straight down the ground every single delivery.

Kind Regards

Is it wrong that I have an urge to just tell people to buy a PS3 :P

Does it not happen on the PS3? Goddammit! I debated for ages which console to get the game on too. Ultimately I decide as I upgraded to a PS4 I'd probably get rid of the PS3 soon...hindsight huh?! :rolleyes
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