Hmmm, a scary thread indeed. I hope for all your sakes it gets fixed and you can get some complete games soon
Just a couple of questions I'm interested in hearing peoples views on;
- Have they fixed the 'length' issue with bowling? or is the 'good zone' still a half-volley length?
- Is the quality of the ball still detiremined by where you put it on the pitch? (i.e. are you still restricted to bowling where the computer wants you too to get good balls, or is it more about the delivery itself that detirmines a good ball?)
- Can you have true custom fields? or do you have to put your guys on preset 'spots' like in AC09
Basically trying to work out if it's worth investing my money into this version.
So far I'm not that excited about this game based on what I have been readying... but I've also bought every cricket game for Playstation since PS1, so a big part of me wants to get it, but I have a feeling it will be a dust collector on my shelf if the online is as rubbish as it sounds like.