Pakistan in India

its only a matter of time before pathan gets found out again

chappell completely destroyed pathan and sehwag and theres no way they will be the players they were once
Pakistan lost the first ODI because they were never in a position where they dominated the game.
However, we were dominating the contest for the first 75 overs of the game and managed to mess it up in the last 25.
That is why we fans are so disgusted by this defeat.

:mad: Does it really matter how a team wins, as long as they win.. they just win thats the main point...

Me- ?What was the name of the president of Rwanda at the time of their 1994 genocide??

Teacher - ?who cares??
:mad: Does it really matter how a team wins, as long as they win.. they just win thats the main point...

I think it matters, dude. It's not always about the result. I can go on, but I'm pretty sure you can assume what cliche things I can say here.

Me- “What was the name of the president of Rwanda at the time of their 1994 genocide?”

Teacher - “who cares?”

What a horrible teacher! How can he/she be so blatantly ignorant and set that kind of example in front of his/her students, especially about such a bad situation! History repeats itself if we don't learn from it. Habyarimana was the president, if you still haven't received your answer. :)
Well you know it’s a genocide, people are killing people. We don’t need to know the name of the president, it‘s not important. That teacher has been teaching for a long time. You can’t call anyone anything unless you know them.. that’s just wrong.

End of the day.. All that counts is the result, believe it or not.
Do we have a good ... ok, atleast a feeble/mediocre bowling attack in first place? :p :noway

I think we need to look beyond Zaheer for leading our fast bowling attack. RP Singh has good promise, has increased his pace and is a far better bowler than before. Sreesanth has all the qualities of being the feared spearhead (his over aggression will come down soon after Australia), Pathan has got back his rhythm and has got back some pace too. We seriously need Balaji back. I am hearing news that he might be back soon to play. He is one very good bowler with good consistency and pace. Also, we got to look for Yomahesh.

May be we also need a different bowling coach than Prasad. Havent seen our bowling doing really well for sometime now. Srinath might be a good choice. Or why dont we try and get that TA Shekar (MRF academy guy) in as our bowling coach? He has made many a career out of Indian fast bowlers, and he has been helping out fast bowlers worldwide with the academy.

It happens when a player takes his place for granted.I think someone should remind him of how he cameback after getting dropped.

Many players in the team go through this - play well, take their place for granted, get dropped, work hard, win back their place, play well, take it for granted, etc... its cycle that repeats itself.

He is really the pick of the Indian seamers.
I think Khan should get the sack for the Tests.
Why can't they play Sree ? -Well even though i'm not a big fan of his,i think this is the perfect time for him to rattlesome bails.

May be Sree is getting the reward for showing aggression on the field. He plays the game his way, and he hasnt been crossing the line (although people's opinion says he is!). He has to be brought back. I am happy that he has a captain like Kumble in the test series. The perfect guy who can calm down Sreesanth.
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May be we also need a different bowling coach than Prasad. Havent seen our bowling doing really well for sometime now. Srinath might be a good choice. Or why dont we try and get that TA Shekar (MRF academy guy) in as our bowling coach? He has made many a career out of Indian fast bowlers, and he has been helping out fast bowlers worldwide with the academy.

Its the same 'Sai' who asked me whether i was watching the different game when i stressed the same point about our dear bowling coach and our bowling some time before. ;) As i said you before, Wait and see in Australia against Lankans/Aussies. :p

Seriously, i believe Sachin can bowl inswingers/outswingers perfect than our current crap so called strike bowlers. In Pakistan bowling line up, Gul and Akthar both were competing within themselves to bowl the faster delivery ( Gul had 144 avg and Akthar had 145 kmph avg in last game) while our bowlers competed within themselves who is bowling better crappy delivery?

I am waiting for Test series anyways. I am sure, the impact of SpinTwins is going to be great because its Indian conditions. ;) Going to follow only Sachin's batting in upcoming ODIs whatever runs he get.
I think we need to look beyond Zaheer for leading our fast bowling attack. RP Singh has good promise, has increased his pace and is a far better bowler than before. Sreesanth has all the qualities of being the feared spearhead (his over aggression will come down soon after Australia), Pathan has got back his rhythm and has got back some pace too. We seriously need Balaji back. I am hearing news that he might be back soon to play. He is one very good bowler with good consistency and pace. Also, we got to look for Yomahesh.

May be we also need a different bowling coach than Prasad. Havent seen our bowling doing really well for sometime now. Srinath might be a good choice. Or why dont we try and get that TA Shekar (MRF academy guy) in as our bowling coach? He has made many a career out of Indian fast bowlers, and he has been helping out fast bowlers worldwide with the academy.

May be Sree is getting the reward for showing aggression on the field. He plays the game his way, and he hasnt been crossing the line (although people's opinion says he is!). He has to be brought back. I am happy that he has a captain like Kumble in the test series. The perfect guy who can calm down Sreesanth.

I agree with you here regd Zaheer and Balaji.
Yomahesh is another good find.Btw,what happened to Abid Nabid or whoever that guy was ? He was from J&K and Chappell apparently found him.

Seriously, i believe Sachin can bowl inswingers/outswingers perfect than our current crap so called strike bowlers.

Heck,he can even open the bowling and do a much better job than ZK.
Even Sourav bowled decently in the last ODI.

Regd,Prasad,well he's had his time now,but the results are not there.
Also the board has'nt been chopping players here and there.
So,maybe it is time for him to go.
He is really the pick of the Indian seamers.
I think Khan should get the sack for the Tests.
Why can't they play Sree ? -Well even though i'm not a big fan of his,i think this is the perfect time for him to rattlesome bails.

That would be unfair to him if we drop him from the test side.
Especially because he was superb in the England series which was the last test series which we played.
He bowled superbly in the SA test series as well.

Dropping him from the test side would be similar to the mistake they commited by dropping Sehwag from the test side where he was`nt doing too badly at all.
its only a matter of time before pathan gets found out again

Found out for what? Please inform us of his weakness which will be found out?

The fact is that Pathan is not and never will be the bowler who burst onto the scene a couple of years ago but now we have a 22 year old capable of bowling 135kph who has the wisdom of someone far older and the tricks to match.

He is a mature bowler and bowlers like him are priceless in ODIs. They tend to go for few runs per over and pick up wickets through containment as well as through skill. He can get the odd ball to swing in a tad and his cutters are brilliant.

I am adament that he needs a bit more work with his action to help him hit the pitch hard when it is not swinging like England did against India in some of the ODIs but I feel that, the way he is now, he is not capable of being found out and dominated by batsmen.
Well I've not watched Indian test matches expect when they play Pakistan, however seen alot of Indian ODI, and yeah.

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