Pakistan in India

This match is obviously a draw, because look at it this way.....

India won't want anything less than 350 and that will take at least an hour to achieve, and then where do India get 10 wickets from? On a balanced equation it would work out as 2 wickets in the first (half, becuase India batted) session, and then 4 wickets both in the 2nd and 3rd sessions....

So its virtually impossible.
Come on Sanjay. Yu think that Indian bowlers cannot destroy Pakistan in 2 sessions?? You must be joking. Its only Misbah who is difficult to get rid of and maybe Sami too. But all others give India fielding practice and umpire to practice LBW desicions.
Kaneria was turning the ball a mile. Unfortunately, most of that roughage was outside the right handers leg stump--not Bhajji territory. Perhaps Kumble could actually extract some turn out of that.

I overheard on commentary that the highest successful run-chase at Kolkata is 120! I find this hard to believe so I'm sure this was Arun Lal up to his regal worst.

This match looks like a draw. India were unable to get quick runs yesterday even when they tried (even by sending Dhoni in early) so I don't think they will be able to put enough up quickly enough to feel safe about declaring.
I feel India will bat an hour into the morning session and score whatever possible. We will have the option of the heavy roller in the morning on Day 5 and so, lets see what the heavy roller can do to this wicket.

A target of 340-350 should be enough for India to put Pakistan in and try to force a victory. I feel Eden 2001 is still possible (India then set 384 for Australia in the final day, and Australia seemed to be heading for a draw the way they batted, but Bhajji turned it around with amazing bowling).
Bhajji should go round the wicket and continuously bowl googlies to make use of the rough patches :D

If we get 3 wickets by the end of the first session, we may be in with a shout, though I doubt it, most probably a draw.
Pakistan are giving away runs in comical fashion ! Already conceded 25 runs in just 3.3 overs !

Why is Tendulkar not being sent up ahead of Dravid ?
Tendulkar can improvise better against the leg-spinner !
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Tendulkar did not take the field yesterday for some time.
The rules require a player to spend the time he was missing-before he comes out to bat.
wow early decleration fom India. I expected them to make more runs and go for a drav, if pakistan can get a good start from their openers they might just have a chance.
Inda have declared. The target is not impossible. They can win this one but they need to play carefully. They will probably play for a draw though. RR is about 4.5 an over.
I hope Pakistan have a crack at chasing these 345 runs,it will veiw interesting reading off cricinfo:p
Pakistan are playing for a draw. Clearly thats the best way for them to go - defend, score slow and bat out the rest of the day. If they go for the target, they will definitely lose the match and the series. Dhoni, Saurav and Dravid found it impossible to force the pace on this pitch.

But the bad thing for india now is it is easy for the batsmen to survive if they defend on this pitch. If India want to win this match, they have to be dead accurate. Hit the rough very often, put the fielders on high alert and hope that they sneak through the Pakistan batsmen's defences.

Draw is the most likely, but wont rule out the Indian victory which is still possible. Pakistan cant win this!
What a boring match. Pakistan couldn't even get 10 wickets in 2 innings and India are struggling on the flattest pitch I've seen in the Eden Gardens for a while now. It is so slow that the batsmen can stay back and comfortably defend even well pitched up deliveries which they would normally have to step forward to.

I've always believed that the "rough" is given far too much importance. At best, it can give you one wicket by misbehaving. The best chance of getting wickets is when the pitch is a bit quicker and a bit more bouncier (with increasing variation in bounce as the match progresses).

Draw was a foregone result from the middle of day 3 I reckon. This kind of pitch is the worst advertisement for Test cricket. Dead pitches will kill test cricket.
This kind of pitch is the worst advertisement for Test cricket. Dead pitches will kill test cricket.

And you know what? Whenever the curator comes up on screen, Arun Lal says "he must be pretty satisfied with the way the pitch has played up till day 5". makes me feel like shooting that poor curator down.

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