Patch General discussion

Just read through all the pages since the patch was launched. There's no mention of this yet but...Black Screen of Death in online games...fixed ou pas?
I can take the heat from the minority that can't read and don't get it.

The patch has been submitted and approved, there will be no additional changes it is just awaiting upload by Microsoft. Correct?

What possible rationale could you have for not releasing the patch notes?
Classy. Have a dig at your customers who spent $80 on your product and are just eager to get it working well and to get info rather than have to listen to conjecture....

Read what he said. The customers who are eager to get it working (majority) are not in that list. Chill.
Classy. Have a dig at your customers who spent $80 on your product and are just eager to get it working well and to get info rather than have to listen to conjecture....

Yeh except that isn't what he said at all.
Read what he said. The customers who are eager to get it working (majority) are not in that list. Chill.

Mmm no, he's havinga dig for no good reason.

You release a patch, you release the notes that go with it.
A lot if devs will release the notes before the patch goes live to stimulate discussion and interest.

What we have now is an annoying mix of speculation, misinformation and assumptions which could all be avoided
Mmm no, he's havinga dig for no good reason.

You release a patch, you release the notes that go with it.
A lot if devs will release the notes before the patch goes live to stimulate discussion and interest.

What we have now is an annoying mix of speculation, misinformation and assumptions which could all be avoided

And unless I'm appears as though it hasn't hit XBOX yet (unless someone wants to correct me).
Oh look now the ass kissing brigade have show up again. Don't you realise your paying customers and you don't have to excuse every bug and issue with the game you paid for and act as if fixing a product that has issues isn't a favor its and expectation? I'm done with posting here, too many people who won't take an unbiased look at things and this isn't the only time bigamt have made snide little comments about posters when they have made criticisms they didn't agree with. That shouldn't happen on public forums
Classy. Have a dig at your customers who spent $80 on your product and are just eager to get it working well and to get info rather than have to listen to conjecture....

No, classy is listening to the *vast* majority of users and supporting the product. Have a great Easter :)
Oh look now the ass kissing brigade have show up again. Don't you realise your paying customers and you don't have to excuse every bug and issue with the game you paid for and act as if fixing a product that has issues isn't a favor its and expectation? I'm done with posting here, too many people who won't take an unbiased look at things and this isn't the only time bigamt have made snide little comments about posters when they have made criticisms they didn't agree with. That shouldn't happen on public forums

Or you can read the posts where he literally tells you exactly what is happening instead of complaining for no good reason.

Your attitude wont be missed.

I'd rather be part of the supportive brigade than the illiterate brigade.
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I cannot release patch notes until both systems are out - I have been clear on this - this is not a choice I have made.


I'm done with posting here

Thank god for that, but can you help yourself? :)
Oh look now the ass kissing brigade have show up again. Don't you realise your paying customers and you don't have to excuse every bug and issue with the game you paid for and act as if fixing a product that has issues isn't a favor its and expectation? I'm done with posting here, too many people who won't take an unbiased look at things and this isn't the only time bigamt have made snide little comments about posters when they have made criticisms they didn't agree with. That shouldn't happen on public forums

A) if we took umbrage at every bug in every game we buy, we wouldnt have much time for actually playing games.

B) At least BigAnt engage their customers at all, very few devs do that.
And having to put up with snotty little ingrates like you i dont blame them
I'm sure if Ross was able too give us the patch notes now he would! Its not as if he is holding it for himself to tease us... so just be patient guys!
Most of you's are so ungratefull,ffs! he said they can't release patch notes yet so be patient and grateful that atleast bigantstudio's is listening and are gonna fix,and i'd rather have a game that is not rushed to fix the bug's and then create more bug's by rushing,bigantstudio you guy's are appreciated by 99.5% of us here.

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