South Africa in England

I dont know why people read so much into this performance by SA...I knew it was going to happen that we'll get pummelled in the last test - we already have the series, this game is just a formality for the team I think. I would have been VERY surprised if we continued our good play, most of the guys who are only in the test team are prob already thinking of the flight home and relaxing lol

We're not as focussed as we were previously while there was still something to fight for - its pretty obvious, not very admirable, but we always do this though, no biggy

I'm sure there already looking forward to teh flight home...

No cricketer would go in with an attuide of not caring just because the series is over.. personal pride is what drives cricketers to do well... series over or not..

PLus, there playing for there country. Nuff said!
Oh this is gash, the first day's play I miss all summer happens to be the one were we bowl absolutely superbly. That's the last time I go Manchester for clothes.

Yup Evo Congrats for new clothes but you have missed something which we wanted to see all summer.
Harmy firing with Bouncer and Yorkers.Awesome performance by Harmy and Anderson.
Though I was waiting for your post when Harmy bowled first ball of the match and Cook dropped the Catch.:p
Ball is moving like banana. 200 will be enough for Saffers.
I reckon england will get 460.

KP 120.

Flintoff 110.
I have to say that with Harmison and Flintoff in the side it looks like a very potent and balanced attack. Does anyone know if Siders was actually injured or just dropped?
Little bit too late to find form in the final test of the summer though!
I really can't believe we got them out for 194 when they were 103-1! That is some quality bowling. Its a shame we have found this in the last test when we are only playing for pride!

Strauss and Cook to get a 100 partnership! :)
Wow, who would have thought - 101/1 to 194 all out.

Amazing transformation by Harmison, Jimmy, and Flintoff!

Well done England, but they need to get atleast a 120 run lead to be in front in this test match
Suprised at how well Harmison came back.

Let's hope this continues and he get's back to the old harmy where used to.
I've missed todays play due to being in the nets but i've had regular updates about whats going on and by all accounts Harmison is back. Shame, the tail wagged.

How has KP been?
I've missed todays play due to being in the nets but i've had regular updates about whats going on and by all accounts Harmison is back. Shame, the tail wagged.

How has KP been?

Well, he hasn't bowled, but Im sure he will be happy with the comback from us though! :cool:

Broad was having a hard time, but he kept him in and bowling, and he ended up getting 2 wickets :)

Strauss, poor shot. There goes the 100 run partnership!
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Broad was having a hard time, but he kept him in and bowling, and he ended up getting 2 wickets :)

Cheap tailend wickets - he is an awful bowler and deserved 0 wickets for his effort today. His economy rate dropped from bowling to the tail too.
Like I was expecting: if South African batsmen struggle on this pitch, so will English batsmen. Strauss is just out.
Cheap tailend wickets - he is an awful bowler and deserved 0 wickets for his effort today. His economy rate dropped from bowling to the tail too.

He isn't an awful bowler.

Good day for England....

Direct hit, looks blooming close. Bell survives, overthrows, 5 to England total.

It's a good pitch for bowling. That could be dependant on the weather around though. Maybe the pitch will get better tomorrow and over the weekend.

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