Hussey is bowling why not Pup toohe has a great record against India
This partnership is now of 23 runs, not looking good for us, need a breakthrough quick
This post is pretty old, but last time I checked, Dhoni should have been placing a series win over Australia slightly higher than a few fans' notions of what Test cricket needs to survive. It's not a good look for Test cricket... sure. But then you have to condemn Australia's 2004 win in India, because they employed the very same tactics.His move certainly wasn't what Test cricket needed. We probably lost move viewers due to the tactic which really shows the state of the game at present. Not saying Dhoni shouldn't have done it cause it worked in the end but it certainly isn't a good look for Test cricket.
Anyway I don't know what we were doing after tea. We should have just gone down all guns blazing then being choked out. That would have given us more overs to bowl at the Indians, leaving 1 over and 2 days is really pushing it for a result.