Bangladesh v India - 2 Test Matches, January 2010

People are reading too much into this. There is still quite some distance to go in this match and India can bowl equally well. Besides, Bangladesh haven't taken 20 wickets yet :p. More importantly, every team has these collapses every now and then. India were due a collapse tbh. They've been doing quite well recently. We will bounce back with our bowling and batting in the second innings. Bangladesh has the ability to show flashes of brilliance but cannot really sustain it throughout the course of a test match as we saw when they had the chance to beat Australia but failed.

Yeah I still fully expect India to win this but it's just good to see Bangladesh doing well.
India can bowl equally well.

** cough ** cough ** I am not understanding those words. ** cough ** cough *** Or you speaking greek & latin? :rtfl

By the way collapse doesn't include a failure of 10 batsmen :sarcasm 2 - 3 quick breakthroughs, we can call it a collapse. Falling of 10 batsmen all together is, falling like pack of cards is what it's generally known as. :sarcasm Don't cover up guys. Accept the fact that, Bangladesh & Sachin alone were brilliant today.

After seeing the legendary Sachin taking the Indian line up alone, I now wish to see his century but it's too big ask.
this particular day has done india a WHOLE LOTTA good if you think about it.
a blessing in disguise.

so now, we wont get so much complacent and bask in the glory of being temporary No.1.
Gonna throw this out into the open. If India by some horrible accident lost the series, would they be knocked of number 1? :p (We all know they are still going to beat Bangla tho)
Gonna throw this out into the open. If India by some horrible accident lost the series, would they be knocked of number 1? :p (We all know they are still going to beat Bangla tho)

i dont know why but i really want india to lose the no.1 tag.
with such a shambolic bowling lineup....we dont deserve to be even in the top 3.
this is BULLCRAP!! its brighter then when we started!!

MacLovin added 1 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

who will get 5fw 1st? Shak or Sharpova?

should have been Shahdat!! they dropped Tendu.

hope this doesnt cost much, clean em up 1st thing in the morning.

this is good in a way. we dont have to bat today
it's rubbish because they should have had tendulkar. don't think they'd mind too much coming out later needing only ishant or sreesanth.

in a way though, I think it might help them going off. they can come back tomorrow, finish them off, they have done enough to ensure india will struggle to make 250, had zaheer still been in india would be much more dangerous. so the top order can be prepared to come out and bat and try to keep the intiative.
should have been Shahdat!! they dropped Tendu.

It's Zaheer is what I thought.

cricinfo said:
Shahadat Hossain to Khan, no run, and he's dropped! Zaheer is foxed into playing a drive early, foot not to the pitch, ends up spooning the ball in the air to a deepish point where Shafiul runs in and decides to dive, not sure why, and ends up spilling what was a straightforward take had he not fell forward
** cough ** cough ** I am not understanding those words. ** cough ** cough *** Or you speaking greek & latin? :rtfl

By the way collapse doesn't include a failure of 10 batsmen :sarcasm 2 - 3 quick breakthroughs, we can call it a collapse. Falling of 10 batsmen all together is, falling like pack of cards is what it's generally known as. :sarcasm Don't cover up guys. Accept the fact that, Bangladesh & Sachin alone were brilliant today.

After seeing the legendary Sachin taking the Indian line up alone, I now wish to see his century but it's too big ask.

You are confusing our ODI form with our Test form. We would not be #1 if our bowlers were as bad as you make them out to be.
well, hope they dont let them get away in the morning. clean em up asap. and Shakib should let other bowlers ball too. Shafi was bowling great, so was Rubel, but the only bowled few overs.

and good to see Shahdat back with his old action, with pace, and picking up wickets.

MacLovin added 1 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

It's Zaheer is what I thought.

no there was another chance, from Sachin. 3 man went under it, and stopped half way

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